Planet Fitness--Good gym or Bad gym



  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member

    We all understand that different people have different goals but it really sounds like you are just insecure and don't like to see people who are more dedicated than you. Also, HGH is not a supplement, it's a class III controlled substance and lifting heavy doesn't give you pancake tits, it gives you pecs. That's the kind of broscience I would expect to hear from a PF advocate.

    Lifting gives you pecs.....until you are old. Have you seen a recent picture of Arnold on the beach? He looks ok for an old dude, but there is stuff sagging in all sorts of places. The problem with placing too much value on how much you can lift and demeaning people who don't want to be huge is that you are setting yourself up for disappointment in the long term. Again, I respect the people who lift and don't have attitudes, but when you start popping off trying to compare a gym to a gay bar for humor, it deserves a negative response. Also, far too many people use supplements that aren't necessarily a good idea or healthy. BTW, before you jump into the idiot pool again, I realize that protein shakes and similar items aren't bad for you in moderation. BTW, for a guy who appears to think he knows a lot, good job posting an avatar where you are lifting with your back. Good way to end up injured.

    If you think that curling 75 lb dumbbells is for *kitten* and that anyone who can't bench 250 is an undedicated loser, Planet Fitness is not for you. It's a simple as that. If you think that because someone goes to Planet Fitness, they are an undedicated loser, you are a dumba$$. Planet Fitness is great for someone who wants to improve themselves in moderation and doesn't have any desire to be huge. It's also nice that I can go there with my son for $20/month instead of $50/month at the YMCA or $75 at the other health clubs.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member

    We all understand that different people have different goals but it really sounds like you are just insecure and don't like to see people who are more dedicated than you. Also, HGH is not a supplement, it's a class III controlled substance and lifting heavy doesn't give you pancake tits, it gives you pecs. That's the kind of broscience I would expect to hear from a PF advocate.

    Lifting gives you pecs.....until you are old. Have you seen a recent picture of Arnold on the beach? He looks ok for an old dude, but there is stuff sagging in all sorts of places. The problem with placing too much value on how much you can lift and demeaning people who don't want to be huge is that you are setting yourself up for disappointment in the long term. Again, I respect the people who lift and don't have attitudes, but when you start popping off trying to compare a gym to a gay bar for humor, it deserves a negative response. Also, far too many people use supplements that aren't necessarily a good idea or healthy. BTW, before you jump into the idiot pool again, I realize that protein shakes and similar items aren't bad for you in moderation. BTW, for a guy who appears to think he knows a lot, good job posting an avatar where you are lifting with your back. Good way to end up injured.

    If you think that curling 75 lb dumbbells is for *kitten* and that anyone who can't bench 250 is an undedicated loser, Planet Fitness is not for you. It's a simple as that. If you think that because someone goes to Planet Fitness, they are an undedicated loser, you are a dumba$$. Planet Fitness is great for someone who wants to improve themselves in moderation and doesn't have any desire to be huge. It's also nice that I can go there with my son for $20/month instead of $50/month at the YMCA or $75 at the other health clubs.

    Lifting with your back injures you? should try telling that to...oh I don't know...every person who's ever been serious about the deadlift in their life. Are you just intentionally trolling, or do you really not know what the hell you are talking about?
  • tina1767
    Every PF is different. Your gym experience is what you make it. With over 600 gyms country-wide, and more coming, they must be doing something right :) Unfortunately, the nearest one for me is over 35 minutes away. Oh, and it is Planet FITNESS a fitness club, not Planet BODY BUILDING...
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If you enjoy cheap membership, machines, pizza, bagels, candy, low weights, and insecure people, Planet Fitness is amazing.

    The only insecure people I see on this thread so far are those that are threatened by the existence of any type of fitness facility that doesn't worship their particular style of niche exercising.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    If you enjoy cheap membership, machines, pizza, bagels, candy, low weights, and insecure people, Planet Fitness is amazing.

    The only insecure people I see on this thread so far are those that are threatened by the existence of any type of fitness facility that doesn't worship their particular style of niche exercising.

    Niche exercising? Since when is free barbell lifting niche exercising? In fact, I am pretty sure PF, Victory Lady, and Curves are about the only gyms that don't have this...and even VL has ONE barbell kicking around at a time.

