Hi! Total newbie...

AnLucia Posts: 15
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself

Nice to meet you. :)

I just want to introduce myself and say thank you to the creator of the site and its members. This site has been useful to me in the past week, especially in the way I can track what I eat daily. I hope to get more ideas as I delve into the message boards even further. I have been thinking about starting P90X and did a little research here to see what users are saying. I will post my results if I decide to go through with it! I love the idea of starting a workout from home, seems easy to fit into my schedule and a great way to avoid competitive gyms and membership fees. I would much prefer being active outdoors, as well. Thank you for reading this and please feel free to say hello or offer tips for a newbie! Thanks!

Nina :)


  • papersparrow
    papersparrow Posts: 31 Member
    Pleased to meet you, Nina, and welcome to MFP! I'm glad you're making good use of the tools on this site. They've really helped me in working toward my goal, and I'd suggest them to anyone. Nothing like keeping a food/exercise diary to help you see precisely how you shape your day :)

    The folks here are great for giving input and advice as well. I'm still a newbie myself when it comes to info, so I'm low on tips, but I did want to welcome you and wish you my best in your endeavors.

    Take care!

  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Hi & welcome! This site is cool and I find it alot of help. Hope you have fun with it and feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good luck getting healthier!
  • AnLucia
    AnLucia Posts: 15
    Thank you, Carol! And good luck to you too, in reaching your goal! Looks like you are doing great so far!! :)
  • Welcome....

    I've been doing this for a week too and i'm totally addicted.... I did the P90X workout last spring and got into great shape with it.... Unfortunately gained my 25 pounds back, due to some health issues... now that i've got it under control, i'm starting back into it... enjoy it...
  • AnLucia
    AnLucia Posts: 15
    I keep hearing how great it works, must be true! I'm kind of put off by the pull up bar though, I feel like there is no way lol. Thanks for the welcome, and I'm sure you'll get those 25 lbs off again in no time! :)

  • Catmommy
    Catmommy Posts: 1
    Welcome Nina! This is a great site to track your food and exercise. It has definitely made me more aware of what I am putting in my body.
    Good luck with your goals!
  • AnLucia
    AnLucia Posts: 15
    Thank you! Good luck with yours too! :)
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Welcome total newbie..LOL.. You will love it here. At one time I went to sparkpeople.com I came right back because their site was too busy for me:laugh: .. Oops.. Did I just say that. N-who welcome:smile:
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