What will drinking more water actually DO for me?

I am on day 3 of really pushing the plain water. I have heard my whole life that it "helps". I don't know what that means.

Historically, i would drink when i was thirsty. often, it was diet soda or coffee. sometimes crystal light. rarely water. I also ate a mixture of foods.

Now, i'm drinking 10 cups of water minimum, plus extra sips here and there. I'm also avoiding processed foods and actually noting my sodium intake (not perfect, but working on it).

Apart from helping me pee every 10 minutes, what is it helping? i'm not going overboard or anything, just trying to get at least 100oz every day of plain water (I also drink about 26oz in coffee/tea every day- all without dairy or sugar).

I just want to know what to expect. I am especially interested in feedback from people who were not habitual plain water drinkers who successfully built the habit. what did you get out of it? when did you notice the benefits?


  • pandagirlshonerd
    pandagirlshonerd Posts: 50 Member
    It clears out your system better than coffee and whatnot does. I found when I drink more water my body feels more energized, it does take some days getting used to it. Along with my diet I felt "cleaner". You will notice other changes too, like your skin might get a bit clearer and stuff.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Don't worry about the amount of cups you drink, just stay hydrated. It is all about pee color. I like to use the US military hydration chart for reference. This thread explains it all:

  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Hello! I used to live on Diet Coke alone. Nothing else. I now only drink water. It absolutely feels better to just drink water. No way I would ever go back. I quit Diet Coke and all soda about a year ago and have NO desire to have one.
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    I have tried to shift from black coffee and diet soda to plain water - well I put a squeeze of fresh lemon in it. I do think this helps my skin to be clearer/brighter and pushing water seems to reduce any leg/ ankle swelling which can make my weight fluctuate and really be frustrating. I do find it can be filling if I drink when hungry rather than snacking. I do find the the frequent trips to the loo are a problem but they get my steps up.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Just stay hydrated...mellow yellow to clear piss. Staying hydrated helps the body to absorb nutrients and helps eliminate toxins.
  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    I don't think you need to push 'plain' water. Just push fluids. Even milk is 90 % water. The less sugar that's in your water the better though. Such as soda and other sweet drinks. I drink iced green tea through out the day with some Truvia.
  • MrsMeisner
    MrsMeisner Posts: 40 Member
    I believe water helps support your metabolism and digestion as well. I find that it also helps me feel fuller. I've heard that many times our bodies think we are hungry when we are actually just thirsty. If you're sick of plain water maybe try hot tea? I drink hot tea all day long and it's a nice change from plain water. It also can help support your metabolism depending on what kind you drink (I generally drink green tea with a lemon slice).
  • speedgoose
    Make you pee a lot. Speaking of, I'll brb.
  • allknowingtomato
    allknowingtomato Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks, guys. Will it help with weight loss, or just general "you'll feel better" type stuff? what about water retention? will i look slimmer drinking water than i were drinking the same amount of diet soda?

    I ask because i already had good skin. I drink things like milk sometimes (also I eat soups and make protein smoothies with water) but i don't count anything with calories towards my water tally. all that goes on the food side.

    i have noticed that, now that i'm drinking more water, i'm almost thirsty more? like i can recognize thirst better maybe.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    It fills you up. Your body is 80% or whatever water. It wants it. It helps your cells. All your cells use water. Most of the time when you think you're hungry you're actually thirsty. By the time you feel thirsty you're already dehydrated. Just drink your water. It's free and calorie free so why not drink it? I never used to drink water and never really thought about it. I definitely notice looking back that I got a lot of headaches and not a lot of energy.
  • Ginsey31
    Drinking more water will actually help you retain less. It flushes it out of your system. I always see a weight difference (loose a pound or two of water weight) if I cut out soda and up my water intake.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Thanks, guys. Will it help with weight loss, or just general "you'll feel better" type stuff? what about water retention? will i look slimmer drinking water than i were drinking the same amount of diet soda?

    I ask because i already had good skin. I drink things like milk sometimes (also I eat soups and make protein smoothies with water) but i don't count anything with calories towards my water tally. all that goes on the food side.

    i have noticed that, now that i'm drinking more water, i'm almost thirsty more? like i can recognize thirst better maybe.

    Drinking more water actually HELPS with water retention. If your body is adequately hydrated it will not hold on to every drop. Personally, I think you'd look slimmer eventually - I know that the carbonation in soda makes me bloat, and if I drink water, I don't bloat.

    I have also gotten to the point where I get thirsty more when I drink more water - so I drink more water! Some days I'm not as thirsty as others, but I try to drink at least a gallon of water/day.

    When everyone else got the flu - I didn't. I haven't had a serious cold or flu since I started drinking a bunch of water. It helps lubricate your cells, helps flush out toxins, helps your digestion...Your body is around 75% water (or more? I'm fuzzy with the numbers)...wouldn't it make sense to drink water?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Thanks, guys. Will it help with weight loss, or just general "you'll feel better" type stuff? what about water retention? will i look slimmer drinking water than i were drinking the same amount of diet soda?

    I ask because i already had good skin. I drink things like milk sometimes (also I eat soups and make protein smoothies with water) but i don't count anything with calories towards my water tally. all that goes on the food side.

    i have noticed that, now that i'm drinking more water, i'm almost thirsty more? like i can recognize thirst better maybe.

    Drinking more water will help retain less water...it flushes it out. It is also very helpful in recovery of your muscles after a workout and you'll be less sore (somewhat). As far as actual weight loss goes, I don't think it really does much for overall weight loss...maybe help regulate your metabolism or something, but it's more of a general nutrition kind of thing...i.e. it's good for ya.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I've noticed I recognize being thirsty more than I did before (I used to never feel thirsty - I just felt like having more chocolate). I don't know if you'll feel a lot different drinking more water unless you have specific health issues that improve (I have migrains, more water helps cut those down) but there are a long list of bodily functions that work better if you are hydrated. So it's kind of one of those you do it because you know it does good vs actually feeling/seeing a difference.

    10 cups is a big jump from pretty much zero - if you can do it then more power to you, but if you are struggling you could drop that a bit and ramp up more slowly. Especially if you are drinking other liquids (not counting pop).
  • allknowingtomato
    allknowingtomato Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the replies. It is somewhat of a big jump, but i have been spending time with someone who religiously carries a water bottle, and he started bringing one for me when we hang out. So the good habit sort of snowballed (typing this has inspired me to thank him for the good habit)

    For what it's worth, I have noticed a few times when i reach for the water, when in the past i probably would have reached for food. so perhaps drinking water is a good substitute habit for the bored "time to put something in my mouth" feeling.

    I use a water bottle, and fill it up with the cooler at work. it holds 32 oz. I play a game with myself: can i drink a whole one before i get to the office in the morning? can i drink another full one on the commute home? that alone gets me 8 cups of water.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    As for water in pop/coffe and tea, they all contain caffiene. Caffiene is a diuretic so it pulls water out of your system. it is also a stimulent so it can INCREASE your appetite. Drinking regular water is the best form of water for your body. The carbonation in pop, and beer, will bloat you, and give you gas after you take in so much. The carbonation is CO2, which in severe cases can build up in your joints and muscle. This will give you a feeling of bloating and stiffness. I used to literally drink over a gallon of diet coke a day. I have cut it out and I certainly am bloated less, and less flatulent. My physical last year showed the CO2 level in my blood was at the very point of highest normal. Anymore and I would have been treated for high CO2 in my body. Since I have quit pop for the most part, I will have my number checked again soon with my physical.