New study out of Harvard -- TYPE of calories matters more



  • Lifting_Knitter
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    43% of caloric intake as sucrose (table sugar) in this study, wonder what happened?

    Metabolic and behavioral effects of a high-sucrose diet during weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Apr;65(4):908-15.

    Ugh! That had a lot of big nerdy words. Can you provide a link to the USA Today or Dr. Oz article on it?
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Thank you for this post and the reminder that we should all be eating clean healthy whole foods. I do a pretty good job most of the time, but I need to tigher things up! If it's man-made and the ingredient statement is long...DON'T EAT IT!
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    43% of caloric intake as sucrose (table sugar) in this study, wonder what happened?

    Metabolic and behavioral effects of a high-sucrose diet during weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Apr;65(4):908-15.

    You and your crazy meta-analysis.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Is this just because refined carbs are more available? If you eat 100 calories of, I dunno, spelt nuggets, do you get 100 calories of energy or is some lost breaking it down compared to 100 calories of table sugar shot directly into your vein?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - A new study out of Harvard University about dieting that could change the way we think about keeping weight off. When it comes to counting calories, what kind we take in may matter as much as how many we take in, according to the study.

    The study tried to answer why so few of us are able to lose weight, and keep it off. The answer? It's not enough to simply count calories. It matters what kinds of food those calories come from.

    The study compared three basic diets with the same number of calories, but in different forms: A low-fat diet, a low carbohydrate diet-high protein diet, like Atkins, and what's called a low-glycemic diet. The low-glycemic diet includes normal amounts of protein, fat and carbs, but avoids processed carbohydrates like white rice, white bread and sugar.

    The results? Researchers found the low-glycemic diet actually speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn calories.

    The low-glycemic diet trades out white breads for stone ground whole wheat breads and steel cut, old fashioned oatmeal, instead of the instant variety.

    Click here to learn more about the study or go to .

    Read more:

    So.. your saying to eat fresh foods that are not processsed and are not a victom of GMO of is the way to keep the weight off?? huh.. and I wondered why McDonalds maks you fat.. LOL

    Why did this require a study???? (Kinda common sense dontcha think?)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thank you for this post and the reminder that we should all be eating clean healthy whole foods. I do a pretty good job most of the time, but I need to tigher things up! If it's man-made and the ingredient statement is long...DON'T EAT IT!

    That's actually not what the study said at all.
  • aapluvr1
    aapluvr1 Posts: 1 Member
    One word: MODERATION.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    The study tried to answer why so few of us are able to lose weight, and keep it off. The answer? It's not enough to simply count calories. It matters what kinds of food those calories come from.

    Thank you for taking the time to post this.

    This has always been the case regardless of what others say on here.

    Now, maybe those who insist in eating burgers, ice cream, cakes and all kinds of rubbish they shove down their throat will realise that when they say "I'm under my calories" , doesn't mean you have achieved your goal for the day of eating correctly.

    Eat healthy to stay healthy. Eat crap to look and feel like it.

    Why do people get mad at the ones who choose to eat crap? It's not your life... it doesn't affect you if a stranger 5 states away decides to eat regular spaghetti instead of steel cut oats... I'm not saying you're not right. Eating healthier foods results in healthier people! Great! And, according to this, better results with weight loss. But damn it, if I choose to be unhealthy, just let me be unhealthy! Calm down about my bad choices! Stop acting all exasperated that you were right all along and everyone else is completely stupid for not giving up sugar and hamburgers. Those of us who still eat simple carbs have no one to blame for the end result but ourselves. And trust me, I blame me and nothing else. Not calorie counting, not health nuts, not marketing, not my friends...... just me. My sins are ever present and plentiful... I am just trying to cope with it the best way I can make it work for me. I'm working out... I'm eating less..... they're only baby steps in the right-ish direction, sure... but they're still steps. And I'm okay with celebrating that.

    OH -- and PS -- do you know that it is in FACT that person's goal to "eat correctly"? Perhaps their goal is just what they said it was..... to eat under their calorie allowance for the day. You don't get to make other people's goals for them. That's personal to each individual.

