Lose 5lbs+ in January!!! YES WE CAN (CLOSED GROUP)



  • loranch
    loranch Posts: 94 Member
    Name/ real name:loranch/laurie

    Goal weight on January 31: 180 or less

    1/1: 185

    1/7: 184.4

    1/14: 185.6. Going the wrong way ughhhh!


    1/28: 183.4

    1/31 183.2 was 182.8 yesterday :(

  • pandoraw
    pandoraw Posts: 143 Member
    Name/ real name: Pandoraw/Wendy

    Goal weight on January 31: 222

    1/1: 227

    1/7: 226.4

    1/14: 224.6

    1/21: 224.2

    1/28: 223.8

    1/31: 221.8
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Name/ real name: Svgarcia/Sharon

    Goal weight on January 31: 163

    1/1: 168

    1/7: 168.8 ????

    1/14: 168.2

    1/21: 167.0

    1/28: 166.2

    1/31: 164.6.
    Awww almost made it! Can't wait for next month
  • Name/ real name: Tiffanousmarie/Tiffany

    Goal weight on January 31: 130 (or less )

    1/1: 135

    1/7: 131.8

    1/14: 131

    1/21: 130.8

    1/28: 130.6

    1/31: 130.5 (Close enough, I guess! :smile: )
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Name/ real name: manic4titans/Mary C

    Goal weight on January 31: 153

    1/1: 161.2 UGH gained weight in December instead of losing but I am on it this time bigsmile

    1/7: 161

    1/14: 159.2

    1/21: 159

    1/28: 159

    1/31:159.4 (i haven't been diligent. We are in the process of moving to a new house)
  • kaylene324
    kaylene324 Posts: 79 Member
    Name/ real name: Kaylene324 Goal weight on January 31: 145
    1/1: 150
    1/7: 149.6
    1/14: 149.6
    1/28: 146
    1/31: 146----I'm a dork and didn't actually weigh in today becasue I don't like to weighin more than once a week. Can't wait to see where i'm at next monday!
  • lmichelleg
    lmichelleg Posts: 136 Member
    name/ real name: lmichelle

    Goal weight on January 31: 140

    1/1: 143.7

    1/7: 141.5

    1/14: 141.5

    1/21: 141.5

    1/28: 143.5

    1/31: 143.2
  • pjrbs
    pjrbs Posts: 179 Member
    Name/ real name: pjrbs/Pattti

    Goal weight on January 31:177


    1/7: 181.5




    1/31: 178 Pretty close . On to February!
  • Name/ real name: Christina

    Goal weight on January 31: 144

    1/1: 149

    1/7: 148

    1/14: 146

    1/21: 145.2 (so weird...I know I weighed in last week!!)

    1/28: 143.9

    1/31: 143.9
  • clhardy5
    clhardy5 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in for February as well...hopefully this will be my last month - because if I lose another 5 pounds, I will be 1 pound away from my goal!!!

    Current weight 141
    Goal weight for February 28th - 136

  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    Name/ real name: Narak_lol / Karan

    Goal weight on January 31: 130

    1/1: 136

    1/7: 134.5 (yikes, thought I was exercising well & ate well but apparently I was not!)

    1/14: 132.5 (Worked my butt off the last 3 days and ate so carefully,I will keep these off!)

    1/21: 136 (what what what!!!)

    1/28: 134 (weigh in 1/29)

    1/31: 132.5

    Did not achieve my target but am glad that lost a few pounds!
    And thank you so much for including me for Feb (saw my name on the spreadsheet YAY)
  • Name/ real name: foodie99 / Lauren

    Goal weight on January 31: 165

    1/1: 171

    1/7: 171.... just coming off a weekend at my in-laws with limited food choices and no time for exercise, I'll take it!

    1/14: 170.5... wow, slow going this month. Have had very little time to get to the gym.

    1/21: 168.5... oh yeah, now we're moving!

    1/28: 168

    1/31: 168
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    Name/ real name: jack1925/ Jackie

    Goal weight on January 31: 209

    1/1: 214.0

    1/7: 213.2

    1/14: 210.8

    1/21: 210.0

    1/28: 208.4

    1/31: 208.2
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    Gwicks54/ Gelean

    Goal Weight: 174

    1/1: 179

    1/7: 180.5

    1/14: 177.5 Finally going in the right direction!

    1/21: 177.5 Didn't budge this week, but I am not giving up!

    1/28: 176.5

    1/31: 175.0