    No, Smith machines do not count, and since that's about the closest you'll get in PF, I think you see my point.
  • Sara2184
    Sara2184 Posts: 183 Member
    I had a membership. If you sign up around new years and when they're running specials it's $99 for the year. If not it's $10 a month - but there is usually a $20 down payment up front and every year an annual fee of around $60. If you can pay the $99 up front you save the extra costs.

    Overall good gym - I just found I never made it there so I didn't re-new this year. I like that they have early morning and late night hours (some 24 hours I think). I never had an issues and staff pretty much leaves you alone to do your own thing. The price is right and I didn't waste money on the black card ($20 a month with guest passes and tanning).

    $99 FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Here in australia, perth, the gym I am is one of the best when it comes to pricing around the area, and its around $300 for the whole year! then again, cost of living is damn high here >.<

    You're both very lucky. The cheapest gym in Qatar comes to around 500USD/YEAR. I joined one last year & broke my ankle a few months later. I lost hair thinking about the money I was wasting
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I had a membership. If you sign up around new years and when they're running specials it's $99 for the year. If not it's $10 a month - but there is usually a $20 down payment up front and every year an annual fee of around $60. If you can pay the $99 up front you save the extra costs.

    Overall good gym - I just found I never made it there so I didn't re-new this year. I like that they have early morning and late night hours (some 24 hours I think). I never had an issues and staff pretty much leaves you alone to do your own thing. The price is right and I didn't waste money on the black card ($20 a month with guest passes and tanning).

    $99 FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Here in australia, perth, the gym I am is one of the best when it comes to pricing around the area, and its around $300 for the whole year! then again, cost of living is damn high here >.<

    You're both very lucky. The cheapest gym in Qatar comes to around 500USD/YEAR. I joined one last year & broke my ankle a few months later. I lost hair thinking about the money I was wasting

    Yeah, but since Qatar has no income tax, you still own our faces. ;)
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    Any gym that provides candy at the front desk, has pizza parties, and supplies bagels, does not have fitness and your best interest at heart.

    To me it is a total joke no scale to check your weight? They say no judgement but if a alarm goes off if you swear or grunt is passing a judgement.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's a very inexpensive "cardio-center". If getting a gym membership there means you will exercise, then go for it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    it's inexpensive and in my opinion, that is the end of it's merits.

    every planet fitness i've been to is pretty much a cardio center. they say it's a judge free zone, but they'll judge the **** out of you if you do a dead lift, or drop a weight. they don't even have barbells or a proper squat rack. they have smith machines. and not even the "good" smith machine that can move back and forth. they have the crappy smith machine that only goes up and down.

    i know a few people that have started at planet fitness and have grown out of the gym very quickly. like taso said, if it get you working out and in a gym, thats great.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I'm a beginning power lifter, and I still think PF is a great gym. I used to belong to a PF that was 2 minutes away from work. It was a great way for me to relieve some stress after a long day. I never had to wait for a cardio machine ever, and I was always there during rush hour. Then I'd go home and do my bodyrock/zwow/loving fit workout for the day. It worked quite well for me for a time. It was affordable, very very clean, everyone was friendly, and the red light therapy makes your skin super soft (warning- may result in being turned into a lampshade.) Any of the few other gyms in the area were much more expensive- in the $50-60/month range, so I set my dreams of barbell lifting aside.

    I moved about 6 months ago, and the PF here isn't nearly as nice as my old PF, but it's still cheap, clean, and friendly. (No red light though. Booo.) The area I'm in has way more gyms than where I used to live, and I found a gym with a power rack for 20/month. So I switched a couple months ago. While I think barbell lifting is great (and not really that hardcore) it isn't the only way to get an effective workout. It might be the most efficient way, but not the only way. :laugh:

    ETA: I've never heard the lunk alarm. Ever. Although as others have noted each PF is a Franchise so make sure you check out the one in your area to see how they handle things.
  • Loftearmen
  • Sara2184
    Sara2184 Posts: 183 Member
    I had a membership. If you sign up around new years and when they're running specials it's $99 for the year. If not it's $10 a month - but there is usually a $20 down payment up front and every year an annual fee of around $60. If you can pay the $99 up front you save the extra costs.

