Back and looking for friends

Hi I am back to MFP after being away and I am looking for new friends. I am 29 and am at 261.8 lbs looking to be 180 by my 31st birthday (september 2014). I am a strict vegetarian (avoid dairy and eggs) and I live in NH. I have a husband and a dog who I want to be healthy for. Plus I am wicked vain so losing weight and looking better would make me happy. Anyone who wants to be friends that would be great.


  • emersmurf
    Hi, feel free to add me. I'm also in NH and have about 64 pounds to lose, give or take. I'm a stay at home mom with 4 kids- 8, 5, 2, and 11 weeks. Good luck!
  • TCondor
    Howdy "Neighbor", I live in MA, saw your post and thought I'd thow out a welcome. I've been on MFP for a few months now and find the support and community here indispensible.

    Plus, I'm a major freak for Halloween and got a kick out of your handle.

    Feel free to add me.