How long till results?

Hi everyone! So I was wondering, I'm currently doing the Insanity workout program, which has you working out 6 days a week. And I am on my own eating plan. How long does it usually take for you to see weight-loss results? I'm part of a Diet Bet and have 4 weeks to lose 4% of my weight. I also want the 60 Insanity workout plan to not be for nothing. Please let me know! Thanks!


  • milliman28
    milliman28 Posts: 9 Member
    HI there! I am almost done with week 3, and am down 3 lbs. I love it, even though the lbs are not dropping quickly I can see a big change with my fitness level, and inches all over :) How long have you been doing it for?
  • dozerboy77
    Hi I started noticing good results three weeks in. My wife was about 5 weeks in. Once it starts though it seems like the fat burns off fast:)
  • princess3479
    princess3479 Posts: 13 Member
    you wont see results overnight but be prepared it could take a few weeks to even a few months to see the results you want!
  • PJT614
    PJT614 Posts: 17 Member
    My new year resolution and I lost 5
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If really doing it as hard as they are trying to get you to workout, you are really asking your body to make improvements, which usually has little to do with weight lost.

    Start measuring many spots, because that'll go down first and faster probably.

    Besides, people will see that change easily, and as long as you don't wear your scale on your back, they won't see that.
  • aeverson2
    I'm not doing the insanity ,but I'm doing the Rockin Body and I love it. Shaun T is the instructor of this one too. When you are done try this one out. I love it.! I will try INSANITY closer to the spring.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Weight loss truly is 85% diet and 15% exercise. Essentially the exercise helps to keep your metabolism from slowing while you reduce calories and trim off fat.

    So to answer your question, it depends on your cut.

    If you're an average sized woman, and have a BMR of somewhere in the neighborhood of 1600, then with insanity your Total Daily Energy Expenditure should be in the neighborhood of 2000 calories to maintain.

    If you follow what your diary lays out, 1200, then that would be an -800 calorie deficit, quite a severe cut.. IF, *IF* you are able to stick to eating that little while properly performing the workouts, then you should see a pound slice off every 5 days or so. But your protein intake is NOT high enough to keep your body from losing lean body mass.

    I'm not saying eat more, I'm saying eat better, countless studies show that regardless of your cut, if you maintain sufficient protein while cutting, you will preserve lean body mass (muscles).