ahh, i have no idea what's going on in my head.

so i'll go a few days nicely eating whatever's healthy, good for me, and within my calorie range. i do well on these days, to say the least. and i feel confident.

then after maybe three or four days, i'll suddenly start overeating and raiding the fridge. it'll be either at breakfast, or dinner, or even both. like i'll finish whatever i put on my plate and then raid even more food.

i lose a few pounds, then just gain them back. it's such a vicious cycle, and i am so fed up! does anyone have any tips???


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    The biggest reason I binge after a few days is because I'M LITERALLY STARVING. And then a little craving for chocolate or salt becomes a full blown binge, instead of a snack, like it should be. When I look at my net calories for the days prior to an unexpected binge, I find I simply didn't eat enough overall.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    I suggest you take out all crappy foods from your fridge and pantry and bin it. Fill your fridge with fruits and vegetables, that way ifyou to raid the fridge there will be nothing to eat but fruits and veges.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The biggest reason I binge after a few days is because I'M LITERALLY STARVING. And then a little craving for chocolate or salt becomes a full blown binge, instead of a snack, like it should be. When I look at my net calories for the days prior to an unexpected binge, I find I simply didn't eat enough overall.

    It is impossible to tell without seeing your diary, but this was also my first thought.
  • ACDodd
    ACDodd Posts: 129 Member
    I felt that way then I increased my fat intake and it helped a lot.
    I still stay within my range of allowable fats.
  • cara91997
    cara91997 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree on getting rid of all the crappy foods if you can. I know it stinks to trash it but in the long run you are better off. One thing that works for me is to keep a plethora of low calorie snacks/foods I like that can help with whatever craving I have. Research recipes and low cal foods so if you get a craving and binge, at least you do so in moderation. I just made some sugar free jello (10 calories per serving). I added frozen fruit to it and light coolwhip. It was a great sweet snack with very few calories! The trick is definitely to keep yourself full on stuff that you like that is low calorie. Good luck!

    Fee free to friend me if you want. I also tend to binge and then go overboard when I do. I will do well for awhile then slip up and once I do that I am all done for! But I try to push myself to make the right choices.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    One of my favorite foods is hot fudge sundae with nuts.
    Sooooooooooo every time I lost 5 pounds, I went out for a hot fudge sundae with nuts.
    Instead of counting the pounds, I was counting the hot fudge sundaes that I earned.
    I could not buy the stuff and make them myself, because I had no control.

    Another tip was not the FullBar, but the Full Chips. They were good.
    I was starving when I got off work and ate everything.
    Then I saw those chips and tried them one night and when I got home, I just made some tea.
    Another thing that works similar is to eat a crown of brocolli before the meal, especially if you are starving.
    If you do not like it, all the better, it will turn off your desire to pig out.

    Another tip is get rid of wheat. It feeds hunger.
    Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book Eat to Live, explains that those who eat too much fat, starch, and overall junk are starving for nutrients.
    If you look at the vitamins in brocolli and McDonald's grease special, you would see that the brocolli has vitamins and is nutrient rich while MMD's has calories. When your food is nutrient deficient, it is a kind of starvation, so the body is always hungry, feeding on junk, and still hungry..
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    What has helped me is to really try to pay attention to my body. I'm totally an emotional/boredom eater. When I get an impulse to eat (particularly outside of planned meal times), I try to really carefully decipher if I'm actually hungry or if I'm wanting to eat just to eat. If I decide I'm actually hungry, I drink a big glass of water. If I'm still hungry, then I eat something, even if it puts me over my calorie goal for the day. I figure that your body is hungry for a reason - it needs nourishment. If I'm making good, healthy, nutritious choices otherwise when I'm eating (and I'm not just hungry because I had a 1100 calorie milkshake for lunch - of course that won't satisfy me), and I have enough days where I've listened to my body and ended up slightly under my calories because of it (I personally work on more of a weekly average approach rather than get too strict with my daily intakes), then it's ok to fuel my body with something that will actually fuel it and isn't junk.