CHIPS! ICE CREAM! FRIES! Help me, please!



  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Personally, as I've seen results and stayed at this for 6 or 7 months now I've actually come to embrace being a little hungry every now and then. Its not going to kill you. My palate has changed as well. Don't need sugar anymore to feel happy after a meal. The key is to stay busy when you are not supposed to be eating. Go for a walk. Do a project around the house. Keep yourself busy. The rare moments I watch TV now instead of having food with me I have an ipad.
  • JustQuitIt
    LOTS of water...chewing gum. If I crave salty things I eat seaweed (it just has like 15 calories per serving, and the seaweed "chip" is good tasting and satisfying.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    No food porn pics which sucks, but here is what I do.
    I always eat a Fiber One bar with lunch. Tames the chocolate beast.
    I watch my sodium like a hawk, so I try not to buy so much processed foods.
    I made a rule for myself: Thou shalt not eat anything I dislike just because it's healthy. I eat veggies, but I hate and refuse to ever eat another salad (unless it is at the diner near my house with homemade blue cheese dressing).
    I indulge, but I limit it. I am indulging during the superbowl.
    I make all my junk healthy and modify recipes accordingly.
    I try to exercise 5 days a week. I wish I could all week, but my schedule gets crazy.
    I eat six smaller meals a day or at least try too
    I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water
    I don't feel like I am on a diet. This isn't a diet. This is a lifestyle change. I feel better now and still eat what I love, just modified versions.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I only buy chips if they are made so I can eat more of them. Pop Chips are great! You can eat a decent amount and not feel like you're trapped to 7 chips as a serving. Basically, start looking for the healthier version and add some cardio so you can have a few munchies. That works for me.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    IMO you will either just have to deprive yourself and be miserable, or stop using the word "CAN'T" as a reason to overeat.

    You CAN do the moderation thing if you really want. You can do anything you want, if you want it bad enough.

    There is no reason you should never feel full while losing weight. Are you eating enough calories? Enough fat? Enough protein? Are you exercising and eating more when you do?

    Workout a little extra or harder to "earn" the calories for treats if you need to. Tell yourself if you eat healthy foods all week, you can have the treat on the weekend. Do whatever tricks you need to do to make yourself healthy and happy. Happy is important, too.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    If you have trouble stopping at a reasonable portion of a favorite snack, would it make sense to only buy individual portion sizes? Ice cream makers sell mini-cartons for one, chips come in single sizes, etc. Don't stock up on them and tempt yourself to plow through a pile of small bags of chips, but what I sometimes do on my lunch break is take the 10-minute walk to the store near my work, buy 1 small item of what I'm in the mood for, walk back, and eat it.
  • tinajones828
    After the 1st couple weeks the craving really went away for me once I was eating a more balanced nutrional diet. Here are the tricks I used when I got hungry and staying on track.

    1.) I measure everything for portion control - this is huge.
    2.) I went from my large dinner plates to the smaller salad plate. Correct portions of food will fill the plate and when you finish you have the same feeling of accomplishment that you get from the big plate. Most of us were brought up to clean our plate.
    3) When I start getting hungry I drink water. A lot of the time your really not hungry your actually dehydrated.
    4) If water doesn't work then I use the apple test. I keep an apple with me all the time. I ask myself are you hungry enough to eat an apple? If your not hungry enough to eat an apple then your not really hungry.
    5) For my chip fettish I keep Special K cracker chips around. There really yummy, give you the crunch, the salty satisfaction. The best part is a serving size is 27 of them so you really feel that you having a snack.
    6) When and if I do have regular chips. I measure out the serving and put the bag up and away. Amazing if out of sight & you have to get up for it you won't usually go back for a 2nd. Again the smaller amount looks correct with a snackwich on the smaller plate.
    7) Ice cream craving - I have a ninja so I take frozen fruit add a little milk or silk or what ever you drink and blend you get a wonderful fruit sorbet which takes care of the ice cream craving.
    8) Chocolate - Hersey kisses or miniture bars works. A hersey kiss is only 22 calories. So eating a few of these will take care of the craving without being detrimental to your diet.
    9) Exercise - Sometimes just getting up and walking and getting your heart rate up with help subside a craving while at work, plus you burn off some calories.
    10) When I know I am going out for dinner to a resteraunt I make sure that I get some extra exercise in to accomodate the glass of wine I know that I'm going to have with dinner.

