Insanity Newbie looking for MFP friends!

Hi all! I'm in my 2nd week of Insanity and was just looking for friends to help keep me motivated through my weight loss/ fitness journey!
I'm English, 5ft 7" with about 35lbs to lose.
Please feel free to add! :)


  • Well first of all - way to go on committing to a program like Insanity!!!! I did it a few years ago and just started it again this week as I've been a little slack with my working out the past few months and need to get focused again! I'd love to help you stay accountable with your program!! What do you think your biggest challenges to reaching your goal weight are?? Keep pressing play and you will be happy with the results!!! Leanne
  • Hi Leanne! My biggest challenge is staying commited! I've done alot of Jillian Michaels stuff before like 30day shred and i find at day 10 i start getting distracted or bored! Im doing well so far though have not missed a day of Insanity yet (just completed 2 weeks and done 3 days of cardio recovery to help heal a hip injury acquired with pregnancy!) and although the scales arent moving very fast im def losing inches so its keeping me motivated! Looking forward to having you help keep me on track and hopefully ill be able to help you too ) xx