Thinking about Insanity...

themetra Posts: 174 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm thinking of trying insanity... I'm up to an hour on the eliptical, but I don't try to kill myself on cardio either. I keep reading reviews and info about the program, and I'mnot going to lie - I'm scared! not so much about not being able to keep up, but about getting frustrated and quitting :sad:

Any suggestions from those of you have that have done this program? And made it through the 60 days?


  • nschultz78
    nschultz78 Posts: 1
    I stared a workout program in January at a local gym and at first thought what in the world??? It is called bootcamp and alot of it is the cardio work....last week we started the insanity, all i can say is wow!!! It is awesome, just have to tell yourself I can do this! I go 5 days/week and must confess Im addicted!
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    I love it. I am on day 44 and have not missed a workout.

    I made a commitment to myself at the start and vowed not to quit and not to skip and I havent. This makes me feel even better about myself.

    The workouts are soooo intense but rewarding as well.

    If you are willing to work and are not a quitter. GO FOR IT!!

    You will not regret it :happy:
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I did a first round of Insanity and didn't miss a day in all 63 days. I gotta say that I lost many inches but not much weight because I wasn't watching my food intake. The workouts are intense to say the least, heck the warmups you start with a jog so prepare for that. I couldn't even do a push up before Insanity and 3 weeks in I was doing them like a pro. I am now on week 5 of round 2 of Insanity and getting tighter and fitter. You just have to keep pushing yourself and know that it will give you amazing results!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I was scared initially first too. I bought it for my husband. Taebo was no longer a challenge for me. And I love doing boot camp with my husband on weekends, so I thought I'd try it too.

    I actually don't think it is that difficult. Ok... so it took me 1.5 weeks to complete the first week. And I'm only on the 2nd week now. Except for the Pure Cardio DVD (which is what I'm supposed to be doing now instead of typing this), most of them have a lot of 30 second breaks and it goes by quickly.

    The worse part for me is that the warm up doesn't warm me up. It is a bit too intense. If time permits, I like to warm up with something else first or my legs feel like lead during the entire workout. Also, there is a lot of jumping, and I think I need to buy inserts for my shoes because the bottom of my feet hurt. But my muscles really haven't really been very sore at all, but in just 1 week, my arms are noticeably more buff (at least to me).

    It really does make me sweat. I bought a head band because sweat was dripping on my carpet. The sweat band is soaked by the end of the workout.

    My husband absolutely loves the Insanity DVDs. He doesn't follow the schedule much though. He also does P90X... on the same days. He works out to 2 or 3 of these DVDs and jogs about 5 miles. He's crazy. I just do 1 Insanity DVD in the morning before work, and if I'm too tired, I do Taebo instead. And I go to Taekwondo 4 or 5 nights a week.
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    I would definately go for it! I on my first recovery week.

    The workouts can be pretty intense, but if you need to take break to catch your breath no big deal, even the people in the DVD's do!!
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    I would definately go for it! I on my first recovery week.

    The workouts can be pretty intense, but if you need to take break to catch your breath no big deal, even the people in the DVD's do!!

    That alone is very mind easing - that even the people who are supposed to be in inredible shape have to stop!

    Thanks everybody for your input - I think I'm going to try it! :grumble:
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