First week, lost all motivation!!

I've exercised 4 times this week (more than I normally do). Stuck to my calorie allowance. Weighed myself today and only lost 0.6lb. I was so enthusiastic this week. But have lost less than I nornally would without exercising!


  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    Things take time sometimes in my experience, you could be holding more water for example - you might end up losing double as much next week!
  • limitedmommy
    limitedmommy Posts: 27 Member
    I know what you mean I am feeling the same way! I have watched what I was eating and worked out every day and still only down .5 lb and I am crazy about weighing myself every day which I know is a no no but I can't help it a d the last 4 days the scale hasn't moved! It makes me crazy! All I can do is push forward and keep trying. I know that even if I'm not losing weight yet and I am eating better and working out will me me healthier in the long run! Stay strong and stick to it it will pay off soon enough!
  • Tiffanybkk
    You could have lost fat and gained muscle. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat! Just keep your head up. :)
  • this_time_nextyear
    I lost 13lb in 2 weeks on Slim-Fast then started Insanity in combination with the diet and put 5lb on!!!!
    Started the IPOARM (I do have a lot to lose and im not forcing it on anyone) so this week have been eating more (still exercising) and lost the 5lb so far and dont weigh in until Sunday. Dont lose heart, it is the best way if you can exercise but muscle weighs heavier than fat and swollen muscles even more than that!
  • Chadandbradsmummy
    Chadandbradsmummy Posts: 19 Member
    I feel the same as you too. I'm due my third weigh in tomorrow and I'm terrified I won't have lost anything. Lost 3lb the first week and nothing the second. :mad:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. It is more dense. A pound is a pound.

    Seriously, you have been doing this a week? Your body will fluctuate daily, so put the scale away. My weight has fluctuated 10lbs in one day between waking up and working out. If you are working out hard, your body will retain water to help repair your muscles anyway.

    This isn't an overnight trick. .6lbs in a week is just fine, Give it some time and focus on your measurements, clothes fitting and not the scale.
  • GellisIndigo
    GellisIndigo Posts: 55 Member
    You could have lost fat and gained muscle. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat! Just keep your head up. :)

    A pound is a pound, the world around. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. It's just more dense.

    Anyway, don't lose motiviation so soon. I'm 10 months in and still going strong, despite not losing an oz. for the past 2 months. I just know that if I keep on keeping on that scale is going to move sometime in the future.
  • Jayneopopsidoodle
    Jayneopopsidoodle Posts: 63 Member
    You'll be fine sugar, the things I notice about my body are that if I exercise I lose less weight but my body is way better looking shape wise whereas if I just diet it drops weight but doesn't actually look any different.

    I'd much prefer it to look better in and out of clothes than be a lightweight lump of fat and skin.

    Keep at it, take a break every so often and drink lots of water :)

  • jtslim42
    jtslim42 Posts: 240
    It has only been a week. Keep at it. If it was easy then everybody would be skinny. And try not to focus on the scale so much. take pictures and measurements and focus on how great you feel and how good you look in your clothes! YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • cazzer69
    cazzer69 Posts: 162 Member
    Yes a pound is a pound, but muscle, being more dense than fat takes up less room.

    A pound of feathers is the same as a pound of lead. You saying feathers weight the same as lead?
    No, but a pound of feathers is gonna be a bigger bag.
  • JcSans
    JcSans Posts: 18 Member
    Agreed with what some the ladies are saying. It took about 2-3 weeks before I saw any weight loss so have patience and keep at it. Also try taking measurements. I havent had any weight loss for almost a month now, but I am losing inches so Im happy with that.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Takes T-I-M-E. You didn't gain the weight in 1 week, don't expect to lost it all in 1 week!
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    While I was always a big girl, my blood pressure was low. Then as I got older it got higher. The doctor put me on blood pressure pills and they really did not help much, they hurt. I experienced muscle weakness, I felt like a feeble old woman. However, when my urine got dark, I read the warnings that came with the meds and found that the dark urine was a sign of dangerous liver failure. I stopped the meds and alerted the doctor.
    Weight loss is really the only answer for good health. Do not give up. Do not take meds. What the drug companies put on the people should be unlawful, and would be if they were not buying off Congress.
    One important point to remember, when you are young,your heart can take the extra weight; when you get older, the extra weight is too much stress on the heart. A second important point is that as you get older, it only gets more difficult to lose the weight, so the time for action is now.
    Change your diet toward vegan. If you eat eggs and meat and dairy, keep it to a minimum. Eat a cup of brocolli before you start your meal.
    But most of all, do not go on a weight loss diet, but on a healthy life sustaining diet.
    Do not give up.
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    It takes two weeks for your body to adjust to your new routine. Its not letting weight go right now. After two weeks if you keep it up on that 3rd week weigh in will start to melt off.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    I take exception to that bigger bag remark! :)
  • cazzer69
    cazzer69 Posts: 162 Member
    I take exception to that bigger bag remark! :)

    Yeah well, I take exception to your cup of brocolli remark. I haven't been a bad not punish me with brocolli. :)
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Remember it is about more than the numbers on the scale. Although we all want to lose weight we have to focus on the other goals first. Do I feel better, am i eating better, am i moving more? If you are doing all of these things then you are moving to a healthier longer life. Do not let an arbitrary number on a scale define you, or change your life for the worse.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    If you aren't prepared to accept the ups and downs of a single week on a new lifestyle, how can you hope to do so indefinitely once you reach your goal? Life doesn't go back to normal once you reach the weight you're searching for, maintenance, for many, is even greater a challenge than losing the weight in the first place.

    If you're not willing to put in the time and effort it would take, there's nothing really that can be done to help. You have to find the motivation.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Did you gain the weight in one week? NOPE!!!! Don't expect it to be easy to lose it. It took me 18 months to lose the weight I lost -- and I am VERY proud of every one of those months.
    You need to give yourself some time and realize that you are not DIEting, you are creating a whole new LIFEstyle.
  • kirkytwo
    kirkytwo Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not saying I'm on a diet. I'm just saying I started logging what I ate and have upped my exercise this week. I have been changing my lifestyle since October and I've seen a huge improvement. Lost 9lb and 4 inches from waist, 2 from hips and 2 from bum.

    So I'm not expecting changes over night! All I was saying was I'm a little de-motivated this week because I've exercised more than I nornally would and have stuck to my calorie allowance (whereas before I ate less).

    I also know it's not just about a number on the scales BUT medical professionals take your weight to calculate your BMI. I have been told by my GP that I need to lose weight. So yes my fitness levels may be improving and my eating habits have changed but if the numbers on the scales don't then I am still classed as obese!