Another "I'm not losing weight" post...



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It's much too low. I am female and almost a foot shorter and I eat more than that. Why would you eat so little?

    Because MFP sets it as this if you are sedentry and want to loose 2lbs a week.

    That's where using one's brain comes in. This is software. Two pounds per week is unrealistic except for the most obese people. Computer software = Garbage in, garbage out.
  • TigressPat
    It's much too low. I am female and almost a foot shorter and I eat more than that. Why would you eat so little?

    Because MFP sets it as this if you are sedentry and want to loose 2lbs a week.

    there are tons of posts in this forum about the flaws in the MFP system so I'm not going to reiterate. Nevertheless, it's too low, and he's probably not sedentary.
    Not to mention, at 6'2" he's not overweight, and 2lbs a week is unrealistic.

    Not disagreeing with you. But loads of folk get asked teh same thing/bashed for having too low calories. MFP DOES set them at this and it takes a lot of reading and understanding to have the courage to move up/away from it.

    again, flaw in the MFP system which has been discussed ad nauseum. Not sure why MFP doesn't fix it but moot point to this thread.
    Still, I'm not sure why someone so obviously not overweight sets their requirments to 2lbs a week.
    Makes me wonder if 10lbs a week was an available choice if 90% of the people on this site would be eating 300 cal a day.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member

    Remember, you won't put on weight by upping your goal, so long as it remains in a deficit.

    Not always true. I've moved up within a deficit and put on 5-7 pounds each time. Metabolism is a b!tch. :mad:
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    I've been told often that I don't need to lose weight for my height, gender, and age, but I still have uncomfortably large rolls of fat on my waist, and I'd like to lose them.

    I tried the weight training, and have been experiencing muscle pain in my center chest. So I'm laying off for a little while to see if the pain goes away, or is from something else. In the meantime I will be doing cardio.

    I will try upping the calories. Guess 2 lbs a week was too aggressive. I'm being impatient.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I don't believe your eating enough, either.

    Also, I don't see many veggies and I see a lot of processed foods. Try making a gigantic salad with lots of protein (almonds, walnuts, chopped chicken, tuna, etc.). I buy frozen veggies in bulk and add them to as many meals as I can. You can do it! :)
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    It's much too low. I am female and almost a foot shorter and I eat more than that. Why would you eat so little?

    Because MFP sets it as this if you are sedentry and want to loose 2lbs a week.

    That's where using one's brain comes in. This is software. Two pounds per week is unrealistic except for the most obese people. Computer software = Garbage in, garbage out.

    I don't have a brain? Maybe I just don't have the experience yet to KNOW that. I come in with a good attitude, have been TRYING to learn and be healthy, and I get THIS?

    Good thing there are also thoughtful people on this board who don't blast others the second they don't understand something.

    Future tip: Give people some grace. It takes enough courage to try and get healthier. Insulting them is the last thing they need.

    To most of the other people here who have been very helpful: Sorry, I just had to go off. I'm not in the mood to deal with rude people today. I appreciate everyone's help.
  • TigressPat
    not trying to be insulting, but having a quick look at your diary I do notice that it's common for you to spend over 100 calories of your meager 1300 on coffee creamer and 300 calories on brownies or other desserts.
    Not to bash on sweets, and Im sure I'll get a lot of blasting from the calorie in calorie out crowd, but when I see that you eat half a chicken breast in a day and 400 calories in coffee and dessert, I don't think this is terribly healthy.
    You are a big guy, your body needs food.

    really, if you would up your calories I'm sure that would help.
    You look to me like you are starving.

    Also, you mentioned fat rolls, but have nothing in your profile about previous weight loss efforts or any information on your past attempts. Are the rolls from previous weight loss?

    A few people have mentioned lifting, and as you are really not overweight in any way but dislike your body shape/type/composition this would really be advantageous to you.

    You will probably gain weight, but look much better. But again, you need to feed your muscles way more.

    Good luck to you.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    It's much too low. I am female and almost a foot shorter and I eat more than that. Why would you eat so little?

    Because MFP sets it as this if you are sedentry and want to loose 2lbs a week.

    That's where using one's brain comes in. This is software. Two pounds per week is unrealistic except for the most obese people. Computer software = Garbage in, garbage out.

    I don't have a brain? Maybe I just don't have the experience yet to KNOW that. I come in with a good attitude, have been TRYING to learn and be healthy, and I get THIS?

    Good thing there are also thoughtful people on this board who don't blast others the second they don't understand something.

    Future tip: Give people some grace. It takes enough courage to try and get healthier. Insulting them is the last thing they need.

    To most of the other people here who have been very helpful: Sorry, I just had to go off. I'm not in the mood to deal with rude people today. I appreciate everyone's help.

    Great way to respond!

    If you experience pain when working on lifting weights check it out with your doctor. It could be something medical, it could be your form.

    If you are unhappy with parts of your body best thing is to increase your calories to at or above maintance and lift weights (but have the pain you are experiencing checked out first). When you eat at a deficit you will lose fat... but you will also lose some muscle especially with how high of a deficit you have yourself set at. It is far too high for you.

    Until you can get the pain checked out set your goal to lightly active (if it isn't already... or higher if you have a more active job/home life) and set your weekly loss goal to 0.5lbs per week. 2lbs per week is far too high for you... while I understand wanting to lose the weight quickly (don't we all)... quick isn't the best way to go.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    not trying to be insulting, but having a quick look at your diary I do notice that it's common for you to spend over 100 calories of your meager 1300 on coffee creamer and 300 calories on brownies or other desserts.
    Not to bash on sweets, and Im sure I'll get a lot of blasting from the calorie in calorie out crowd, but when I see that you eat half a chicken breast in a day and 400 calories in coffee and dessert, I don't think this is terribly healthy.
    You are a big guy, your body needs food.

    really, if you would up your calories I'm sure that would help.
    You look to me like you are starving.

