Sitting Will Kill You



  • notthatthis
    The only health thing I find scary is MedicalBillingAndCoding.
    Specifically the billing part... :P

    I almost had a heart attack when I got the bill from a Miami hospital for 5mins of a doctors time to confirm I had chipped a tooth and write me a prescription for pain killers!

    You should move to Canada.

    Is it even more there?!

    In the UK it's free (well, it comes out if your taxes which for me is around $300 per month which includes health care and pension).
    And yes I get treated for anything and everything, pre existing, long term, etc etc.

    But sorry, don't want to make this a political thread, if you're happy with it it doesn't matter what I think as I don't live there.
    It just amazed me I had to find $650 or more for that.
    And pay $112 for 12 pills in Walmart.

    Not saying its wrong, just not what I'm used to.

    Would have been handy if I'd been sitting when they have me the bill actually, lol!

    It comes out of our National Insurance Contributions but is also subsidised from Income Tax which was never the idea. Sports injuries cost more to the NHS than alcohol, drug use and smoking. NHS was never meant to cope with the age of it's population, the cost of maternity, the cost of road accidents and the list goes on. NHS needs reform, private insurance is required and that is coming from a namby pamby left-wing apologist.
  • HardRockCamaro
    How would private insurance help?
    Anything private has to run at a profit so you'd pay more than what it costs to provide you the service.
    An increase in national insurance would be easier on your pocket.

    Of course, the NHS does need to become less wasteful.
    Something not helped by every private company supplying the government which overcharges because, well, the customer is the government.

    I have private insurance in addition to my NHS (costs me £56 pre tax as a compsny benefit) which may help me jump some queues etc and have a private room, but I wouldn't sweat if I didn't have it).
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    Bump to read later
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    What a terrible piece of propaganda.

    So if you're too lazy to look something up, it must be wrong? Interesting strategy.
  • notthatthis
    How would private insurance help?
    Anything private has to run at a profit so you'd pay more than what it costs to provide you the service.
    An increase in national insurance would be easier on your pocket.

    Of course, the NHS does need to become less wasteful.
    Something not helped by every private company supplying the government which overcharges because, well, the customer is the government.

    I have private insurance in addition to my NHS (costs me £56 pre tax as a compsny benefit) which may help me jump some queues etc and have a private room, but I wouldn't sweat if I didn't have it).

    Private insurance for the "bells and whistles" and to cover sport injury, traffic accidents and the many other details that the NHS was never designed for.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    So if you're too lazy to look something up, it must be wrong? Interesting strategy.
    Not really - I'm confident that I know enough about human biology and the presentation of information to label it as 'propaganda'.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Science has also proven that 100% of people who maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly die.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I hear breathing will kill you too. If you do it for long enough.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    So... if I have a desk job, but otherwise lead a fit and active lifestyle with a healthy diet, I'm going to die? :huh:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    How would private insurance help?
    Anything private has to run at a profit so you'd pay more than what it costs to provide you the service.
    An increase in national insurance would be easier on your pocket.

    Of course, the NHS does need to become less wasteful.
    Something not helped by every private company supplying the government which overcharges because, well, the customer is the government.

    I have private insurance in addition to my NHS (costs me £56 pre tax as a compsny benefit) which may help me jump some queues etc and have a private room, but I wouldn't sweat if I didn't have it).

    Private insurance for the "bells and whistles" and to cover sport injury, traffic accidents and the many other details that the NHS was never designed for.

    I whole-heartedly agree.

    But for the original post - a chipped tooth - the NHS should still cover.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    Had someone criticise the 'irony' of that lifestyle when on a paragliding intro day. The couple explained how 'the outdoors was free' etc.
    I was the only one that day to get a decent flight because I could run the fastest and hardest thanks to my training at the gym.

    As a tennant farmer, I can assure you that the outdoors costs money. :tongue:
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I will just add it to the list of things I love that will kill me .. like diet soda and fast food.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Well crap, I guess I'm screwed. Being in a wheelchair and all.

  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I remember reading somewhere, that taking a five minute walk, every hour that you sit will greatly increase your circulation, and therefore (most likely) your lifespan
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,731 Member
    I wonder what the parapalegic serviceman would say about this?
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    There's problems with too much standing & too much sitting. The key is to change what you do over the course of the day.

    I used to work at a job that required me to stand a lot (mostly 7 hrs a day) and I have spider veins to show for it. My friend, who is a Nurse can show you all the spider veins and now varicose veins she has.
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    I hear breathing will kill you too. If you do it for long enough.

    Ah, see, this is where you are wrong. It will kill you if you DON'T do it for long enough.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    So...then...according to your chart...since I work 12 hour days and am at a desk then I have an 80% higher chance to die? Well..good thing I am in the other 20%.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Good topic to bring up.

    Yes, sitting will kill you. I've been writing software for a living for a couple of decades. Ten years ago, I spent a month in Alberta, CA working for a friend of mine. I drove from my home in Santa Fe, NM to Edmonton. When I got there, my left foot and ankle were swollen so I propped it up and got on with work.
    Two months later, my left calf felt "thick" so I scheduled an appt with a doctor. The morning of the appt. my calf was warm. I had remembered that President Nixon had had DVT and a warm to the touch lower limb was one of the symptoms. Into the ER, into the ultrasound room, and I was the proud owner of a blood clot.
    CLose call and all my fault, no question.
    Fast forward to today. I'm a lot lighter much more fit and I still sit on my butt everyday but I've learned to take breaks and, silly as it sounds, I wiggle my feet every now and again to ensure that blood doesn't pool in my lower extremities.

    Help is on the way, though.

    I found this adjustable desk and I've got one on order.

    That's a great price and it adjusts high enough for someone my height.

    If you're sitting on your duff all day long, you should be taking breaks to stress your joints and ligaments. I'm 56 years old now and sat on my butt and didn't exercising for about 25 years. That was a stupid, stupid thing to do.

    I know that my single experience is statistically meaningless (the plural of anecdote is not data). However, I've had one close call and, over the decades that I've been learning about "stuff", I've seen enough evidence pile up that it's worth spending about $800. That is a drop in the bucket when you think how long it will last (the desk I'm using now was built in 1994, just to give an idea of office furniture lifespan).

    No connection to the company, except that as a satisfied customer for another product (I write software for a company that makes high quality school furniture and they can't match that price.)
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    I'm so dead