CHIPS! ICE CREAM! FRIES! Help me, please!



  • 7Nonny
    7Nonny Posts: 15
    I dont keep the chips or ice cream etc in the house. If I feel the ABSOLUTE need for ice cream, I go thru the McDonalds Drive Thru and get a vanilla cone. That way, I get my fix and it's not in the house when I get home. For chips, I just get the mini size at the check out line (like Fritos or something) just to satisfy that. But after that treat, I know that there is a price for that, a few extra minutes on the Treadmill etc.

    Fruit or veggies are a great substitute. Anything that doesn't come in a wrapper is going to be far better for you than the junk. Remember, food is fuel.

    It will get better. Give it time and remember, every day is a new day. Keep trying!
  • coderedjulia
    I like the pop chips and the special k cracker chips. As for ice cream and french fries, I stay away from that. I usually have a small snack in the afternoon, and you can have your pop chips then. Count how many you eat and record it. Put it on a plate or bowl and then close the box and put it away so you won't eat anymore of it. As for ice cream and french fries. If you must have fries, add them to one of your meals, and then be done with it. Same for ice cream, add one scoop in a bowl and put it away. Record your calories. Just don't do any EXTRA snacking. Only have one snack whether its your cracker chips or scoop of ice cream. And always go for low calorie ice cream. Weigh watchers has some good ones.
  • cgolding5
    Personally I refuse to give up anything completely. I still eat chips, ice cream and fries...even hot wings (my downfall)...just a lot smaller portion than I used to. I don't think I could stick with this change in lifestyle, for a lifetime, if I couldn't have what I wanted. One thing I have started is when I get hungary for chips, I put some in a bowl. when the bowl is empty, I'm done. I no longer eat out of the bag.

    In my opinion, if you cut out stuff you love completely you are setting yourself up to fail. But like I said, that's just me.

    i agree! i can't cut out my weaknesses completely, but i am trying to have smaller portions of them less often.
  • Routerninja
    Personally I refuse to give up anything completely. I still eat chips, ice cream and fries...even hot wings (my downfall)...just a lot smaller portion than I used to. I don't think I could stick with this change in lifestyle, for a lifetime, if I couldn't have what I wanted. One thing I have started is when I get hungary for chips, I put some in a bowl. when the bowl is empty, I'm done. I no longer eat out of the bag.

    In my opinion, if you cut out stuff you love completely you are setting yourself up to fail. But like I said, that's just me.

    ^^ THIS.
  • Blondie1984
    Blondie1984 Posts: 75 Member
    Hopefully that got your attention, ha.

    I want to know what tips people have for staying/feeling full and SATISFIED. Certain foods? Lots of water? What do you do to help with cravings???

    Recently, someone just has to MENTION a certain food, and I WANT it. Wil power? Yeah, sure. BUT I literally wind up with an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and mentally the only thing I believe that will fix it, is what I am craving.

    I do not want to be uncomfortable. I want to eat and feel satisfied... or even FULL sometimes.

    NO! I cannot do moderation. Sure, here and there yes. BUT, I cannot have just ONE chocolate or a FEW chips... it is best for me to have NONE in that case, cause otherwise I find myself bingeing.

    So any tips would be helpful....

    No one said this would be easy. I do not expect it to be easy. But, I am tired of my stomach feeling uncomfortable.

    I have a resolution! Chips - Kale chips! So yummy and easy to make!!!! Or fish crackers! I am a huge chip fan so I understand the struggle! For Ice Cream - Skinny Cow Ice Cream sandwiches - OMG SOOOOO DELICIOUS and not too bad for you. French Fries, how about just baking freshly cut patatos? There is always a way :)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    If my craving can fit into my calories (at any amount) I will be satisfied, I will have eaten my cravings. However I plan all my meals, have planned up to Sunday and so far have been ultra close to staying on plan all week long with the exception of yesterday and the night before. Changed my supper from a steak salad to a high protein pasta (two days ago) and had a handful of dino-sours (last night) but it fit into my calories so it wasn't so bad.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,013 Member
    dont buy your trigger foods......mine is ice cream. I do not buy regular ice cream. that being said . i do buy ice cream bars. and skinny cow ice cream and have mcdonalds ice cream cones only 150 cals

    find replacements for the foods you love. ex: instead of chips eat popchips or special k cracker chips, instead of ice cream eat fudgescicles, instead of french fries eat baked sliced potatoes with seasoning, instead of candy bars eat fiber one bars only 90 get the point find replacements for the fattening foods you love and soon you wont even crave those foods, also try to eat less I am not saying 2 fries but a smaller portion .Hope this helps
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    I too find myself having cravings, just now in fact! I was going to go get a candy bar out of the vending machine but since I never carry cash (for that exact reason), I search my desk at work for something to hold me over. Luckly I found a Fiber one bar that was oats and chocolate and I just got rid of that craving and got myself some water! So my suggestion is to find the healthy alt and have them on hand for when you have those cravings for a not so healthy option. Good luck, I know its hard but you can do it!!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Personally I refuse to give up anything completely. I still eat chips, ice cream and fries...even hot wings (my downfall)...just a lot smaller portion than I used to. I don't think I could stick with this change in lifestyle, for a lifetime, if I couldn't have what I wanted. One thing I have started is when I get hungary for chips, I put some in a bowl. when the bowl is empty, I'm done. I no longer eat out of the bag.

    In my opinion, if you cut out stuff you love completely you are setting yourself up to fail. But like I said, that's just me.

    This. I refuse to give them up. But I am a lot better then I used to be. I use to go through a bag of chips every 2 days, bag of chocolate in a day, ice cream was 3 bowlfuls a day. It was ridiculous. but now, I count my chips out (I allow myself only a serving a day, if I want more salt I will eat saltines) or even make my own, i measure out a 1/2 cup of ice cream, and make a dessert once a week in order to curve the chocolate craving (and before anyone gets on me, I use skinnytaste or allrecipes. Also fruits seem to increase the craving even more). If I had to give up sugar altogether, it wouldn't work (I have tried and i get dizzy very quickly and the doctors said that i need to have a bit of both salt and sweet) and I would have given up. I just do smaller portions and tell my body "you have had this and this already today no more." has worked so far!!!!!!!!!!
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    I eat high protein/low carb meaning mainly meat, veggies, cheeses, and my protien shakes. I don't think it's a magic fat burning tool people say it is but it definitely keeps me more full than any approach ever has. I also eat every few hours so I don't ever really feel too hungry. As far as cravings, once you go without something for a while you get used to it. You can still sprinkle those things in as a treat every once in a while too. Whenever I hear someone say they can't do without a particular food I can't help but roll my eyes. Really, that one exact food is THAT important to you? Eat to live not live to eat. Right?
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    If you want it, earn it. Slam through a cardio dvd and eat those exercise calories. Everyone has 1200 calories a day to eat clean. I figure if you earn it, you can eat it. :smile:
  • lizjohnson2169
    I agree, there are a lot of low calorie versions of things. Lean cuisine makes a three meat pizza that is surprisingly delicious. I'm a salty foods person so the fries and potato chips I can relate to. Special K chips are great. I like the barbeque ones. I think if I didn't have some version of something I love I would binge also. Anything with protein and fiber is going to help keep you full. When I first started I ate 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. After a few weeks my stomach has shrunk and I can make it to the next meal time without needing that snack in between. I hope this helps!
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    I made a rule for myself: Thou shalt not eat anything I dislike just because it's healthy. I eat veggies, but I hate and refuse to ever eat another salad (unless it is at the diner near my house with homemade blue cheese dressing).