    I think you need wine and chocolate.. and a rather large chill pill..

    and people speak up *because* people who make unhealthy choices are those who are most likely to come on a site like this whining about thier diet not working.. and then when you tell them why.. you get the above type of answer.

    You don't want to hear that your food choicse are really not all that healthy? Then don't come on here complaining that you feel like crap. Easy :~)
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    WhAt AbOuT 3o BaNaNaS a DaHY???//////oneone
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    That makes the assumption that whole wheat bread is better then evil white bread

    All wheat bread is bad for some of us. (Celiac disease, here)

    I'm basically low glycemic index by default. My diet is about 20-25 percent protein, 40-45 percent carbs, and the rest in fat. I am set to the one pound a week plan and I keep doing better than that.
  • CandiSki
    CandiSki Posts: 57 Member
    Makes sense. :smile:
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Calories matter.
    No, fat matters.
    No,wait, carbs matter.
    Oh no, it's glycemic index that matters!

    What matters to me may not matter to you. And what works for you may not work for me.
    So the OP posted a study by an extremely reputable university. It has very good information. Is it 100% accurate and the beat all, end all that is the ONLY way to eat? Well duh! NO!! Do what works for you. Do what makes you feel healthier. Talk to your doctor. Look up all the info and make your decision based on what you are able to do for an extended period of time, like the rest of your favorite part of these forums is the never ending list of people who tell everybody else what they need to do because this is what worked for them and anyone who doesn't listen and follow their advice is stupid and will never lose weight.

    After all, I'm the only person in the world that knows how to do this Weightloss thing! Everyone else who has lost weight is either copying me or they just got lucky!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    This is amazing. Thanks for posting OP. Pretty much exactly what I've been saying from day one.

    lmao! No this is not. The fact remains, only macro's matter. clean vs dirty does not matter.

    It's hard to determine when someone is joking or being serious, but micronutrients matter. Calories matter.

    micronutrients and sources of calories have never mattered for weight loss. The hormonal response is the same and the energy contained is the same. Macros matter, calories matter. That's it.

    the above link is hormonal only. For body composition over time studies, there are thousands of other links showing clean vs dirty is irrelevant .

    when the heck are you people going to realize that weight loss =/= healthy?

    you can lose weight eating well. you can lose weight eating crap. are those people equally healthy? nope. that's where the KINDS of calories come into play.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member

    Thank you for taking the time to post this.

    This has always been the case regardless of what others say on here.

    Now, maybe those who insist in eating burgers, ice cream, cakes and all kinds of rubbish they shove down their throat will realise that when they say "I'm under my calories" , doesn't mean you have achieved your goal for the day of eating correctly.

    Eat healthy to stay healthy. Eat crap to look and feel like it.


    There may be a marginal benefit to cutting out this type of stuff, but the reality for many of us is that trying to completely cut out the foods we love results in massive failure. I yo yo dieted all my life, until I started thinking of calories as a budget and allowing myself to eat the foods I like as long as they stay in that budget. Would the weight have come off slightly faster if I had eaten the diet suggested by this study? Maybe. Would I be able to stick to it as a lifestyle change? For me, never.

    I eat some of the foods you describe as "crap" every day, and I neither look nor feel like it.

    /rolls eyes

    Predictable answer from the masses who do disregard the OPs post. Knew it would happen.

    Predictable answer from the masses who think we can "common sense" our way to an understanding of the complex world (like human biology/nutrition) and who have an odd vested interest in some non-proven dietary belief.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i'm curious as to the reactions from the "eat whatever you want" crowd...

    taso? davpul? joylia? sarauk? mmapags? thoughts?

    I'm takign it you did not actually read the full study and paid particular attention to the results of the subjects
    I'll take away what conforms with what I want to tell everyone, which is, I was right? Sounds legit.

