Turning 40

Hi All. Introducing myself so I am ccountable, I need to get serious about this!! I'm turning 40 in june and am so disapointed in myself. My goal is 40lbs. I want to be in shape to keep up with my 5yo daughter and to just feel better about myself, Weight does not come off easy for me so I tend to quit when I don't see results. Anyone out there in a similar situation?


  • Kerria1024
    Kerria1024 Posts: 17 Member
    I hear ya sister! I just turned 40 in October....I'm the queen of impatience and want instant results! lol
  • ihavehope2013
    Here here, Im also new and I turned 42 in January. My weight loss goal is also 40-50 lbs, and I give up after I lose like 20 lbs. I always think I can "keep it off", when in fact, I gain that and then some. I am determined this time tho, because I have set some goals.