Loose skin???



  • violetcoyne
    You are not alone.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    clothes can hide a LOT, I look pretty good in clothes, but like a F'N Shar Pei without. It happens but a little loose skin is better than fat anyday. and it is getting better, going to take time and I am not sure I will ever be one of the shirtless torso pics on here but Damn it I am getting healthy. so bottom line, Lose weight and get healthy, deal with loose skin when you get some.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I have a bit of loose skin now that's bothering me. I've lost 77 pounds over the course of a year (I'm 27.) Realistically I'll likely need some sort of fancy shmancy tightening somethingorother. I dunno if they can do stuff with lasers or what these days. But really it's all worth it so don't worry about it.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Dont.t be afraid of what you cannot predict.

    Focus on what you CAN control

    eat healthy.

    kick butt in the gym..lift some weights.

    you wont regret it.

    LOVE this! <3
    Yes!! This! No one on here can predict how your body will act, no matter what your age, how much water you drink, how much butter you put on your body... your body will act the way it acts! Because one person on here doesn't have loose skin, doesn't mean another one won't. It's genetics as well, it's how we treat ourselves all our lives. I find it annoying when someone swears you WON'T have it, how the heck would they know? Or when someone swears YOU will have tons of it, how the heck do they have a clue what your body will be like.

    Take charge now and be sure to get a good weights program going and keep it going. Many will say buy this product, that product, etc. The truth? A bottle of Cocoa butter will NOT remove your loose skin, much as some on here go on and on about it, it simply doesn't! Nor does it erase stretch marks, lotion is good for our skin, it's keeps it moisturized (as long as it contains healthy ingredients, read the label, see what you're really putting on your body) which is never a bad thing.

    Here's what YOU can do that will help your body in the transition at any age.. water water water, eat healthy foods, keep the sodium at the new recommended levels (1500 mg. Daily for Women) or below.

    Look ahead and think how much good you're doing for your body, you're adding years to it & finally treating it right! That is awesome, your body will love you for it & reward you for the hard work you do.

    Keep it positive, don't worry about the "what ifs"... just keep moving your body and making the healthiest food choices that you find work for you and your own body! Get enough sleep, work to keep the stress level down, Yoga, Meditation, Pilate's, Walking all these can help as well.

    :heart: Focus on you, on things you have control over:flowerforyou:
    You'll find strength within you, you never knew existed!:wink:
    either worry about the lose skin or worry about being over weight.
    ha ha! Look how to the point he got, that's awesome! His is the Cliff's version and it's so true, but basically..do you want to get healthy or do want to stay fat?
  • KBSwinger
    KBSwinger Posts: 160 Member
    You might have or not have loose skin. No way to know but let me tell you, loose skin is a lot easier to hide then fat.

    I battled excess skin for over two years before I went under the knife to cut it off... Best decision ever! BUT within those two years Yanicka said it very well its ALOT easier to hide!!!

    Also its hard to say how your body responds to a large amount of weight lost. The biggest thing is not do anything stupid like crash dieting or restrict calories too much. The biggest tip I can give is lift those weights and a lot of weight! It will help fill up some of that space with muscle and make you look better!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I have lost 95lbs and have quite a bit of loose skin and have learned things I should have done differently along the way. Losing 60lbs in around 4.5 months and not adding in strength and weights was a huge problem in the long run. Losing weight too quickly and relying only on cardio took a huge toll and I have been working my butt off in the gym for the last 5 months to make up for it. The skin on the abs is getting better quickly, but the skin under the arms and on the inner thighs is still a big thing that I am working on. I guess that the best advice I can offer is to lose weight at a sensible rate and to definitely do weights along the way.
    You are young so you should bounce back from weight loss.....having had 2 c-sections and being mid-thirties is a different story. Good luck and keep going because being healthy and fit is so much better!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Slow and steady... work out (lift).. and give it time/don't get discouraged. I've lost 45lbs since Sept. when I started actively trying and 71lbs since the beginning of June (right after I had a baby). I was scared to death of sloppy skin. I have about 20 lbs to go.. and so far everything is toning/firming up nicely. It has a lot to do with age (I'm almost 26) and genetics play a factor.. but slow, patient weight loss, lifting weights, drinking water, and being patient with it are your best bets. :-)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    either worry about the lose skin or worry about being over weight.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    You might have or not have loose skin. No way to know but let me tell you, loose skin is a lot easier to hide then fat.

    True...very, very true.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I have lost 95lbs and have quite a bit of loose skin and have learned things I should have done differently along the way. Losing 60lbs in around 4.5 months and not adding in strength and weights was a huge problem in the long run. Losing weight too quickly and relying only on cardio took a huge toll and I have been working my butt off in the gym for the last 5 months to make up for it. The skin on the abs is getting better quickly, but the skin under the arms and on the inner thighs is still a big thing that I am working on. I guess that the best advice I can offer is to lose weight at a sensible rate and to definitely do weights along the way.
    very helpful post to learn from!:heart:
  • LauraW1219
    LauraW1219 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 41 and only 5'2. I know I will have loose skin. With my insurance I was told I would only qualify for a removal of the skin and not a tummy tuck. I told that scar is worse then what loose skin would look like. I was also told since I wouldn't have the money for a tummy tuck that a good surgeon would make me stabilize my weight for two years to see how much my body can do for itself. I've lost almost 32 pounds since Thanksgiving. I just do one day at a time and use Nivea Q-10 three times a day on my stomach and upper thighs. Because my torso is so short I have lost weight, but its like a have two stomachs. One above my belly button and one below it. It sounds gross because it is, but I know my clothes are getting smaller. I'm trying to be hopeful, but I'm realistic. Atleast I won't be the biggest girl everywhere. You are younger then me. Your skin should bounce back better. Goodluck.
  • Heaven829
    Heaven829 Posts: 38 Member
    thank you i go to the gym 5 times a week(havent been able to these last two weeks) and i dont crash diet i plan on losing weight at a reasonable pace and i wont do anything to hinder my progress or slow myself down because this is something that i want but the loose skin is still a concern of mine because after i lose weight i want to look good in or out of my clothes!!! the reason for my post... i seen my aunt the other day and she lost alot of weight really quickly and she has loose skinshe said that it will "go back" after she goes to the gym and use msm over a few mnths.... im not sure if this is true or not but idk
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    thank you i go to the gym 5 times a week(havent been able to these last two weeks) and i dont crash diet i plan on losing weight at a reasonable pace and i wont do anything to hinder my progress or slow myself down because this is something that i want but the loose skin is still a concern of mine because after i lose weight i want to look good in or out of my clothes!!! the reason for my post... i seen my aunt the other day and she lost alot of weight really quickly and she has loose skinshe said that it will "go back" after she goes to the gym and use msm over a few mnths.... im not sure if this is true or not but idk
    Sounds like you're doing all the right things for a successful healthy weightloss! :flowerforyou:
  • Heaven829
    Heaven829 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you