Nike Training Club?



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    I really like it, love their 15min hiit workouts!
  • Determined24
    Determined24 Posts: 137 Member
    Yes Yes Yes it is on Android... I have it on my galaxy III
    Is Nike Training Club available on Android?

    No im afraid not. only on iphone.
  • I love these workouts and yes they kick my butt... I don't have a hrm and just guesstimate :)... But a lot of good info on this board! This is by far my fave workout app !
  • Lizmcg83
    Lizmcg83 Posts: 31 Member
    I love this app!! I'm always dripping in sweat afterwards. Bonus is its free and doesn't take long to do. I log it in as circuit training.
  • MoniCharles
    MoniCharles Posts: 3 Member
    I agree, this app is ridicilously fabulous. Every week I find I get get further into the workout without stopping and I can do more reps and am even faster. I LOVE IT!
    I'm with some of the previous posters thought, anyone have a recommendation on good watches (for HRM)?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I have a New Balance N4 HRM - watch with a chest strap. They are around $70 at Target and most retailers, but you can find the online for less (think I saw one around $45 recently). I picked up a new on eBay a couple of years ago for $26 - works great. :)
  • tsallnutt
    tsallnutt Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a 52 year old female. I started NTC in July 2011 on my iPhone. My son's XC coach uses it for the kids twice a week during the summer and they work out for approx 30 min and do intermediate level workouts. i am quite over weight and couldn't do very much. that being said, I saw a difference after just 2 weeks. Since that summer, I have continued with a friend who is fit, trim, and a runner. We work out 3x week for 45 minutes, sometimes an hour. We are always doing intermediate, advanced, get focused, and bonus/reward workouts. We hit the 8000 minute mark in December 2012. There are now three of us (all moms, one in her 30's, one in her 40's, and me in my 50's) and cold or hot, rain or shine, we work out in an unheated garage. prior to the workout, we study up on what has been picked and when doing the workout, one of us places our iPhone on a stool hooked to speakers. the music we listen to is from the iPod feature of the iPhone and we each get a turn with our phone/music choice. If I miss the prompt for the exercise or want to know how much time is left, i just walk up and look at the phone while exercising. There are still exercises that Ihave a hard time with and can't do many reps, and then there are others that i couldn't do more than 1 or 2 reps in July 2011, that i can do now. I am still over weight, but have seen an incredible change in my body with NTC! I am using 10 pound dumbbells, 12 pound medicine ball, but started out with lower weights at the beginning. I have to use lower weight dumbells when doing the plank front raise to rotation. The three of us each use a dumbell instead of buying a kettleball. Some workouts that we think are challenging to the extreme: Toned intermediate Competitor, Strong adv Challenger and try these Combo workouts: 1. Get Focused Better Butt, Get focused Core Crunch, reward Laura Enever; 2. Get Focused Cardio Killer, Get Focused Better Butt, Get focused Shoulder Shaper, Reward Jeanette Jenkins Ab workout; 3. Get Focused sculpted arms, Get Focused Cardio Burst, Reward Jenette Jenkins ab workout......and i personally love the reward Joselyn Boschen Ab workout. Good Luck! Do the best you can do and keep trying to do these exercises with better form and additional reps as you progress forward. We really pay attention to our form and it makes a difference and sometimes increases the difficulty of the workout.
  • I love this app! I have it on my iPad and it's perfect to sit on the floor nearby while working out. I don't know the calorie count ( I was looking for it and stumbled on this thread) so I really need to get a HRM. Good thing valentines day and my birthday are coming up!
  • It is on the android, I have it on mine
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I put this app on my ipad a few weeks ago and used it for the first time today. I did some circuit training on my weight resistance machine first for about 15 -20 min. before starting the app but I did the "Get Strong-worth the weight" intermediate level for 30 minutes. All together I burnt 417 calories for roughly 50 min. or so of a workout, I have a hrm. So far it seems like a good workout and I'll definitely do it again. I'd love to see some result pics for this app.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'd love to see some result pics for this app.
    I've got a photo of my arms (well, technically it's just one arm in the pic! :tongue: ) in my profile, have a look.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Is the Nike Training Club app better than the Nike+ Running app?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Is the Nike Training Club app better than the Nike+ Running app?
    Totally different apps - I use both, but for different things. Nike Training Club is full of workouts, varying in length from 15-45 minutes, and everything from cardio, full body circuit type stuff, and focused on arms, legs, butt, etc.

    You can see some info on it at their website:
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Is this a women's app then?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Seems to focus on women - I have seen guys ask for a man's version on their website. :tongue: But other than the prompts being a woman's voice and all the demo vids in the app being done by women, no reason why a guy couldn't use it, just grab heavier dumbbells. :drinker:
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I think anyone can use it, men or women. At least that's what i've read when i searched for reviews on the app on the internet. I would guess that men just use a heavier weight.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    AmyRhubarb, do you use the "get strong" workouts? I'm wondering how good they will be for strength training to build muscle.
  • banana47
    banana47 Posts: 16 Member
    Nike traing club is it an iPhone apple app in Australia as I can't locate in the apple store.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    there's also an android version. you can download from the google play store.
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