    So far it has worked for me I have lost 19#'s in month and a total of 9.25" from my waist, hips, thighs, & bust. Hope this helps.
  • Kellyeee2013
    Personally I refuse to give up anything completely. I still eat chips, ice cream and fries...even hot wings (my downfall)...just a lot smaller portion than I used to. I don't think I could stick with this change in lifestyle, for a lifetime, if I couldn't have what I wanted. One thing I have started is when I get hungary for chips, I put some in a bowl. when the bowl is empty, I'm done. I no longer eat out of the bag.

    In my opinion, if you cut out stuff you love completely you are setting yourself up to fail. But like I said, that's just me.

    My plan is to still have these once n a while for a treat... my issue is though if I do a small portion of something like that it intensifies me wanting more and more
  • Kellyeee2013
    IMO you will either just have to deprive yourself and be miserable, or stop using the word "CAN'T" as a reason to overeat.

    You CAN do the moderation thing if you really want. You can do anything you want, if you want it bad enough.

    There is no reason you should never feel full while losing weight. Are you eating enough calories? Enough fat? Enough protein? Are you exercising and eating more when you do?

    Workout a little extra or harder to "earn" the calories for treats if you need to. Tell yourself if you eat healthy foods all week, you can have the treat on the weekend. Do whatever tricks you need to do to make yourself healthy and happy. Happy is important, too.

    It isn't that I "can't"... because I am doing it. I barely go out and eat these things. However, I find myself always wanting them. And every time I want them there isn't much point going every single day and trying to have JUST some because something clicks in my and makes it more difficult and I then want to binge eat once I have the taste in my mouth. For now I sit around uncomfortable and cranky craving these things. That is the part I need help with.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    There are certain things that I don't buy - like trail mix or roasted nuts - because it's too easy to have "just a pinch" more. Next thing I know, I've plowed through half a cup or more.

    Unfortunately, my husband still buys that stuff, so I really have to get more organized and do the shopping for things he enjoys that don't tempt me.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    It isn't that I "can't"... because I am doing it. I barely go out and eat these things. However, I find myself always wanting them. And every time I want them there isn't much point going every single day and trying to have JUST some because something clicks in my and makes it more difficult and I then want to binge eat once I have the taste in my mouth. For now I sit around uncomfortable and cranky craving these things. That is the part I need help with.

    I strongly recommend taking up a project that will keep you busy and focused. That helps the most. I'll start out feeling like I'm just going to die if I don't have ______, but once I get busy I forget all about it.
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    I think you've been given good ideas already. For me, like a lot of people, I found alternatives for what I love. Like chocolate. Skinny cow chocolate truffle bars are 100 cals and I get my chocolate fix because you can't eat it very fast since it's an ice cream bar.
    Frozen grapes are yummy, especially for a sweet tooth!

