I don't want to be one of those people....



  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    I am going to try replacing the batteries. I don't get my period anymore - I'm on depo and have been for years because I a) get migraines with a visual component so no mixed hormone bc, and b) my ovulation and menstruation were both so painful I wouldn't be able to function.

    To give you an idea I was 169 Sunday, 173 Tuesday and 178 today....and yes it's freaking me out.

    Well I'm sure you know it isn't fat. That would be a 31,000 calorie surplus :) Give it a few more days and see what happens!
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I know you are all probably sick of hearing from people who can't figure out why they aren't losing weight, only to see they are doing something stupid, but I think something is wrong.

    Since Sunday I have gained eight and a half lbs. I know this isn't possible unless I somehow am creating matter out of nothing.
    Medical conditions: unmedicated thyroid issues - I have been high and low, due to non-cancerous tumors, PCOD, and pre-diabetic. Family history of autoimmune disorders.

    Before you ask: yes, I measure everything and no I don't eat back ALL of my exercise calories, just some (30-50%).

    I would check the scale, and also take tape measurements of your body. If the tape measurements are not going up while the scale is, something is more likely amiss with the scale.

    I had to replace my scale too, it happens. It was getting more and more inaccurate, to the point where it could vary by ten pounds when you got on it within five minutes.
  • I'm more worried that I am having some sort of inflammation event than actual gain. No one gains that much in less than a week, but kidney, liver and hormonal issues can all have that kind of effect. Thanks for all the support guys, and feel free to check my diary. I am off to the gym.
  • Mygirlsbc
    Mygirlsbc Posts: 1 Member
    I know you are all probably sick of hearing from people who can't figure out why they aren't losing weight, only to see they are doing something stupid, but I think something is wrong.

    Since Sunday I have gained eight and a half lbs. I know this isn't possible unless I somehow am creating matter out of nothing.
    Medical conditions: unmedicated thyroid issues - I have been high and low, due to non-cancerous tumors, PCOD, and pre-diabetic. Family history of autoimmune disorders.

    Before you ask: yes, I measure everything and no I don't eat back ALL of my exercise calories, just some (30-50%).
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I would go see a Dr!! That doesn't sound right...
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I'm more worried that I am having some sort of inflammation event than actual gain. No one gains that much in less than a week, but kidney, liver and hormonal issues can all have that kind of effect. Thanks for all the support guys, and feel free to check my diary. I am off to the gym.

    That sounds like a strong possibility.
    Have a good work out :smile:
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I have PCO, and even on the Mirena, my weight has fluctuated that much over a week, more than a handful of times. However, I will say that it happened more often when I was not logging my intake, or when I knowingly blew my calories/macros. Or drank a lot. Or had high sodium intake. Usually, there's something I can pinpoint. But it definitely HAS happened, and it used to happen almost every weekend, lol. Then by the end of the week I would be back down.

    I'm not saying you should blow it off, but I would give it a good week after the test to see.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I would see a doctor. It could be a new health issue that causes water retention. This happened to hubby.
  • My question would be, "Do you feel that much heavier.... in your clothes etc?"
  • My question would be, "Do you feel that much heavier.... in your clothes etc?"

    Clothes still fit, but my lower abdomen feels fuller than it really should, and kind of aches. If I'm not back down by Tuesday I am printing my week's report and heading to the Dr.

    Thanks bunches everyone.
  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    Are you sure that your scale isn't broken? That would be my first guess. Did you confirm on multiple scales?
    I was going nuts with the one I had at home so I switched to the one in the stockroom at work. I go in early before anyone else is there.
  • When's the last time you took a good, healthy poop?

    And it sure sounds like water retention. I can gain 8 lbs in a week if I eat salty foods. Be sure you are drinking a ton of water - help flush it out.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member

    Clothes still fit, but my lower abdomen feels fuller than it really should, and kind of aches. If I'm not back down by Tuesday I am printing my week's report and heading to the Dr.
    Definitely see a doc, that was one of hubby's symptoms--fluid retention in the abdomen. Do you have any shortness of breath?