Young Mamas!

:smile: Young mom here trying to lose last 10 lbs of baby weight. Anyone else having this problem?? Just joined a few days ago and im determined to lose this weight!!


  • lisamurray247
    hi thought tell you my story of after i had my buba i had alot more weight to lose than you, i was 65 kilos before i got pregs i was 100 kilos when i had her im only 5,2 sooo i was huge, my daughter is 3 now but for two years i worked my *kitten* of i worked out 5 to 7 times a week i ate my calories and i did it i know weight 55 kilos and now im tonning exercise and heathly eating has become life we didnt diet we changed our habits and life style my husbands lost over 20 kilos to obvesly it would take normal people alot less time to lose that weight but i dont lose weight easly!! keep at it and you will get there your eating is 90 percent of weight lose good luck :)
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    Young mom of 3 here :)
  • Jaclyngfc
    Jaclyngfc Posts: 5 Member
    Young (at heart) mom here (I still feel young even though i'm 35, and that's technically "advanced maternal age"). Just had kiddo #2 about 8 weeks ago and am trying to drop weight from not one, but two pregnancies. I'm up about 60lbs from my ideal weight and desperately want to lose it.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    24 with a 21 month old boy, I have 20lb to lose, add me if you like x
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Young (at heart) mom here (I still feel young even though i'm 35, and that's technically "advanced maternal age"). Just had kiddo #2 about 8 weeks ago and am trying to drop weight from not one, but two pregnancies. I'm up about 60lbs from my ideal weight and desperately want to lose it.

    35 here too but definitely still feel about 21 :smile: I even look it when I've had some decent sleep lol.

    I'm a mum of 2, my youngest is now 20 months old and I have 13lbs left to lose! I've lost nearly 60lbs so far since my daughter was 8 weeks old. (didn't dare weigh myself before that haha). I'm now smaller than before I got pregnant with my 1st, and aiming for the smallest I have ever been!