    Overall good gym - I just found I never made it there so I didn't re-new this year. I like that they have early morning and late night hours (some 24 hours I think). I never had an issues and staff pretty much leaves you alone to do your own thing. The price is right and I didn't waste money on the black card ($20 a month with guest passes and tanning).

    $99 FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Here in australia, perth, the gym I am is one of the best when it comes to pricing around the area, and its around $300 for the whole year! then again, cost of living is damn high here >.<

    You're both very lucky. The cheapest gym in Qatar comes to around 500USD/YEAR. I joined one last year & broke my ankle a few months later. I lost hair thinking about the money I was wasting

    Yeah, but since Qatar has no income tax, you still own our faces. ;)

    HAHAHA The way things are going now, I wish we paid income tax if things got cheaper
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Any gym that provides candy at the front desk, has pizza parties, and supplies bagels, does not have fitness and your best interest at heart.

    They give out pizza one day a month and bagels one day a month. Anyone who views that as a problem has lost grip with how normal people go through their lives. Getting fit and living a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean sacrificing everything all the time. Unless you are obsessed with looking like a model, a slice of pizza is a good reward for hard work the rest of the month.

    As far as Planet Fitness goes, it's a great place if you like to do your own thing and your goals don't involve really heavy lifting. if you want classes, lots of heavy free weights and the ability to "grunt" when you work out......Planet Fitness isn't for you. It all depends on your personal goals. Don't listen to the haters who say negative things about Planet Fitness, they are one of the reasons that PF is THE fastest growing fitness company in the United States.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am looking for a gym. I am finding myself getting bored with what I am doing at home. There is a planet Fitness in my town and the rates seem pretty low. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was a good place to workout or if you have ever had any bad problems. Any insight would be great, or if there is another gym that you would recommend better let me know that too.

    A lot of people on MFP hate it, but I have lots of friends that use that gym, and they love it and have been meeting their fitness goals.
  • jragnoli
    jragnoli Posts: 3 Member
    I go to Planet Fitness. I love it. The only downside is that they don't offer classes.:smile:
  • family_girl2626
    You need to try it out and decide whether you feel comfortable there and would you be willing to go there on your own. I tried out a number of gyms before I decided on one. There was some where the levels "macho" was way to high for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I was totally impressed by these peoples dedication to look absolutely amazing but I as an older lady was actually intimidated by this. Is it their fault..... absolutely not.
    As far as the comment of candy, pizza party's? Well I guess you have to think why would a wellness and fitness facility promote that, but no one by myself is in control of what goes into my mouth. I am not too sure whether that would make me decide to not go there.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Any gym that provides candy at the front desk, has pizza parties, and supplies bagels, does not have fitness and your best interest at heart.

    Well...nobody makes people eat those things. I resist the foods (pizza and bagels) every time. I think what they're trying to get across is allowing yourself to enjoy foods that many people try to label as "bad"...this is not a daily occurrence. In fact, that's once a month that they do each of those things. And unless you happen to be there at those times, you won't even be tempted.

    The tootsie rolls have come in VERY handy-as a diabetic I've been in a bind where I didn't have anything on me and I had a low blood sugar...enabled me to treat the low and continue working out.

    I am a PF member and her is my feeling on it: It's pretty much equipment. If you want to burn and tone, they have what you need. HOWEVER, if you are looking for classes and/or variety, they come up short. Personal trainers are available and the staff at the locations I have been to have all been very friendly.

    I had a bad experience at the golds gym in the town where I live-but it's probably not indicative of all of the Golds Gyms out there. They do offer classes (though they continually moved the schedule around so the classes I wanted to take were not there on the days I showed up).

    Each gym has its perks. I think you can try free days at most gyms to see what you think before you sign up and I'd recommend doing that.

    Best of luck to you!
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    I was a member for a while and didnt like it at all. Ours was totally trigger happy with the "lunk' alarm and I found that to be more of an interruption then the sounds of weights clanking which is what I would expect to hear at a gym anyways. It doesnt have a real gym like atmosphere to me which was not very motivating to me personally but my mom and dad are both members and really like it. So, I guess what I am trying to say is it depends on what exactly you are looking for :)