Not losing weight need some help!



  • chipoper
    I've just read the article. I really am very new to watching what I eat. Will update all my measurements and try to up some calories. Thank you everyone for your reply.
  • princesselle1
    princesselle1 Posts: 107 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    Weighing/measuring everything you eat and making sure you are logging accurately?

    I log everything and do not eat back excercise calories. Do you think eating more will help not increase my weight more?
  • Lanae7
    Lanae7 Posts: 50 Member
    Wow...your post is ME!! Same weight, same goal, but I can't seem to lose either. I am changing my calorie intake a bit. I wouldn't go over 1200 calories, or eat my exercise calories either, lost a bit, but than it stalled. I am going to try 1500 calories for a week or two and see where that takes me. Could it be your sodium intake? I will also be watching that to see if it makes a difference, it could be water retention too.

    I'm glad someone can see it from my point if view. Everyone is advising increasing my calories! I just hope that will work? Are you exercising?

    I exercise between 4-6 days a week. I just started increasing my calories to 1500 and I read in an earlier post to at least give it a month to start seeing results. Worth a try!
  • princesselle1
    princesselle1 Posts: 107 Member
    Wow...your post is ME!! Same weight, same goal, but I can't seem to lose either. I am changing my calorie intake a bit. I wouldn't go over 1200 calories, or eat my exercise calories either, lost a bit, but than it stalled. I am going to try 1500 calories for a week or two and see where that takes me. Could it be your sodium intake? I will also be watching that to see if it makes a difference, it could be water retention too.

    I'm glad someone can see it from my point if view. Everyone is advising increasing my calories! I just hope that will work? Are you exercising?

    I exercise between 4-6 days a week. I just started increasing my calories to 1500 and I read in an earlier post to at least give it a month to start seeing results. Worth a try!

    I am going to try this too!! Hopefully wil work x
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    Weighing/measuring everything you eat and making sure you are logging accurately?

    I log everything and do not eat back excercise calories. Do you think eating more will help not increase my weight more?

    I think eating more is the way to go to get a lower body fat percentage. Following the road map thread is good. It's also fine to raise your calorie goal a bit (set your goal to 1 lb/week instead of 2) and eat back your exercise calories. Either way works, it's just whatever is easier for you to understand.
  • wickedwendy6
    wickedwendy6 Posts: 117 Member
    Two words - fruit and vegetables.

    And yes, you need to be eating more food in general. :)
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    I started back. MFP & exercising regularly 35 days ago with less than 10 pounds to lose. Week after week of scale not moving, I decided maybe I'm meant to be my current weight, just active & eating healthy. Upped my calories to maintenance--which I don't always meet, but come close to--and in the past week, I've seen a 2 pound drop. I think there is a sweet spot of calories for losing weight, and for me, it's nowhere near as low as 1200.
  • chipoper

    I think eating more is the way to go to get a lower body fat percentage. Following the road map thread is good. It's also fine to raise your calorie goal a bit (set your goal to 1 lb/week instead of 2) and eat back your exercise calories. Either way works, it's just whatever is easier for you to understand.

    I've just recalculated my numbers... and according to harris-benedict formula (, my BMR is 2199 cal. I had initially set it as 1200 cal. Do you think I'm looking at the right number?
  • princesselle1
    princesselle1 Posts: 107 Member

    I think eating more is the way to go to get a lower body fat percentage. Following the road map thread is good. It's also fine to raise your calorie goal a bit (set your goal to 1 lb/week instead of 2) and eat back your exercise calories. Either way works, it's just whatever is easier for you to understand.

    I've just recalculated my numbers... and according to harris-benedict formula (, my BMR is 2199 cal. I had initially set it as 1200 cal. Do you think I'm looking at the right number?

