Amazing Race

Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
I was so disappointed last night at Amazing Race's finale. I was totally rooting for the cowboys, and isn't there some rule that you can't fly anything but coach on the race? shouldn't the twin brothers have had a penalty for that?!


  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was so disappointed too! I don't know anything about that rule though. I thought they were so rude in the last episode when the one was screaming at the cab driver! Just reinforces the term "Ugly American"! I was really hoping the cowboys would win, but like they said, they played it extremely fairly and with dignity.

    How awful were Carol and Brandy at the end when the other team, they guy and girl, came in?! They were such sore losers, they wouldn't even cheer for them or anything. I was happy that the girl put them in their place by saying something like "Well I'm here, and you're not!" What a couple of crybabies they were, I am so glad they got eliminated a while ago.
  • sssrip
    sssrip Posts: 72
    They can only pay for coach seats. They were moved to first class but only payed for coach. I was disappointed as well with the outcome.
  • jodybob
    jodybob Posts: 7
    I wanted the cowboys too :( I couldn't watch it because I was dog sitting and the people don't have cable or satelite. Oh well. The cowboys are still winners and they know it because they didn't do anything nasty to win!!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Very much agreed. I've been rooting for the cowboys since the beginning. The brothers had some SERIOUS anger management issues. Even the beauty queen and the boyfriend I would have preferred over the brothers. I hate when the team that I hate wins...
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    yeah, I was super bummed. I would have even taken Caite and Brent (I think that's what their names are) over those twins. I couldn't stand their attitudes and the whining the whole season. I kept praying they'd get eliminated each round. I'm glad Carol and Brandy were out of it too at the end, they were nasty too. I like that the cowboys played hard and did themselves proud. At the Star Wars challenge think he should have stepped past the twin so they could get ahead. Loved how the one cowboy guys was psyching out the twins with his directions, that was funny.
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    I was pulling for the cowboys too! I wonder if there is a sportman's rule they could do for the next show. I have to admit it was a good plan to move to first class. If the other had not been sleeping, they could have done the same thing.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've seen other teams (on other seasons) penalized for buying tickets for anything other than coach (business class, etc). I just thought they would have to sit in coach too - like they must've bribed someone to let them up front in First Class, because I've seen the flight staff kick people back out of first class to coach...