    If I did this, I would eat pretty much no veggies, ever :laugh:

    As for the OP, a lot of people are saying "don't give up anything completely". I disagree. If you feel that you NEED to, that you absolutely can't control yourself with those foods, then give them up. My mother had to do this eventually because she has a HUGE sweet tooth, and since then she has lost a ton of weight. For suggestions on eating to feel full, I eat lots of protein (and of course the hated veggies :grumble: ). Also, make sure you are eating because you are hungry, and not just because you have a craving. When I get cravings for things like ice cream or chips, I try to look up recipes to make my own, (usually) healthier versions.
  • psfr
    psfr Posts: 25 Member
    For me, low-cal or other "substitute" versions of whatever I'm craving won't work. And I'm right with you when you say just a taste will set off a binge. The advice I'm going to offer is a little different than most (though these comments are all good input). When you get that uncomfortable feeling in your gut, sit down and focus on it. Think about it. Feel it. Try to figure out what the source of it is. Are you feeling deprived in some other area of your life? Will eating really make it go away? Will eating really make you feel better overall? I'm willing to bet the feeling is rooted in an emotional craving, but you (and many of us) are so used to numbing it out with food it's hard to separate the two.
    Or maybe not. I don't know you.
    I have a list of self-soothing activities I sometimes turn to when I feel like that. (Walking/sitting in nature, yoga, reading, movies, jot bath/shower, self-massage, *kitten*, stretching, hot tea....). Or often I find I'm just lonely and looking for connection, so I'll call up a friend or pop on on a neighbor, which both distracts me from my craving and helps me fill the hole with a something a little more substantial.
  • LisaMia66
    Confession time: I have ADHD- Inattentive Type for which I take medication. I take Adderall which suppresses my appetite during the day. I can maintain or stay under my daily caloric intake pretty good. That being said, nighttime is when my medication wears off and the cravings hit. When they hit I make sure I have healthy choices like dark chocolate (I read somewhere that dark chocolate satisfies that cycle of craving for salty foods and then craving sweet foods and back to craving salty food, etc. Dark chocolate SATISFIES that craving cycle. Try it!), cottage cheese & Triscuits, trail mix, and 100 calorie chocolate bars from Trader Joe's (they're TRULY the yummiest!). I also make sure I drink lots of ice water with a little lemon added to it.

    Whatever I'm doing seems to be working because I'm still losing weight consistently. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself and I don't ever feel hungry, although I'm sure the medication has something to do with that. :embarassed:
  • kassie0854
    Well I am still in that boat sometimes. I try and read the labels and cut down my SUPER FAVORITE FOODS to it's serving size and even if you want extra try and add an exercise to your day so you can have a little extra and not feel guilty or super uncomfy. :D This works for me and hopefully this can work for you too cause if you try and stop eating all of those amazing! foods then you will find yourself one day sucking down all the junk food you can find.:smile:
  • mcsweetly
    mcsweetly Posts: 133 Member
    We have a few rules in our house to help us out. We are new to re-starting our diets.

    1. Don't buy it! We live far enough from the store that its not worth running out to get it.
    2. Everything in moderation. I don't feel its necessary to deprive yourself of everything all the time or you will freak out!
    3. We have a treat worked into our calories at least once a week. This can be a splurge food or dessert, but we don't eat it unless we have planned for it.

    Its so hard, but I have found that if you really crave something and you don't need it. Go brush your teeth and see if you still want it. Sometimes that helps me too!
  • bertypainter
    I agree i have to have the things i love or i will fail.The trip is to either replace some of the unhealthy things with good alternatives or control the portion of what you eat. I have some 1/2 cup bowls i use to portion my food. Things like chips or pretzels i still have them but i count them. For lunch with my sandwich i had like 15 Pringles chips. I also use sugar free candy. I keep homemade fruit salad in the refrigerator, it is so filling and yummy. I start with a can of light fruit cocktail, then add apples,bananas,raisins, just add in what you like and have on hand.Then i eat it in my 1/2 cup bowls to control the portion. I never eat out of the bag ,that is a trainwreck.You can still have what you love ,just portion control. When i go out i still order french fries but i just eat about a fourth of them. Weight loss takes effort if you want results.If it was easy we would all be
  • baddrob
    Try looking at a low carbohydrate diet. Although sugar and starch are out, you can eat all you want of the allowed foods. Well, not ALL, but at least you can have something that will stick with you. If I get hungry, I eat a piece of cheese or sliced ham. Maybe a pork chop cooked on the George Foreman.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member