Cant reach my calorie goal?

Does anyone else have this problem?
I can eat my 1200 no problem, however I never manage to eat my exercise calories, so my net cals ends up being 700-800
What can I do?
Also, do you drink a protein shake before or after working out?


  • How on earth? :O And here I am starving.... :/ Eat, woman!!!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eat some food. Plan your day with some higher calorie foods, full fat dairy, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, meat, eggs. It isn't hard to consume those extras if you get your mind out the "diet" idea.
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    I just started yesterday and I ended up not hitting my 1200 calorie goal. I had planned out dinner but got cut short when my baby started pitching a fit and forgot to finish eating. By the time I remembered the food was cold and it was already really late and I know I shouldnt be eating that late at night. Anyways I wound up only getting about 900 cal for the day. I didnt think that was possible for me but it was.
  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    I have a very hard time reaching my calorie goal too! I make a Nutri-Blast every day, it's about 24oz which I drink throughout the day, so I am not starving. It's full of nutrients, ie: Spinach, kale & fruits, so I don't feel like I'm depriving myself at all.
    I've read pros/cons - advice and some bashing about the intake of calories, think we all need to just listen to our bodies and do what's right for you! :happy:
  • Oh no don't get me wrong haha I would! But I'm genuinely not hungry which is what is what I don't get
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    A couple tablespoons of peanut butter will get you a quick 200 calories.
  • JuliannaEP
    JuliannaEP Posts: 53 Member
    Add some extra protein (i.e. beef jerky, peanut butter, eggs, lean turkey, protein shake, greek yogurt, lowfat/nonfat milk) and that will give you some extra calories and keep you satisfied. Usually a shake should come after the workout. Just watch the sugar in it!

    There are days when I end under my calorie 'goal' because of exercise. To be honest, I don't eat if I'm not hungry. Don't worry about occasionally being under, and vice versa.

    Keep it up! :smile: You're doing awesome!
  • I wish I had that "problem"..........
  • My average day is like this:

    Breakfast: protein meal replacement shake (I'm a college student with a baby so this is nice and quick an really fills me up!)
    Lunch: meal replacement bar (perfect for college)
    Dinner: small portion of chips with grilled chicken and veg)
    Snack: banana or apple with 2 slices of toast
  • Maybe you can make like a super calorie and nutrition packed smoothie and drink it allllllllllll up. Hmm I want that now. Wait, I can't afford all the calories. Ughhh
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    I have a difficult time hitting my protein without drinking protein shakes. It's worth testing out several brands to find some that you like. Muscle Milk is revolting to my taste buds! But I am very happy with Optimum nutrition and Myoplex. And as far as not being hungry, I know several people who just don't get hungry. Maybe drinking your calories will help you get them in even when you don't feel like eating?

    Good luck!
  • KelliA0628
    KelliA0628 Posts: 44 Member
    Eat some food. Plan your day with some higher calorie foods, full fat dairy, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, meat, eggs. It isn't hard to consume those extras if you get your mind out the "diet" idea.

  • jsehl
    jsehl Posts: 1
    I moved my goal from 1200 (not enough calories if I want to reach my goal weight apparently) to 1500. I could barely get to 1000 let alone 1500 (especially if I go to the gym and add 200+ more calories to that!) so I understand your frustration. I always, ALWAYS, drink a protein shake when I get home from the gym. You have about 30 - 60 mins after a workout to get protein in your body to help with muscle repair, etc. I drink mine with milk because, quite honestly, I need the calories. Try eating, if you aren't already, 6x a day. Here is how I try to do it...hope this helps some.

    Protein first thing in the morning - 07:15
    Banana or carrots for snack - 09:30
    Lunch - 12:30
    Banana/carrots/handful of nuts/protein bar for snack - 3:00
    Dinner - make sure it has lots of protein...lower carbs cause it's later in the day...veggies - 6:00
    Snack before the gym...sometimes it's just a hardboiled egg or two
    Protein shake after the gym - 11:00

    Try that...see if you get closer to your goal. :) Have a fabulous day!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cook with some olive get a big calorie bang without anything really filling if you're not hungry. Instead of steamed veg, roast or saute in a bit of olive oil.

    Have some nuts...1 measly little ounce of nuts (I prefer almonds) has like 160 calories. Surely you could manage 1 little ounce of nuts. Eat some peanut butter...if you're doing non-fat everything...skim milk, etc then stop that don't have to necessarily do full fat, but get some fat. Eat cheese, eggs, etc.

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Oh no don't get me wrong haha I would! But I'm genuinely not hungry which is what is what I don't get
    Eat more, and your appetite will return.
  • Thanks everyone for the advice!
    I never ever thought I'd say I wasn't hungry enough to eat enough calories lol
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    penut butter jar and a spoon will fix that :)
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Peanut butter, like everyone else has said is my go-to. Gives me a spike of energy and a bunch of calories. Eat some dark chocolate! Who wouldn't love to have spare calories to eat chocolate - it'll improve your mood and you reach your goal.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Eat more calorie dense foods. Heck, just eat more. 99% of the people here with they had your problem.
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    sounds like you have room in your diet for some Nutella. XD