    Find alternatives to have on hand to eat, Wether it be chocolate or fruit and make sure it's there so you don't get trapped on going out. It's bad to have a certain craving AND not have anything to satisfy it, for me that's a recipe for disaster.
  • smartguy05
    smartguy05 Posts: 5 Member
    I find it easier to take in with a cheat day. I know that if there is something I really want all I have to do is wait a few days then I can have everything! Also I keep a strict calorie limit. Once I reach my 1800 calories I get nothing else for the day, even if I hit it at breakfast. So I have to ask myself "do I want those cookies or dinner?".
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I too have a major sweet tooth. Hubby bought me a bag of Hershey's caramel filled kisses for Christmas (rolls eyes). I put them in the freezer. If they were out and readily accessible I would eat the whole bag in 2 days. I now can reach into the freezer and just take out 3 to eat and satisfay my sweet tooth. when the bag is gone I am NOT replacing it tough.
    I have also had cheese doodles. I count out the number per serving on a plate and add it to my calorie count. Having to log everything I eat is a big motivator. My family laughed at me for counting out the cheese doodles but if I ate from the bag I would not have stopped. Once I ate out what I counted I was ok with it.
    You just have to make little changes at a time and things will start to come together. Don't try to deprive yourself all at once. Cut back a little at a time until you no longer want those things.
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    Personally, I have found either buying things in snack sized containers, or imediately separating things into single servings has helped me. That way, I can grab a serving of something, and when it's gone I don't have any more. It's like I can trick myself into thinking that I ate all of whatever it was that I have in the house. I also drink a glass of water if I have a craving and then wait 30 minutes before deciding if I actually want it or not. Most of the time, that 30 minutes of waiting distracts me enough that I forget about whatever I wanted. If after that 30 minutes I still want something, I go get a serving or half serving of it, and nothing more.
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I'm usually always eating or drinking throughout the day. I'm rarely hungry. My day goes like this:
    Drink 10 ounces of hot tea
    Eat breakfast
    Drink 10 ounces of water
    Have a snack
    Drink 10 ounces of water
    Have lunch
    Drink 10 ounces of water
    Have a snack
    Drink 10 ounces of water
    Have dinner
    Drink 10 ounces of water
    (and if calories permit...a bedtime snack!) If I have a craving, I just eat it and count it and keep going.
  • stellabobella79
    stellabobella79 Posts: 44 Member
    Wait...did you just start MFP and are you close to your period? I started MFP the week before I got my period and I was ravenous. I though that it was because I was finally paying attention to food so now I was obsessed with eating. Turns out, as soon as I started my food obsession vanished. Hormones are powerful.

    Play around with your diet. Let's say you get 1500 calories per day.

    One day try:
    500 cal breakfast
    200 cal snack
    200 cal lunch
    200 cal snack
    400 cal dinner

    Then try:
    200 cal breakfast
    100 cal snack
    400 cal lunch
    100 cal snack
    700 cal dinner

    Etc! The great thing about MFP for me is that I look back at what I ate on "strong" days where I didn't have cravings and see the best way to divide my daily calories. Once I got the hang of that, I started looking at the chart that shows your ratios of carbs/protein/fats. I've learned that higher protein and fat days made me feel better than higher carb days. It could be totally different for you so study your diary! I've learned a lot in these 3 weeks and that knowledge makes me feel stronger. :)
  • f1tforever
    f1tforever Posts: 39 Member
    Wow this is such great advice!!! I also have intense cravings ..and find that they only way around them is to keep busy!

    The craving usually happens when I am bored or just watching a show ..habit to mindlessly munch.

    For me, I plan my day out with an after-dinner TREAT (2 tbsp chocolate chips -- they take forever to eat and I enjoy every little morsel!)

    That way I feel satisfied and I know that tomorrow I can eat them again after dinner :)
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    For now I sit around uncomfortable and cranky craving these things. That is the part I need help with.
    Tough it out. As others have said, in time the cravings will dissapate. In the mean time you can munch on some fruits or vegetables instead.

    Another approach is to use to use a food scale and make it a point to measure servings. This way you're well aware of what you're consuming. If a serving of chips is 200 cals and you plow through 5 servings, you've consumed 1000 calories of chips. You've mindful of the decision to eat that much. Own it.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm really just starting on my weight loss but wanted to comment. I agree with some of the other posters that said don't give it up all at once. It makes it so much harder. On all of my unsuccessful weight loss attempets I just one day cut out everything that I loved. It made everything super hard. This time I've made little changes that have made big changes. For example 1st: I only allow myself one soda a day. When I able to do that (down to 1/2 a day now) I moved on to no eating past 8:00 pm.., then no 2nd helpings of food. When I felt that was just a normal routine now I started to cut out candy during the day. Little things make a big differance just don't overwhelm yourself all at once because for me that didn't work.
    Everyday feels normal to me now. I really explain it but the changes I have made are routine now. I know when I'm full now, I know how much I can eat to feel good.