Sodium effects

cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
What will sodium do to your diet? Will it cause you not to lose as much weight? I am routinely going over by 2000-5000 each day on my sodium because I cook with soy sauce so much.


  • kevcar0603
    kevcar0603 Posts: 18 Member
    It will cause you to hold on to water weight. Additionally, too much sodium is bad for your heart & blood pressure. Switch to low sodium if you can. What do you use it for? As a marinade? If that's the case, one of my favorite marinades is olive oil, balsamic vinegar, chopped garlic, oregano, pepper and a dash of salt. It's DELICIOUS with grilled chicken.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I recently switched to low sodium soy sauce, it tastes a little different, but it's still good and has 1/3 less sodium than regular soy sauce. Excessive sodium can cause you to hold onto a couple extra pounds in water as stated and the effects on your cardoivascular sytem just aren't worth the risk.. LOL I should be telling myself!!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    GIRL! Holy hell! If I ate that much salt, you'd have to grease me to get me through my front door! :frown: If you're having trouble moving the scales, that's why! Not to mention high salt intake has been associated with heart problems, like hypertension. Not good for the old kidneys either. I hope you're pushing lots of water. Going to the lower sodium soy sauce will help, but you really need to slowly ween yourself off the stuff. Don't worry, your taste buds will adjust! Good luck!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Sodium is my hardest aspect of losing weight. I really try hard to stay under the limit. If I go over I usually gain weight. EVERYTHING seems to have high sodium. Especially the foods that are low in calories. Some of my favorite foods have high sodium. It seems impossible but it also seemed impossible to eat only my calories lol
  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    Ok then here is my question:

    Do you find that if you are not losing due to too high of sodium intake that you can "fix" it by just drinking a lot of water? Or does the sodium actually prevent you from "real" weight loss???
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok then here is my question:

    Do you find that if you are not losing due to too high of sodium intake that you can "fix" it by just drinking a lot of water? Or does the sodium actually prevent you from "real" weight loss???

    For me the scale just does not move downward. It stays the same or goes up. Even if I drink lots of water :sad:
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Excess sodium does not really inhibit "real" weight loss, but it does cause water retention and yes you can usually help it along by drinking excess water, but not if you are consitantly way over in sodium because you won't "keep up" with the process. It's just better to lower your intake
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    this week, for the first time, i went over my sodium amount, by eating a can of soup (i do not regularly eat and im usually under). The next day i was a full lb over the day before's weigh!! (i weigh daily). I expected it though, after realizing how much sodium was in it. I did an all protein day yesterday and went down 1.6 today, I definatly blame the sodium. :huh:

    also... i always drink 3-4 liters of water and that didnt help keep it from going up.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    It will cause you to hold on to water weight. Additionally, too much sodium is bad for your heart & blood pressure. Switch to low sodium if you can. What do you use it for? As a marinade? If that's the case, one of my favorite marinades is olive oil, balsamic vinegar, chopped garlic, oregano, pepper and a dash of salt. It's DELICIOUS with grilled chicken.

    I put it in with olive oil, teriyaki sauce and garlic. I have replaced olive oil with water because it is extra calories for no reason. I cook everything in it. Seafood, meat, vegetables....