Newbie needs 5 Fruit and veggies per Day

HI Everyone, Joined MFP and and doing a local Points for Pounds through Hospital. They require 5 fruits and veggies per day. I have no problem getting 3, but by the the time supper comes around I am in no mood for F & V. Any good dishes out there to help me out. First weigh in 2 weeks ago @ 284. Weighed in this morning 278. :wink:


  • Make a smoothie! I like to add two huge handfulls of spinach to mine, as well as a banana and frozen strawberries. You could easily get 5 fruits and veggies in there. Add some good protein powder, almond milk and ice and you've got the breakfast of champions!
  • It might help to pre-buy what fruits and veggies you want to eat before hand. Cut them up, and put them in individual zip lock bags. Write down the Day to Eat them. Everytime you open the fridge, there they are. Like jenjen said smoothies are awesome. And if you're on pinterest there are TONS of recipes for smoothies on there.
  • What exactly is the 5 Fruit and Veggies per Day challenge?
  • Points for pounds is a 12week weight loss incentive program. We get points for 5fruit&veggies per day and 30 minutes of exercise per day. We weigh in once a week add up our points. For every point your name goes in a drawing for $$$. This is thrum our local hospital.
  • I always forget smoothies. Protein powder? Where would I get this? Breakfast or supper?
  • Yes I am on pinterest. Iwill check it out.
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I jut made myself an omelet this morning with chopped up spinach, mushrooms, and zuchini. 1 egg and 1 egg white. I didn't use cheese on mine but a little handful of reduced fat shredded cheese would be good too. Anyway, I'm sure that could count as a serving of veggies. Also, I like to eat cherry tomatoes as a snack. The good news about veggies is that it only takes 1/2 to = 1 serving.