Its not working!!

Please help me!!

Hello all!

I am very frustrated! Two years ago I weighted 315 and lost 80 pounds down to 235. I plateaued there and kind of fell out of working out. I have been working at it again these past few months. The last time I weighed myself was January 1st - 235 pounds. I have been working out 4-5 days a week (20-50 minutes of cardio with with 20 - 30 minutes of weight training/core strengthening exercises), I cut out soda completely (used to drink 3 a day), I have been upping my fruits and veggies, all whole grain, eating about 1500 calories a day - 6 small meals a day rather than 3 large ones.. I weighed myself this morning (Feb 2nd), a month later, and I've gained 5 pounds!! (240 pounds). What is wrong with me?!? It's like my body is refusing to lose any more weight!! How long does the 'muscle gain and no weight loss' stage last?


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Opening your food diary would help.

    It's most likely water retention, which could be from hormones, sodium, or exercise. If you starting a new workout plan, it's normal for your body to retain fluid to help muscles recover, and that can mask weight loss or show as weight gain, but it's temporary.

    Be sure to track your progress in more ways than just the scale. Measurements, photos, how clothes fit, and fitness goals. If you're not seeing progress in ANY of those, then it's time to reassess, but if it's just the scale that's making you nuts, ignore it.

    I know many people don't like the idea of daily weigh-ins, but in some ways, it's good to see those normal fluctuations. If you'd been weighing yourself and suddenly saw a 5 pound increase, then you know it's not true weight gain. But if it slowly went up over the course of a month, that could be a different story.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Something doesn't add up. At 235 lbs and eating 1500 calories a day you should be losing weight. Either you aren't measuring your food accurately or you're over estimating your exercise burn especially if you eat those calories back. You may be that special snowflake that doesn't lose but I'd more likely think there's something off in your calculations.
  • srogers01
    srogers01 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in the same boat! It's very frustrating when you feel like you are doing everything right but the weight doesn't budge and neither do your measurements???
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Are you weighing your food? I read this great post: Also cut out all salt, sugar, oils, starchy veggies and processed foods and artificial sweeteners. This means bread and crackers for now. Eat only whole grains if you are going to eat the breads and crackers. And agree that the tape measure once a month is a very good thing to do to show progress when the scale does not.
  • mullergalaxy
    it may sound crazy but are you eating enough? this is a problem i've had again and again. Make sure you are also eating your calories you've burned off through exercise. good luck, you'll get there!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    Read the above.

    Is there any reason you would have been retaining water when you weighed? Time of month, sodium, sore muscles? Maybe try weighing again in a couple of days to make sure you got an accurate reading. If you really have gained 5 lbs over the course of a month (not water weight), you are in a calorie surplus.