Ankle swollen/pain, can I do elliptical/bike?

So I have been running and doing the bike 5x a week for the past month. My ankles (on the outside, around the fibula round bone part) have been hurting. I thought I was being a baby and they were just sore, so I continued to do my 3.5 mi/200 cal bike days this past week, but with ankle braces.
Yesterday I finally looked at them and they are both swollen. I do wince when i go down stairs and walk. I know I need to ice and heat for three days (3times a day, 20 minutes each), can I still do the elliptical and bike though? As long as I don't run? I am really really into working out and I don't want to lose the cardio progress I made since it has been a few years since I actually loved running like this. I am 5'10", 159lbs if that is helpful to anyone. I appreciate any thoughts on this :smile:


  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Why are you saying that you know you need to heat? If this is a new injury/symptom (also known as the acute phase) applying heat to the area can actually slow healing and increase swelling. The application of heat increases vasodialation, a response in the body where the blood vessels widen, which causes increased blood flow to the area. This increases swelling. The general rule of thumb for an injury is to follow the RICE principle.

    R - Rest - allow the body time to heal itself
    I - Ice - works to reduce swelling/inflammation as well as providing pain relief via the gate-control theory
    C - Compression - apply distal to proximal. In the case of the ankle from toes towards the body - this pushes swelling towards the heart to allow the lymphatic system to reabsorb it - doing the other way causes fat toes.
    E - Elevation - above the heart - this helps the swelling to leave the area as well

    As far as what to do - that's difficult to answer without a diagnosis of your injury. But consider this - it's pretty clear that running is causing increased swelling. I would presume this to be because it is high-impact and causing 'pounding' on your joints. An elliptical is lower impact because of the arc motion as opposing to pounding. Biking is even less. Swimming and a rowing machine are also low impact cardio activities.

    If you take a bit of time to follow the RICE principle and find some low impact activities to do and still have swelling/pain - I would suggest going to a doctor with a sports medicine endorsement - these people are more highly trained to deal with an athletic/active population.

    Good luck!
  • Well, the injury is technically over a week old - i was just heating due to online advice from livestrong. But I will stop heating. Thanks for the help!
  • JenSkinLaPierre
    JenSkinLaPierre Posts: 54 Member
    ^^ she's right. No heat definitely ice! And I sprained my ankle two weeks ago (running a marathon), so I've been laying off the running while it heals. I did bike the first week and started elliptical the second week. Just do no impact cardio. :) Good luck!!
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I'd take a few days off everything, at least til the swelling goes down (which should happen faster if you ICE!)

    Then start back up with the bike and elliptical but avoid running for a couple more weeks. Then start out slow with it. You might have just pushed it too hard to quickly.

    Another thing you definitely need to check before you start running again is your shoes! Go to a proper running store and get checked for what kind of shoes you should be wearing, or if you need insoles. Ankle problems from running are probably caused by wearing the wrong shoes/shoes that are too worn out.