Anyone have a tip on how to rice Caliuflower w/o a

MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
Anyone have tips on how to rice Cauliflower with out a food processor?


  • Sw33tKnees
    Sw33tKnees Posts: 119 Member
    I thought I read that you could shred it before you cook it so... maybe use a grater?
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Great ideas! (no pun intended!)
  • livitup85
    livitup85 Posts: 231 Member
    I made a cauliflower pizza crust the other night and I just used a grater to rice my cauliflower.
    Works just as well.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You could use a blender, or a meat mallet and a plastic bag, or a mortar and pestle.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    I used a grater last weekend. Do not cut it into smaller chunks first, just get all the green leaves off and then have at it. It will be MUCH MUCH MUCH easier and safer for your fingers. Trust me on that. Plus you can buy one of those graters for about 2 or 3 bucks at just about any grocery store. The one I bought at walmart I think was about 5 to 6 dollars and came with a measuring bowl that sits on the inside of the grater so you know when you hit 1 and 2 cups. :-)

    I just made cauliflower pizza crusts and breadsticks over the weekend... oh so good.
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    Dampen it, cover with plastic, put in a microwave safe bowl...then microwave. Should mash with a fork.
  • Gin66
    Gin66 Posts: 47 Member
    push through metal strainer
  • HopeAnchorstheSoul
    HopeAnchorstheSoul Posts: 32 Member
    You can shave it really thin with a knife and just crumble it with your hands.
  • harmonyh10
    harmonyh10 Posts: 58 Member