Trying to get fit after almost 15 yrs. chained to a bed

Hi all,

I am Mieke and I am trying to get my muscles back after being bedridden for almost 15 years. Also trying to change my diet to a healthier one and find out which natural foods help me with my pain (for instance 1 cup of diluted coffee with a little creamer and a spoonful of honey helps me greatly with the pain, I drink it once a day). I am a vegetarian (only eat cod (oven and deepfried)) and am eating healthy food (at least most of the time). I would like to lose some weight (about 20 pds.) but in a healthy way.
I probably can't do most exercises (yet) but will do my very best to become fit again.....


  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    wow what an awesome thing - to be able to look at excercise again after so long bedridden! good on you :) I suggest you start out lightly with things like swimming and maybe a bit of yoga? you'll need ot build up a little strength before getting too carried away.

    best of luck, and well done for your huge recovery!
  • BettyBlueEyes
    BettyBlueEyes Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Meike

    I would very strongly recommend you see a rehabilitation physiotherapist - it's amazing that you were able to get up at all after 15 years in bed, well done! They will be able to test your muscle strength and advise which areas need working on first, and how to regain your muscle strength and endurance.

    All the best and good luck!
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    good for you for taking the first steps to getting healthy.
    go slow and just gradually increase your activity and in a few weeks you will be amazed at what you can do.
    start off with low impact workouts.

    i have to ask: why were you bedridden for 15 years?
    if you would rather not answer i understand.

    good luck with your journey to health.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Best of luck! It's not the same, but your story reminded me of this video that was making the rounds of a disabled war vet and his journey of weightloss and regaining his health. Really inspiring:
  • miepie2003
    I've been to a physical rehabilitation doctor and he was a jerk. Not ever going there again. I believe with the help of my friend Dani, my husband Charles, my familydoctor and especially God, I will get there too............ besides after I am a little better I plan on going to a good fitnesscentre that can help me build up my muscles too, we have a very good one in the area........
    I have fibromyalgia and miss a kneecap so my leg is real vulnerable, I also have a cathether through my belly as my bladder doesn't function properly (but stay dry with meds and botox injections now!) so swimming is out of the question. Besides I hate swimming and I'd have to go alone because my husband has psoriatic arthritis and can't stand to be around bleach.
    The main reason I was bedridden and still am some days is because I have RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome) so I have to be careful about my exercising and moving.
    I am working with my doctor to go down on my painkillers (it seems that there are two conflicting painkillers in my pills that I take, so if I stop one (Tramadol) I will have more painkilling from my morphine plaster. And I am stopping with another painkiller (Rivotril) which is easier to get off than Tramadol, it's not that addictive but still have to build it off, but I'm off that in a month while Tramadol takes half a year. Furthermore they gave me something for my stomach (2 kinds, I want to keep one) and the one I want to quit I do have to take until I'm completely off Tramadol. I do however cut the dose in half because 1 pill lasts 24 hours, so there is no use in taking two a day at different times. So far no stomache problems.
    So you see I am working on all fronts........ and I can be happy with little progress like sitting a day in my electric wheelchair or half a day to do some embroidery or crocheting............ and I make cards for kids mostly and for adults in trouble or special friends........ I do the last thing together with a friend who's helping too by getting me stuff out of the city (like good vitamins)......
    After a few months of exercising myself I hope to go to a fitnesscentre where they can help me build up my strength, they have a good physiotherapist there and also a nutrionist....... I have chronic tenniselbows (have braces for my whole arms when they hurt) so have to be careful with that too as well as with my knee without kneecap). I have dystrophy over my whole body so it's going to be difficult to exercise and at the same time cut down on painkillers......... but I know with God's Help and the help of my husband Charles I can do it!!!
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    wow you are battling on all fronts. but it sounds like you got some fight in you to get through this.
    baby steps are going to be the key for you - doing one tiny thing more each day. even if it is just sitting up for a few minutes longer each day.

    some people really benefit from passive range of motion in which another person moves your limbs around for you, especially benificial when you are too tired or weak to move on your own. like when you are laying down they hold your feet and do a bicycle motion - it at leasts gets the muscle moving more.

    good luck and GOD BLESS!!!