    Also, you mentioned fat rolls, but have nothing in your profile about previous weight loss efforts or any information on your past attempts. Are the rolls from previous weight loss?

    A few people have mentioned lifting, and as you are really not overweight in any way but dislike your body shape/type/composition this would really be advantageous to you.

    You will probably gain weight, but look much better. But again, you need to feed your muscles way more.

    Good luck to you.

    Not insulted at all. At no point did you call me stupid. You're giving me good advice.

    Very good point on the sweets. For some reason, I felt like 100 calories on sweetener wasn't bad. But as you put it, it's a huge percentage of my calories.

    Maybe that's why I've been struggling with my exercise. I'm probably not feeding my body enough protein. I tried doing some serious strength training, but have been getting pain in my center chest. I'm taking a little time off to see if it's from the exercise. If the pain is still there I'll get professional advice.

    I did weigh 235 lbs at one point, so maybe that's where the rolls are from.
  • TigressPat
    not trying to be insulting, but having a quick look at your diary I do notice that it's common for you to spend over 100 calories of your meager 1300 on coffee creamer and 300 calories on brownies or other desserts.
    Not to bash on sweets, and Im sure I'll get a lot of blasting from the calorie in calorie out crowd, but when I see that you eat half a chicken breast in a day and 400 calories in coffee and dessert, I don't think this is terribly healthy.
    You are a big guy, your body needs food.

    really, if you would up your calories I'm sure that would help.
    You look to me like you are starving.

    Also, you mentioned fat rolls, but have nothing in your profile about previous weight loss efforts or any information on your past attempts. Are the rolls from previous weight loss?

    A few people have mentioned lifting, and as you are really not overweight in any way but dislike your body shape/type/composition this would really be advantageous to you.

    You will probably gain weight, but look much better. But again, you need to feed your muscles way more.

    Good luck to you.

    Not insulted at all. At no point did you call me stupid. You're giving me good advice.

    Very good point on the sweets. For some reason, I felt like 100 calories on sweetener wasn't bad. But as you put it, it's a huge percentage of my calories.

    Maybe that's why I've been struggling with my exercise. I'm probably not feeding my body enough protein. I tried doing some serious strength training, but have been getting pain in my center chest. I'm taking a little time off to see if it's from the exercise. If the pain is still there I'll get professional advice.

    I did weigh 235 lbs at one point, so maybe that's where the rolls are from.

    hi, not sure about this having never lost more than 40lbs or so myself, but I would think the 40lb drop is not enough to give you rolls unless you dropped the weight very quickly. If so, I would still think that it will fix itself with time as you did not lose enough weight to have excess rolls of skin that many people worry about when losing over 100lbs or so.

    I would just keep up what you are doing, definitely add more protein to your diet in terms of lean meats and even healthy fats like nuts etc. I would not worry so much about the creamer in itself, but more in the quality of what you are eating as a whole. I know when I try to lift on days where I am keeping a very low calorie total I have far less energy. You need to feed your body for it to work properly. I have no idea what your calorie needs would be, being female and much shorter than you, but there are lots of posts on this site about TDEE and BMR as well as many helpful links.
    At a guess (big guess, please don't blast me!) I would think you'd need a minimum of 1600 calories daily and more on the days you lift. So keep the creamer and the brownies if they make you happy, but add more healthy food.

    IMO there's nothing wrong with having some sweets in your diet (I would personally go nuts without any!) in fact there is one guy who often posts about how he eats a minimum of two poptarts and a full pint of ice cream daily and has lost a ton of weight. I believe he eats more than 3000 calories daily, not sure how that works for him, but apparently it does.

    Weight loss is partly about finding the formula that works for you and sticking to it even when you don't lose weight weekly.

    It is normal, as someone already posted, to be sore after strength training, but it should not last for more than 2-3 days. If you are still hurting from working out last week for example, then possibly you pulled something and should see a doctor.
    With the weight training, do not try to do too much, don't lift everyday, or work the same muscle groups consecutively.

    Also, you might want to consider doing more weight for less reps.
  • martinh78
    It's much too low. I am female and almost a foot shorter and I eat more than that. Why would you eat so little?

    Because MFP sets it as this if you are sedentry and want to loose 2lbs a week.

    That's where using one's brain comes in. This is software. Two pounds per week is unrealistic except for the most obese people. Computer software = Garbage in, garbage out.

    Is that the same brain that gets you to being 50lbs, 100lbs, 200lbs+ overweight in the first place?
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    I don't believe your eating enough, either.

    Also, I don't see many veggies and I see a lot of processed foods. Try making a gigantic salad with lots of protein (almonds, walnuts, chopped chicken, tuna, etc.). I buy frozen veggies in bulk and add them to as many meals as I can. You can do it! :)

    It's funny, I really did think I was eating pretty well, but I really am still eating a lot of processed foods.

    I have learned I love eating big salads. I will get back to that. I usually only need a tbsp of dressing at most.

    I will also get back to having my smoothies, I usually use frozen broccoli, banana, skim milk, and either peanut butter or protein powder.

    I need to start making more lean meats for myself.
  • irishblood3
    Hey that's awesome!! Iam 280 right now what should my calories be? I'm gaining weight :( but I work out hard and do cardio every other day
  • LadyBirdGo
    LadyBirdGo Posts: 39 Member
    you probably should go to a doctor and have your heart rate, blood pressure checked. the chest pains might be nothing, probably gas or maybe heartburn, but even so, you shouldn't ignore chest pains you get after doing cardio.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Need to up your calorie intake by about 1000. Your body isn't getting the nutrition it needs.