Working out. ...and gaining weight.



  • KyahRose86
    Started really working out this week, (monday), and noticed this morning a 2 pound gain. So, for those who advocate the tape often do you check your measurements? I eat at a deficit, currently do Insanity, and the only caloires I eat back after working out come from the protein / recovery shake I use post workout. Thanks for the post and replies here...I myself was becoming worried.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    Started really working out this week, (monday), and noticed this morning a 2 pound gain. So, for those who advocate the tape often do you check your measurements? I eat at a deficit, currently do Insanity, and the only caloires I eat back after working out come from the protein / recovery shake I use post workout. Thanks for the post and replies here...I myself was becoming worried.

    I measure once a week.
  • alowry007
    alowry007 Posts: 52 Member
    Try measuring in inches instead of the number on the scale.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I am MAJORLY sore. ...intensely sore leg muscles, shin splints, blisters, sore back, sore arms, etc. Not all at once, but the leg stuff has been pretty intense since Saturday when I went for my first jog in some time. I'm doing boxing as well, which accounts for the arms in back, but that's not nearly as bad as the leg stuff has been from long intense walks and jogging. Thanks for the input guys. I am staying under my calories (and making healthy food choices), so I know it's not because of what I'm eating, and I've been drinking more water than usual, but perhaps it's not enough. I think I've only been getting between 6-8 cups a day in. ...which is waaaaay more than I was getting a month or so ago, but still. I'll work on more water. Do you think I need to give myself a rest day? I worked out Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and I was planning on working out again today. I just don't want to get off track and stop working out all together, as I have a habit of doing that. Though truth be told, I think this is the first time I've ever exercised AND ate healthy at the same time - usually it's an either/or proposition for me.

    You need more rest...mix in some less intense workout days and take a day or two completely off. As you progress, you can do more and up intensity. I do an intense 30 minute HIIT with sprints 3x weekly and intense heavy lift sessions 3x weekly now (on opposite days of the HIIT) and take one full day off. No way I could have done this routine three months ago without feeling like I was going to die. Just take it easy and work your way into don't from 0-60 when it comes to fitness.