So hungry this week! Gah.

Anyone ever go through days or weeks where you just want to eat ALL the food? The last three weeks I thought I was doing great, just coasting along, eating as planned, and then suddenly this week I seem to want more food, more snacks, larger dinner etc... I don't think it's going to ruin my progress because I'm still tracking and going to the gym and keeping it in check, but I'm just curious if this is normal.
I should add that I have my thing set to lose 0.5 lbs a week and I always eat back exercise calories, so I know that I'm not restricting or anything. My guess it's just normal ebb and flow but I just wanted to get some feedback.


  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    Is it almost that time of the month? PMS cravings can be big.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I know when I do crazy resistance workouts this happens all the time. When you workout, especially hard, it's your body asking for nutrition to help aid the muscle recovery process. Generally, if you concentrate on getting plenty of protein and fats, then you should improve satiety. I generally solve this issue with 12-15 oz of steak and some sides. But this happens 1-3 times a week and I eat 2500 calories a day.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    a lot of people will tell you to open your diary.

    I am not one of them.
    But I will say, for me foods high in fat keep me full FOREVER. Others will say fiber or protein. I'd be shocked if someone said eat more carbs. because that will probably not help. Either way, check your macros-- are you getting a lot more of one than the others? it might help to balance them out.

    Avocado, nuts, oatmeal, peanut butter. all good things to add to keep you satisfied.
  • allangirl
    allangirl Posts: 56 Member
    I have been getting home from work around 8pm this week, normally I get home around 6pm. Is it too late to make supper at 8ish? I'm hungry but I know if I go to bed hungry my body will start using it's fat storage as fuel. To eat or not to eat?
  • a11ison5
    Its not, but I've found that cravings and the feeling of being hungier usually happens about two weeks before, not during (at least for me). I think I've read something about this somewhere but I can't remember now. Can PMS cravings occur two weeks before? Is that a thing?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I have been getting home from work around 8pm this week, normally I get home around 6pm. Is it too late to make supper at 8ish? I'm hungry but I know if I go to bed hungry my body will start using it's fat storage as fuel. To eat or not to eat?

    Your are misinformed. Meal timing and meal frequency actually do NOT affect weight loss. Eat as often and as late as you want. Many of us frequency eat 10 minutes before bed. The only thing is might affect is quality of sleep but I fall asleep very easily after a huge dinner... I guess I am like a bear, lol.
  • a11ison5
    I'm trying to get more protein in, lately I've been getting about 25% which is pretty good from the 15% I used to get. Fats I have no problem with, I have avocado and nuts daily. Maybe my workouts are just catching up with me. I really try to listen to my body and eat more if I want more (reasonably).
  • a11ison5
    I have been getting home from work around 8pm this week, normally I get home around 6pm. Is it too late to make supper at 8ish? I'm hungry but I know if I go to bed hungry my body will start using it's fat storage as fuel. To eat or not to eat?

    Your are misinformed. Meal timing and meal frequency actually do NOT affect weight loss. Eat as often and as late as you want. Many of us frequency eat 10 minutes before bed. The only thing is might affect is quality of sleep but I fall asleep very easily after a huge dinner... I guess I am like a bear, lol.

    I agree with this! Don't go to bed hungry!
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Can PMS cravings occur two weeks before? Is that a thing?

    yes. definitely. PRE-menstrual. all depends on how long your cycle is.
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    Can PMS cravings occur two weeks before? Is that a thing?

    yes. definitely. PRE-menstrual. all depends on how long your cycle is.

    Yeah, the only way to see if it is, is to record in your notes section of your food diary when you are super hungry. Then see how that coincides with your period.