Does anyone else not see it?

melville88 Posts: 137
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering because I've lost now somewhere around 95 pounds... nearly at 100 and to be honest, I'm just not seeing it? I started out at 313 and this morning I weighed 217.1 (but not recorded as I only check in weekly but weigh myself every day just out of general interest). Loads of people do say to me oh u look great and thinner and stuff, and I can see the difference yes, but it doesn't seem like much of a difference... not nearly 100 pounds difference! Does anyone else feel like that when they look in the mirror? I don't feel disheartened or anything, but I'm just wondering if this is a common feeling for dieters? I don't think I'll see the true difference until I'm classed as 'normal'. Obviously, I know with my bmi being around 31 that I am still obese- is that why I can't tell the difference? hmmmm



  • meliza
    meliza Posts: 5
    I know exactly what you mean. Since a lot of us see ourselves the same each day it's hard to note the difference. Losing 95lb is a huge difference that's the size of a person. Biggest way for me to notice difference is in how my clothes feel. I'll try on a pair of jeans i was wearing 2months ago that just fit, now if i put them on i need a belt and even the belt the loops change, pretty soon i wont be able to wear those again, also in dresses, i actually have to have them taken in to wear them, something that i used to have to buy the dress and have material added to them... 95lbs is a big accomplishment! Congrats to you...

    Meli Mel
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    You're not alone. I've lost 91 and have the same problem. I mean in my head I know that I'm smaller than I used to be, but my eye balls still see all that fat not much difference.

    Pictures help though. I saw a picture of me in a 2x shirt for the first time in 12 years and that's when I can see it. If you can look at a picture of what you used to look like and what you look like now that helps.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Do you have old pictures of yourself? Seriously you need to find those and look at them. I have a picture of myself when I was about 25 pounds heavier and even though I don't seem to notice so much in the mirror, I definitely notice when I look at those.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Yeah I can see it when I look in pictures: I can see a difference but not necessarily such a big difference as you would think 95 pounds would make! Yeah, it must be because we see ourselves every day- I just hope there comes a time when I will look in the mirror and think- yeah, I'm not fat now or something! here's hoping! Thanks for the solidarity! x
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I feel the same.. I would think that 55 pounds would make a huge difference on anyone (not to mention 95!) but sometimes I still don't see it. For me, I gained that weight pretty rapidly, and my problem was never being able to see myself as BIG as I was! Now I'm still not really close to my goal, but I just feel like I've been this size all along, and that's how I've felt through this whole process. Just keep those pictures handy and see how different your clothes fit as a reminder. I also agree that seeing ourselves daily has a huge impact on how we perceive ourselves. If I'd have went a year without seeing myself I would have been blown away! lol

    Keep up the great work and I'm sure it will all settle into place in time. Also, a big congrats on losing 95 pounds - that's nothing short of amazing!
  • sblim
    sblim Posts: 99
    If I might suggest a few things:
    - go try in some of the clothes you wore when you were 100 lbs heavier
    - look at old photos and take some new ones. You can try with your head out of the photo too
    - at the gym pick up 100 lbs of weights and try to walk around the gym. Realize this was all around your body and occupied much more space than the metal weight.
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    well like you know about what we were saying yesterday....I feel the exact same size, its just clothes that feels different, even when I look at photos I still don't see a huge change....I agree that the obese mentality sticks with you.....maybe only be accepting when I am normal.....although I am waiting to see what happens for the first time I go clubbing and the pictures go up the next day do I go, I look smaller or will I still insist on detagging myself from most of them cos I look fat in every angle.....I wouldn't be surprised....i think you get more critical of your body when your dieting

  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    i never ever see myself bigger or smaller ever. not even by clothes sizes i mean ive gone from 8-11 but between 9 and 11 i dont notice anythihng, its actually my friends or family telling me or suddenly saying oh youve lost weight in your face or something, my clothes size is pretty much always 12. I think it is just mentality, and pics in the same dress have to be taken in the same place at intervels to keep you motivated, im having the same prob as i cant stay motivated, even though i see the scales move i dont feel i look any different...
  • MeganGroves
    MeganGroves Posts: 13
    First off huge congrats on loosing 100lbs! That's simply amazing!

    Without causing offence, have you been 'obese' for a long period of time before the weight came off???

    Because I was and I can completely relate to your feelings:

    I think it's a psychological thing: where you have been so used to seeing yourself a certain way for so long, you've conditioned your mentality to accept that image as who you are, so even with evident physical changes, your mental picture of yourself may not have changed....I know that's how I figure it with myself.......Even though I can physically see that my clothes size used to be a 22 is now a 16....My head is still unconvinced.

    I don't know how long this feeling lasts but I suppose it's just all part of the journey we are on and suspect it will pass with time :)

    Congrats again on all you've achieved! xx

    All the best for a Happier Healthier Future xx

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Oooh It's not quite 100 lbs yet- but in a couple of weeks maybe I'll finally hit it! Yeah I really should get some old clothes- I've always wanted to do one of those jeans photos where u hold up a pair of old jeans against ur new, thinner waist but I thought it should be something I do when I finally reach my goal weight!

    Megangroves- UK? I've gone from 26-18 in jeans and 22-16 in tops/dresses. I know it's a big difference- but yes, I have been obese all my life- no joke, I was even probably born obese lol! I think the problem also is (and I know I shouldn't compare to other people) but I have friends who are size 16 top and I still see myself as so much bigger than them? even though we're wearing the same size? it's weird!

    One day though, we'll all look in the mirror and it will be like waking up and we'll go WOW- i lost weight- at least I really hope so!!! Let's not let it dishearten us- we've all done so well so far! xxx
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If I'd have went a year without seeing myself I would have been blown away! lol

    What a great way to put it!! :laugh: :wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If I might suggest a few things:
    - go try in some of the clothes you wore when you were 100 lbs heavier
    - look at old photos and take some new ones. You can try with your head out of the photo too
    - at the gym pick up 100 lbs of weights and try to walk around the gym. Realize this was all around your body and occupied much more space than the metal weight.
    WOW! Some excellent suggestions, maybe I should pick up 2 which I KNOW I couldn't be carrying around (oh, wait I actually used to, what a thought!).

    I agree strongly with the 'it's in our head'. Doesn't mean it's not real and doesn't mean it's not a tough spot to be in, I'm in that spot along with some of you folks. I can tell you it's strange to see huge numbers drop, large clothes and not feel small. It's mind boggling, I mean I know I'm far smaller but it's like the weight came on and as someone shared it came on quickly and I was pretty unaware then. Seems the same way when it came off....

    Hm, I too hope I wake up feeling a change but I have a feeling this is something we have to do all on our own, more of the journey of getting healthy includes emotional and mentally healthy. We're getting the physical part down:wink::tongue: now to continue down the path.

    Nice to realize there are others on the path and not feel so alone out there:flowerforyou:

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