100 + pounds to lose - need friends, tips and inspiration!



  • yeah you can do this. It all happens in your mind that you have decided that what your gonna do, and you will figure out a way to make it happen. Good luck.

    I myself have lost my first 10lbs and have 110 to go
  • My advice and something I wish I had done is to take progress pictures. It would have been nice to chronicle the journey.

    I did put a fat picture of me on the refrigerator as a deterrent.
  • would love to add you to my friend list. I've been using this sight since May, but don't have many friends/supporters and I need all the support I can get. Would love to add you to my friends.
  • atoz133
    atoz133 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    There are tons of great people here, and tons of great info, and you will, no doubt, be overwhelmed with both. ~chuckles~

    Best tip I can give you, regardless of the way you decided to work towards your goal, don't let the small slips read as failure. Just shrug, remind yourself that you're human, not perfect, and pick back up as quickly as possible. Losing weight isn't a quick process (okay, some people manage it quicker than others), you just have to do it a little at a time.

    I know it wasn't directed at me, but I really needed to hear this bit of wisdom!! I "know" this, but having someone else say it somehow made it sink in more. Tomorrow is another day!!!
  • MommaSquirell
    MommaSquirell Posts: 30 Member
    I Just joined Like right now! I was at 280 When I had my last child And am now at my usual 240 . I have Teeter tottered there forEVER lol well 220 to 240 . Since My first child really. So tired of being tired! Motivated! Friend me if ya want I aimz ta loose about 110 Total!
  • Terrainia
    Terrainia Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me! I am 33 and need to lose about 100 pounds also! We can do it!!!
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    hello all! I'm aiming to lose a total of 101 pounds. The more friends here the merrier! Feel free to add me as well. Good luck to all of us! :drinker:
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    THere is a new group on here called 100 to 150lbs to lose. We are all fighting the same battle and this group is going to be very motivating. Search for the group under that name and then send a request to join if you think it will help
  • Hey Everyone! Im looking to lose 108 pounds. Possibly more in the future. This to me will be an amazing journey and i would love to have you join ! Im almost 20 and my life is just about to start. I would love all the support i can get and hopefuly make new friends in the process. Also i would love to motivate and support you! <3 Good luck everyone (:
  • CandiaisGolden
    CandiaisGolden Posts: 23 Member
    THere is a new group on here called 100 to 150lbs to lose. We are all fighting the same battle and this group is going to be very motivating. Search for the group under that name and then send a request to join if you think it will help

    Fantastic thanks for the heads up! I just joined the site but I'm constantly using the mobile app. I'm working to lose 100lbs as well. Anyone can add me. Great job everyone! Keep it up!
  • thefatchic
    thefatchic Posts: 14 Member
    My first weight loss goal is 100 pounds. Sometimes it can be depressing at how much I have to lose but I try to stay motivated. I would love to have friends who have the same weight loss goals as me.
  • autygermom
    autygermom Posts: 6 Member
    thats exactly right, you dont have to eat the calories youve burned.
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    I have about 100 lbs to lose as well. Feel free to add me!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    you can do this! Feel free to add me. I started with needing to loose at least 100 lbs. It was a head thing but I didn't want to put any more than 100. I am probably looking at about loosing 120 when all said and done. haha I know there's not a lot of difference in 100 and 120 but in my head when I started there was? When I started I didn't have faith in myself to even do that. But after loosing 58 and such awsome people on here I am beginning to believe in myself that I can do it.
  • cfilipi74
    cfilipi74 Posts: 63 Member
    I am also in the same process of losing 100 lbs. If I can loose that by my 40th birthday next year... awesome for me, but I'm just taking things nice and slow. I sent a friend request and if anyone else out there needs motivation and support , feel free to add me. Good luck too all!
  • Hi! I started my weight loss journey 6 months ago, and have lost 90 lbs so far! I am working on losing at least 50 more. You can do this! I log daily....feel free to add me! :smile:
  • greenlizardfreak
    greenlizardfreak Posts: 12 Member
    I am right there with you!!

    30 yrs old
    start weight 307.8
    currently 298.0
    long term goal 150
    short term goal 250

    Please feel free to add me! I could use the motivational encouragement and support! I am a HUGE fan of skinnytaste and always am cooking a new recipe or my favorite. Please feel free to add me on facebook as well! https://www.facebook.com/ilovescents.lizmartin?ref=tn_tnmn

    Let's make this weight loss journey a FUN one!!