When did you start losing INCHES from running?

Hey everyone, question speaks for itself! How long did it take for you to start noticing the inches melting off your body? Was it right away or did it take a few weeks? Just looking to get a general idea on what to expect. Thanks!


  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm fairly new to running and while I haven't really lost weight just due to it, my legs have definitely changed shape. They have more definition and I can tell there's some really good muscle under there!

    I'd be interested to see what everyone else says but I suspect it will be along the lines of only changing what you eat can create inch-loss, unless you are creating a calorie deficit by running a marthon every day ;)

    I'm just carrying on with the running and losing weight at around 1lb a week (eating to my BMR plus exercise calories) - I'm hoping that when some of the fat goes then I will have great shape and sleek muscles underneath thanks to those hours of running!
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks!! Anyone else and their running results? It's motivating to here!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Reality check on running: most of us burn 100 - 130 calories per mile.

    So that is a couple girls scout cookies per mile.

    Even at higher mileage, you need to reduce your caloric intake for the pounds to melt off. I've put on weight while running 50+ miles per week (by eating 60 miles worth of calories...).

    That said, I think training for my first half marathon was when I saw the pounds coming off.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I don't believe I have 'lost' neither inches or weight from running, as my goal weight of 170 lbs has been between 166-169 lbs for almost a year.

    I am in training for a marathon , my first, and run 4-5 times a week, including one 'long run'. I have, however noticed that my weight drops in weeks where I eat rigidly to my mfp calorie recommendations and NOT eat back my exercise calories ( unadvisable).

    I have learned that eating less makes you lose weight, running makes me fit. I wouldn't suggest weight loss by just exercising alone.
  • Kissah
    Kissah Posts: 33 Member
    So very true what everyone said. I've been running for about 3 years about 4 miles 3-4 times a week and have not lost much weight. I have noticed my legs getting firmer and overall I feel better... Clothes fit better too but the number on the scale does not move much... I am now more careful of what I eat, I run and do strength as well I am hoping to see bigger results... Enjoy your runs and eat healthy and you will see a change and if you want to see bigger changes hit the weights... :wink: