Tofu or not tofu...that is MY question

I have never cooked tofu before, and I KNOW my dad doesn't like it. But, he has psoriasis and we looked up in a book called encyclopedia of healig foods and it said he needs to limit his meat intake. So I need a knock-out tofu recipe that you have tried(i have looked up plenty, but don't know if they are that great) that will hopefully open his and my eyes to the tofu world. I bought extra firm and a medium firm, but have no clue what to do with it lol.


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Google is your friend in such a situation.

    Here is a links to two sites with good info:

    Tofu by itself doesn't have a lot of flavor, but it is good at picking up the flavor of whatever you put with it, so with this in mind, maybe you can create some recipes of your own.

    Good luck
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    This is the best vegetarian/vegan site I can recommend. I get a lot of my recipes off this site.
    FYI: the tofu haters will be on here shortly to expose the dangers of soy.
    Feel free to PM me (I've been a vegetarian for 25 years and have vast amounts of experiance with tofu).
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I stir fry it with veggies and rice. I think it tastes whatever like you're cooking it really is tasteless. The extra firm is the best for stir fry.
  • beccasetsfire
    beccasetsfire Posts: 135
    This is the best vegetarian/vegan site I can recommend. I get a lot of my recipes off this site.
    FYI: the tofu haters will be on here shortly to expose the dangers of soy.
    Feel free to PM me (I've been a vegetarian for 25 years and have vast amounts of experiance with tofu).

    Exactly! I love this site!

    Honestly tofu is disgusting if it's not cooked right... My sister tried to feed my baby nephew raw tofu... no wonder he hated it!
  • Genemarie
    Genemarie Posts: 7
    have you tried some of the pre flavored tofus? you can find them in most grocers.
  • littletiger972000
    Have you thought of using soy crumbles? Morningstar or Boca makes them. My mom is a "veggie" and she uses these as a replacement for meat in spaghetti sauce, tacos, chili....anything you would use ground beef for...and it's pretty yummy too!
  • JimROCDS
    JimROCDS Posts: 23 Member
    OK, whats the best way to squeze water out of tofu?

    Thanks In Advance
  • bxdarby
    bxdarby Posts: 17
    I found the best way to get the water out of tofu is just to squeeze it between a towel, give it a rest, then go at it again until it stops letting water out.

    As far as meat substitutes for someone who needs to limit their intake, I really suggest trying soy products like littletiger said. I've found some really great stuff that uses Gardein. The BBQ Pulled Shreds are super delicious.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    OK, whats the best way to squeze water out of tofu?

    Thanks In Advance

    I give my tofu at least an hour to drain, the way I do it is I wrap several papertowls around the Tofu so it has a nice thick padding, then I put the tofu on a plate, and then place another plate on top of it. I usually put a can of tomatoes or something on top of the second plate. I let it sit on one side for 30 mins or an hour. then I switch the sides if its possible and do it for the same time, If you cant flip the tofu, drain for a minimum of an hour. :) I found that hte more time, the less moisture and usual the firmer the tofu!

    As far as recipes go, my favorite is baked extra firm tofo, that has been marinated in soy sauce and honey! But an of the stir fry's are good too!

    For the Baked Tofu:

    Ingredients : 1 pound extra firm tofu, 1 tablespoon light alive oil, 1 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoons natural soy sauce.


    1 Drain Tofu (rec. 1 hour) then cut tofu in 1/2 inch thick slices. Blot well between towls, then cut into 1/2 inch dice (1 inch works too)

    2. Combine the oil, honey, and soy sauce in a mixing bowl and stir together. Place Tofu in a shallow, foil lined baking pan. Pour marinade onto Tofu, marinade as long as one wants (note: the longer the time, usually the stronger the flavors). Preheat oven to 400 F. Place pan in for 30-40 mins, stirring occasionally, until tofu is golden brown and the liquid has been absorbed. Then Serve!

    My favorite foods to accompany are grilled veggies, Rice, asian cucumber salads... pretty much anything! haha!

    This is by far my favorite tofu recipe I have discovered so far. I have only been Vegetarian for about 2 months, but I love this! :) Hope it helps!

    Oh! Another great thing to get if your dad isn't really allowed meat, The Vegetarian 5- Ingredient Gourmet. < - cook book that is SUPER easy, and everything tastes great!!!! You can very hearty meals with very few ingredients, mostly very little time, and many of the recipes don't involve Tofu! :)