jeans.. im going to rip my hair out *vent*

I dont understand how being 5'5'' and now down to 132 lbs, how i am still a size 9 jeans...... my hips are never going to leave!!!! dont get me wrong, i dont wanna be a size zero or anything but a size 7 would be nice, my goal weight was 130lbs but i feel like i need to adjust it and just go off sizes now. maybe i need to take a step back and realize how far ive come.... sorry i just needed to vent!


  • mayflowermn
    mayflowermn Posts: 52 Member
    :) Hang in there sister! I am 5'5" and weighed in at 130 this morning (but have been fluctuating between 130 and 134 for a while now since I can't keep from enjoying my micro-brewed beers : )

    I wear a size 9 jean as well. They are juniors and those always seem to run small. Heck, I really feel bad for some of those "junior" girls out there since I wonder how they manage to find a pair of jeans since the sizes seem to run so small.

    I know it's hard not to get hung up on the number of the jean size or the number that shows on the scale BUT.....get over it!!

    How do you LOOK in those jeans? And isn't it liberating buying a pair of skinny jeans and feeling great about wearing them out in public?? And so much more fun to go shopping for clothes now too??

    At my thinnest, I was down to a size 4 and even a 2 in one pair of jeans. I can't find the jeans to try them on now as I must have tossed them out in one of my many moves over the last few years (and I'm sure they weren't exactly in fashion any more) but I did keep two pairs of dress slacks that were size 4 & 2 that I had at that same time. And you know what?? They fit.

    My measurements now are so close to what they were when I got so thin. Funny thing is that I probably weight close to 15 pounds more AND I look a lot healthier. All due to me getting hooked on weight lifting. But I understand you about the hips. My thighs are typically what have been giving me grief.

    I guess the short version should have been this:

    1. Screw the numbers the manufacturer's put on jeans, it's B.S. that we're stuck with
    2. Step back and realize how far you've come!!

    P.S. You lost about the same amount of weight I did :) Way to go!!! You look great!!
  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    I am 5'3 and at 145 right now (10 more to go) Junior sizes run extremely small. I wear a size 9 in juniors but a size 6 in womans. And when I get back to 135 I can fit into 7 juniors and 4 in woman's.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Stop shopping in the juniors's section; the size will always be higher than a women's or european size. At my thinnest, I wore an 11 in juniors, but a 6 in women's. It messes with your brain and makes you discouraged which is not good!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Why does it matter what size jeans you wear?

    You're the only one who knows that information - everyone else can only see how amazing you look.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Bodies and fitting are just weird.

    My waist has gone down 6" and my hips only 2. But my pants went down FOUR sizes. But I can't figure out WHY as my lower body looks the same and I have a tape measure and know it didn't change much.

    Try different jean brands. They are all over the board. Gloria vanderbelt - very curvy. Lees curvy. Levis straight. All over the place.
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    I really don't understand US sizing at all, with the "juniors" and "womens"... that' alone makes me want to rip my hair out!!

    But it's like what mayflowermn said, it's more about the fit of the jeans than anything! Take for example, I was shopping at H&M a couple of weeks ago and grabbed a couple different cuts of jeans - both in a 32. The one pair fit amazingly well - slim cut a little more spandex in the weave, but the waist is a little too big. The other pair was a boot cut, no extra stretch, and gave me a huge muffin top.
  • writer_chick
    writer_chick Posts: 27 Member
    Juniors clothes are, in my opinion, meant for people who are teenagers and haven't had children yet. When you get into your late twenties and into childbearing years, your hips widen (at least mine did after I had my kids). You might just need to forego juniors' clothes if they're discouraging because they're certainly not indicative of your success or failure. You've accomplished something HUGE--getting healthy! Embrace things that celebrate that. :) (I know, easier said than done, but sometimes it helps to hear it from a third party.)