Need MFP friends to keep me sane on this journey!

21 years young
Birmingham UK

'If you want sunshine in your life, you need a bikini worthy body to bask in it! - xEllietubby'

I initially began my journey on this fat-fighting, bulge-busting, calorie-cutting, weight-weducing (couldn't think of a suitable word beginning with 'w' off the top of my head lol so weducing it is!) challenge using WW online (a more famous weight loss program endorsed by many celebrities that uses a system called propoints). A mere couple of hours after signing up I was so frustrated at the program and its lack of guidance and information on how to calculate the point values for the types of food I was eating and being of Oriental Asian ethnicity I found that they had little to no choices for those who eat foods from their own cultures in their database. So I made the decision to cancel my 3 month subscription to this program after just 3 hours of subscribing and feeling annoyed, a decision that then lead me on to find the so-far, so-wonderful My Fitness Pal!

I did actually deactivate my first account created on MFP after a week or so but only because I was so busy I hadn't logged in for a few days and I just couldn't bare the idea of having a few continuous blank days so here I am with a brand new account and a brand new attitude - I can do this! You can do it too!

I'm in love with MFP's system, how you can actually see and log the nutritional values for what is passing your lips rather then a delusional I'mgoingtogivemyself2littlepointsforthismealthatisprobablyworthathousandcaloriesintherealworld
thelittlenumber2pointssoimgoingtoeatmoreandmoreandevenmore! I'm more so in love with the fact that there are so many kinds of foods in MFP's database suitable for anyone and everyone and if there isn't it's okay you can break it up and add the nutritional values for each ingredient easily! For such a so-far so-wondeful program, I'm amazed it was FREE for me to take advantage of.

Anyhow, I'm ready to begin my journey now all that is missing is some moral support and motivation from fellow dieters in the same boat or have already achieved their goals and would kindly like to share some tips to get me going and to more importantly, keep it off! - Add me, but please talk :)

My journey begins on the 1st of February 2013 and my goal is to say good riddance to 20kg of fat by 2014 by sticking to my daily goal of 1200 calories, 165g carbs, 40g fat, 8 glasses of water and 30 minutes of exercising per day.

I will have very good days and I will have very bad days but it's okay as long as I get to my destination safely!

Apologies to those who find my little rant on WW offensive, just my honest and truthful opinion :smile:


  • Hey :) I'm a 21 yo girl too, wanting to get in shape. I started today as well!
  • Hi :) just added you!
  • Hey feel free to add me. I think we can use all the support we can get in this journey!!!
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    na i think your rant is fine, tbh i found the same problem with places not having a varied selection of stuff and cause i eat a lot of Japanese foods they don't always cater to them, and if they do its REALLY basic stuff. Glad your back on here and hope you get to where you want to go :)
  • Thank you for the message! Hehe yeah I did feel that I would have to eat the kinds of foods i found in their database for it to be a success even though I eat a lot Vietnamese food which is much healthier than the dishes I found at WW which really kind of defeated the point of dieting so i'm happy I found My fitness Pal! Thank you so much, I hope we all get there :) xx
  • Hy there! I'm starting off too and with this journey you need as much support as you can get.
  • SamPeery
    SamPeery Posts: 2 Member
    Everyday is a new day. A journey starts with just the first step. I, like you, have "tasted" other systems, most recently for me, Nutrisystem, with tracking through CalorieKing. MFP provides the detail and information for tracking. I also incorporated the use of the Fitbit One into my system and it works great!
    BTW, CalorieKing as on online web tool works pretty slick on "teaching" you the basics for eating & lifestyle changes. There are reading assignments, knowledge tests, etc., as you reach "'Gold" certification on changing your over all lifestyle into a "life extending" lifestyle.
    My opinion, if MFP and CalorieKing collaborated with each other, it would be a fantastic system.