    Hahaha. "Eat whatever you want" doesn't necessarily mean "eat only junk food or fast food." I am not against eating healthy...but I am against the "all or nothing" attitude because I've failed too many times trying to be so restrictive with everything I eat. and I've seen too many people fail because of that mentality as well. You (@coachreddy) think that because I'm okay with people eating what they want...that I'm advocating an all fast food/junk food meal plan. *rolls eyes* Which is completely false. I'm for do what works for you. Period.

    If people are reaching their fitness plans having that fast food meal every other day or every other month - great.

    If they are reaching their goals having that nightly scoop of ice cream, eating white rice, or some other processed

    If boxed foods, frozen veggies, or whatever processed foods you like to wag a finger at fits better into someone's budget and they are still reaching their fitness goals and being healthy, then I say go for it.

    As I've said in this post and many times before, I'm just against the extreme all or nothing attitude (both with food and exercise). Most of people that end up quitting/failing in their goals, do so because they feel if they can't do it all right now right away, then what's the point.

    Edited for punctuation
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    This is amazing. Thanks for posting OP. Pretty much exactly what I've been saying from day one.

    lmao! No this is not. The fact remains, only macro's matter. clean vs dirty does not matter.

    It's hard to determine when someone is joking or being serious, but micronutrients matter. Calories matter.

    micronutrients and sources of calories have never mattered for weight loss. The hormonal response is the same and the energy contained is the same. Macros matter, calories matter. That's it.

    the above link is hormonal only. For body composition over time studies, there are thousands of other links showing clean vs dirty is irrelevant .

    when the heck are you people going to realize that weight loss =/= healthy?

    you can lose weight eating well. you can lose weight eating crap. are those people equally healthy? nope. that's where the KINDS of calories come into play.

    If you are obese and lose weight do blood markers of health generally improve, worsen or stay the same regardless of what foods they ate during weight loss?
  • chrisvinci
    If you workout hard enough you can eat anything in moderation and still be healthy and fit.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Try to eat a balanced diet from a variety of sources, eat within moderation and stay under calories on most days, and hit reasonable macro nutrient targets most of the time. Get to, on occassion, fit in something tasty like ice cream or a snickers bar, or plan ahead for a big night out or vacation where you can relax restrictions and focus on having fun and living in the moment rather than dreading what the actual calorie count of every damn thing is or if the cooks are really using organic beef fed grass from the range in little house on the prarie and water from a glacier in Antarctica. Think restrictive dieters are a overzealous and kooky when they preach about the 'garbage' you're eating, even though admittedly not all of them are that crazy and it's unfortunately just the craziest ones that are the loudest. Generally derive great joy from treats you fit into your diet...because they're f***ing delicious.


    To cassify foods as bad or good, and completely restrict those bad foods. Develop a pretty substantial superiority complex regarding the supremacy of your diet over those crazy moderation-means-I-can-eat-ice-cream-only folks, even though the ones who are successful generally eat very 'clean' diets 80% of the time. Generally derive great joy from coming up with recipes that are crummy tasting substitutes for foods they can't eat anymore, or from the feeling of superiority they get in 'knowing' that they're eating healthier than folks they don't know.

    Pick your poison.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    This is amazing. Thanks for posting OP. Pretty much exactly what I've been saying from day one.

    lmao! No this is not. The fact remains, only macro's matter. clean vs dirty does not matter.

    It's hard to determine when someone is joking or being serious, but micronutrients matter. Calories matter.

    micronutrients and sources of calories have never mattered for weight loss. The hormonal response is the same and the energy contained is the same. Macros matter, calories matter. That's it.

    the above link is hormonal only. For body composition over time studies, there are thousands of other links showing clean vs dirty is irrelevant .

    when the heck are you people going to realize that weight loss =/= healthy?

    you can lose weight eating well. you can lose weight eating crap. are those people equally healthy? nope. that's where the KINDS of calories come into play.

    If you are obese and lose weight do blood markers of health generally improve, worsen or stay the same regardless of what foods they ate during weight loss?

    Losing weight will make you healthIER than if you didn't lose it. Obviously. But it won't make you AS HEALTHY as someone who did it with whole foods. (given identical test subjects and other variables controlled)
