FitBit and walking

If I walk with my fitbit do I log that exercise too or does it automatically go in my fitbit adjustment?
Thank you


  • kimberlyrachelle
    I usually log my exercises. If I only do a little extra walking or maybe a 10 min exercise I won't log it, since Fitbit usually adjusts it anyways. If you do log it, say, after you do it & Fitbit already adjusts it will just take your adjustment away & leave the logged exercise. Hope this makes since & even answers what you were asking lol!
  • ShyBee1297
    ShyBee1297 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the help :), I think for today Ill just leave the fitbit adjustment and start logging thanks a ton!!!
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I don't log any walking and let my FitBit do all the work. However if I do other exercises such as videos or stationary machines I log them seperately.
  • ShyBee1297
    ShyBee1297 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks thats good advice, thats what I thot about doing
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    FitBit is made to track walking - therefore I do not log it. I actually don't log much - if I did an exercise video at home I'd log it, or kayaking or something that's all arms (although I don't track doing the weight machines or free weights at the gym either).
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    If you have your Fitbit and MFP accounts linked, MFP will automatically log it for you.