    Yes depending on your activity level! I'm getting slightly confused on his many calories I should fe eating at bmr or TDEE less 20%??
  • acm130
    acm130 Posts: 100 Member
    I've just recalculated my numbers... and according to harris-benedict formula (, my BMR is 2199 cal. I had initially set it as 1200 cal. Do you think I'm looking at the right number?
    Fat2Fit advocates the philosophy of "eating like the thinner you" so it asks you to put in your numbers for your current weight and goal weight and adjusts for your activity level and voila gives you the number the "Thin" you would eat at, they call it BMR but it's actually the TDEE. I'm pretty sure the 2199 kcal you came up with is your TDEE @ goal weight? As the website says this is an estimate and some people may need to tweak up or down and as you get closer to your goal weight (10-20 lbs) you may need to cut by 200 kcal or so. As I've gotten closer I've had to eat more to break plateaus, kind of a modified refeed/bulk and cut program.
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member

    I think eating more is the way to go to get a lower body fat percentage. Following the road map thread is good. It's also fine to raise your calorie goal a bit (set your goal to 1 lb/week instead of 2) and eat back your exercise calories. Either way works, it's just whatever is easier for you to understand.

    I've just recalculated my numbers... and according to harris-benedict formula (, my BMR is 2199 cal. I had initially set it as 1200 cal. Do you think I'm looking at the right number?

    Yes depending on your activity level! I'm getting slightly confused on his many calories I should fe eating at bmr or TDEE less 20%??

    As long as TDEE minus 20% is not below your BMR then start with that. In a few weeks you can reevaluate and increase cals if need be.
  • princesselle1
    princesselle1 Posts: 107 Member
    I've just recalculated my numbers... and according to harris-benedict formula (, my BMR is 2199 cal. I had initially set it as 1200 cal. Do you think I'm looking at the right number?
    Fat2Fit advocates the philosophy of "eating like the thinner you" so it asks you to put in your numbers for your current weight and goal weight and adjusts for your activity level and voila gives you the number the "Thin" you would eat at, they call it BMR but it's actually the TDEE. I'm pretty sure the 2199 kcal you came up with is your TDEE @ goal weight? As the website says this is an estimate and some people may need to tweak up or down and as you get closer to your goal weight (10-20 lbs) you may need to cut by 200 kcal or so. As I've gotten closer I've had to eat more to break plateaus, kind of a modified refeed/bulk and cut program.

    It is a big jump from 1200 to that. I'm sure that will increase weight as eating at 1200 for some time body had adjusted?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Everyone is advising increasing my calories! I just hope that will work?
    Everyone who's saying it is speaking from experience! Many of us started with the 1200 calorie plan and ended up where you are now - stalled and frustrated.

    Looks like you've started checking out the Road Map - that's good! I've been following it for many months with great success - 1800 calories a day and I'm losing fat and inches. Check my diary, and my profile pics for results.

    If you need help figuring out your numbers (it's confusing at first, I must have read and re-read it 20 times - but now it's the simplest thing for me, makes this whole process so much easier!), you can PM Dan, or just about anyone who's offered the advice. There is also a group for it, where you can read other success stories, post questions, etc.
  • chipoper
    I've just recalculated my numbers... and according to harris-benedict formula (, my BMR is 2199 cal. I had initially set it as 1200 cal. Do you think I'm looking at the right number?
    Fat2Fit advocates the philosophy of "eating like the thinner you" so it asks you to put in your numbers for your current weight and goal weight and adjusts for your activity level and voila gives you the number the "Thin" you would eat at, they call it BMR but it's actually the TDEE. I'm pretty sure the 2199 kcal you came up with is your TDEE @ goal weight? As the website says this is an estimate and some people may need to tweak up or down and as you get closer to your goal weight (10-20 lbs) you may need to cut by 200 kcal or so. As I've gotten closer I've had to eat more to break plateaus, kind of a modified refeed/bulk and cut program.

    It is a big jump from 1200 to that. I'm sure that will increase weight as eating at 1200 for some time body had adjusted?

    I know... I'm not too sure of it but am going to give it a shot.