The MRE Diet



  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I'm confused. Why are you eating MREs?

    According to my military friends they are commonly referred to as "Meals Ready to Exit"

    yeah, the EATER of them is ready for them to exit, but the MRE has other ideas. It's more like Meals Refusing to Exit.
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    Options bowels hurt just reading this!! :sick:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Another horrible diet.. BTW, with as little calories as this provides, say goodbye muscle.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I know that the response will be 'but everyone is different' but here is my opinion.

    Like you, OP. I started out at about 300lbs and the went down to 250. I did this purely through exercise without counting a single calorie.

    Then in May last year I joined MFP. I've gone from 255lbs to 206lbs. This time I exercised and counted calories. The lowest I ever went down to is 2150 cals and it made me so light headed I couldn't exercise properly. Now I average 2900 cals to maintain somewhere between 200 and 210lbs.

    If you're stopping your body functioning properly just to lose weight you are not going to be happy even if you reach your weight goal.
  • P8riot0366
    First of all, I want to thank everyone who posted responses to my post. I really do appreciate the feedback and questions. It is obvious to me that the members of this forum are super knowledgable and generally helpful.

    Some of your posts raise valid concerns that I never thought about. Being ignorant of nutritional health, proper eating, and the effects of food upon body function, I didn't know what I didn't know.

    I am not planning to eat one MRE per day forever. I planned on doing it for two weeks at the most. This is an experiment only, not a lifestyle change. I had a couple of cases of MRE's laying around and so thought to put them to some use.

    I love to cook, and have a several resources for balanced meal recipes that shouldn't cost me a lot of money to prepare.

    You know, I'm just a fat guy who is tired of being fat. I thought I would try something and see what the results would be. I am not a nutritionist or anything like that. I'm a computer geek who sits in a cubicle every day.

    I hope that my ignorance will be judged for what it is: a lack of knowledge, instead of a lack of intelligence.

    If what I am trying offends or insults, please understand that my intention was not to do so. I seek knowledge and constructive criticism by sharing part of my life in public. I know flames come with the territory, but that doesn't make them sting any less.

    Anyway, I am looking into a more healthful way to eat and still lose weight and fuel my exercise. You will forgive me if I don't post what I do as exercise. I don't feel like reading how I'm doing it wrong.

    My profile is public and I will continue to post my foods and etc., so feel free to look if you like.

    Good health everyone!