day 5 of 30 day shred

The first day was a total mess up I didn't even count it. But since that day each day seems a little easier. I am telling you I have muscles in my legs I didnt even know I had. THey pain alot but then it gets better. They say no pain no gain I believe it. I am in this for the long hull this time around. I want to be healthy for myself the most then for my family. I have to be first though cause it is my body and life.


  • pokerfacez
    Keep up the good work! I agree about the hidden muschles in legs haha
    I am in the day 7 and it is much easier to do the workout
  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    I completed day 2 of level 1 yesterday, it was much easier but still hard as hell! My muscles hurt but like you, I'm in for the long hull! Can't wait to see results!!
  • tamikia87
    tamikia87 Posts: 66 Member
    I completely agree, I finished day 5 up this morning as well, and it does get a little easier as each day goes on! I'm currently only using 2 LB weights but I think tomorrow I will up it to my 3LB weights, I need to feel the burn in my arms to! The jumping jacks are a killer on the chest (been doubling up the bra) but it's still hard on the girls! Keep up the good work everyone and stick with it. We can all do this together!
  • jgrode1984
    I'm finishing level one with day 10 later this evening. Some suggestions I can give for soreness - tested and true!

    Have a snack post work out loaded with protein, wether it be some chicken, a hard boiled egg or too, a smoothie or my fav, pre made protein shakes I get from the grocery store. Eas myoplex lite shakes in chocolate fudge ( i think, it's the chocolate one) is very palatable, filling, low in sugar and 20g protein! The protein helps build the lean muscle we are trying to achieve with all the exercise we're doing!

    Also snack on high potassium foods like bananas and dried apricots .... The potassium does something with the acid build up in the muscle and helps flush it out or something.

    Drink water like its your job! Not so much during the work out, but after... Like a camel.

    Take a shower in warm water. After your all cleaned up alternate about 2 min on really warm, as warm as you can stand it, then a minute of COLD. Do this two or three times, it improves circulation.

    Invest in a foam roller. They are inexpensive and do the job. Do some muscle release exercises (you can look up foam roller release workouts on good ol' YouTube, targeted to the specific muscle that's nagging you)

    I mostly do the protein shake and potassium tricks. And my soreness post-workout/next day is little to none. try it and see if it helps, it's worked for me! :)
  • Jday71
    Jday71 Posts: 39
    It gets better but then the first few days of level 3 are a killer. good luck!!!! I have three days left.
  • Redheadedsunshine
    Redheadedsunshine Posts: 102 Member
    Congrats on following through... I am also on day 5 and feeling it. But, on the upside, some of the moves aren't as difficult. Muscles are adjusting! :-)
  • erinwoz
    erinwoz Posts: 2 Member
    just finished day 6 today! i have noticed an increase in my endurance, especially in the cardio, but those strength moves are still killer! my quads are by far the most sore, but no pain no gain, right? i just keep telling myself its only 20 minutes.