30 Day Shred - Twice in 1 Day?

Hi everyone!

I am currently on day 8 of level 1 30DS and did my shred this morning at 6am. I want to workout later and can't get to the gym so wondered if it would be ok to do it again later and follow it up with a bit of Tracey Andersons Mat Workout? AND if I did do it twice in 1 day would that mean I start Level 2 a day earlier?

If anyone can help that would be great!!


  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Okay so I've never done that, but I looked it up online and there are suprisingly a lot of people that do is twice like every third day. or twice in one day once a week. Those people said that it gave them more energy and they felt better the next day. Again, that's not from personal experience but dare I say I think you've inadvertently challenged me to do this tomorrow!! :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    There's nothing that says you can't. If you feel like you can do it twice, then go for it! I've done the 30 Day Shred and her No More Trouble Zones back to back before. Today I will have done a session of P90X (this afternoon) as well as an hour on the elliptical (this morning).

    As far as when you start level 2, it's up to when you feel level 1 is too easy. If that's a day early or 3 days later, doesn't really matter. I moved on to level 2 after 3 days of 30DS (granted, I was alternating it with other exercises which helped accelerate my progress).

    It's all up to what your body's ready for. :flowerforyou:
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    I have done combos of those before. Level 1 & Level 2 in the morning or Level 2 & Level 3, etc. I survived, although I will admit that it was hard! :happy:
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks ladies, that's really helpful!

    I didn't want to push myself too much but I do think I could have another session later and I kind of enjoy it! Haha. I might even be a bit sneaky and try level 2 instead of doing Tracey Anderson. My 7 year old likes to do it with me but doesn't get up in time in the morning (lazy little madam haha) so she will be pleased I'm going to do it later - even my 2 year old joins in haha!

    Thanks again, I'll let you all know if I can walk tomorrow - I've got a gym session planned so I'm hoping I won't ache too much! :)

    Elokyn let me know how it goes tomorrow! We might be on to something with this one!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    yeah i was feeling the need to do it again myself but i like to do the other vids i have :) like turbo jam or zumba, or tae bö etc. :) haha i know. a lot of vids o.o

    but i was doing the shred yesterday and i was like... hmmmm... i wanna do it one more time :p
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I noticed I felt like I wanted to do more when I was on level one and after level 2 yesterday I'm like idk if I can do that!!! But I felt that way about level 1 at first too lol
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I did it ladies! I attempted level 2 and really quite liked it! I like the variations and different moves! My thighs are quite sore already though!

    I am going to keep doing level 1 as my main shred til Sunday when I will be on day 10 then switch to level 2 as main shred with a possible addition of level 1 afterwards if I feel like I need more.

    I will deffinately be getting more of Jillians dvds though! They aren't advertised over here in the UK so much so I'm glad I've found her! Even if I do want to throw her through the window sometimes!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I did it ladies! I attempted level 2 and really quite liked it! I like the variations and different moves! My thighs are quite sore already though!

    I am going to keep doing level 1 as my main shred til Sunday when I will be on day 10 then switch to level 2 as main shred with a possible addition of level 1 afterwards if I feel like I need more.

    I will deffinately be getting more of Jillians dvds though! They aren't advertised over here in the UK so much so I'm glad I've found her! Even if I do want to throw her through the window sometimes!

    GREAT JOB!! :) It's killer!! I just wanted to check in. I just finished my first shred and I'm going to do it later tonight also...I actually do feel great now! I wasn't feeling so hot when I woke up and I'm feeling awesome now!! I only did level 1 this morning and I'll do level 2 tonight. I'm not ready for 2 level 2s hahah You're doing awesome!! :)
  • ftondee
    ftondee Posts: 8 Member
    I had a busy day planned for today and knew that I would not get to the gym so I did level 2 then followed up with level 1. It felt great to know that I could do both.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    How did you get on with twice in one day Elokyn? Glad you decided to try it too :)

    ftondee - you go girl!! I don't think I'm quite ready for one after the other but that is deffinately my next challenge once I get used to Level 2!

    I have just done Day 10 of Level 1 and I did feel like I wanted to do more! So I'm guessing it's time for Level 2 in the morning! Eeek! I plan on doing Level 1 again tomorrow night too as I won't be able to go to the gym - I haven;t been to the gym in over a week so I'm soooooo glad I've got Jillian to keep me in check!

    Keep it up ladies! Twice in one day is the way to go! Haha