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College students?

Hi everyone!
So MFP was a success for me first time around (in 2011) and now I'm back at it, 100% serious! I'm a junior in college and 20 years old.

I was wondering if there were any other college students on MFP? What do you eat/how do you work out/etc, tell me anything! Success stories as well! Also feel free to add me as a friend on here, I log in and record my food for every meal and my diary is available for friends to see.



  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm also a college student! :drinker:

    22yrs, 5'4 & 134lbs, looking to loose maybe ten more lbs?

    This is the first semester at college where I will be actively trying to loose weight so all of my normal habits are going to need to change so that I can keep on track.

    I'm a commuter student so I have two days a week where I'm on campus for 2 hours with nothing to do. Most of that time is spent sitting on the computer & drinking/eating something sugary from Starbucks. With that being said, hopefully I can avoid the temptation. I'll try to bring small meals to hold me over this semester.

    I've lost about ten pounds over the winter break (and I'm LOVING this body :wink: ) So I definitely have motivation to keep off the weight. But sometimes old habits die hard :sad:

    I work out.. well occasionally. I go to a pole & chair dancing studio - sounds "risque" I know, but it's actually a lot of fun and it's good to be around strong women who are confident enough to let loose :tongue:. I have a few friends who go with me, usually about twice a week and I'm always sore the next day, I've also seen a lot of improvement in my flexibility which is awesome!

    Good luck this semester!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    hey there -
    i'm a junior at james madison university
    been on MFP since 2011... lost 20 pounds last year, then started college back up again and gained it alllll back!

    trying to get back on track this semester and lose it again.

    i log my food (or try) every day... its awesome because i found on the schools website the nutritional information for all the foods and restaurants available on campus, so that has helped a lot... i work out at home mostly, because the gym at school is rather snobb-ish and i feel judged every time i walk in there. wish that wasn't how it was though because its a beautiful gym :(

    feel free to add me, i would love to get some fresh, new, excited and motivated friends!!!

    good luck on your weight loss journey

  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
    thanks ladies! good luck on your semesters :)

    bmb- we have a starbucks too! when i am on my healthy eating track i usually get an iced passion tea (no lemonade, no added sugar if they ask), it's low cal and delicious!

    melissa- my gym at school is like that too :( I was going to get a membership at a local gym but I don't have the money for it right now so I'm just toughing it out for now. it's awesome that your school puts up all the nutrition information!
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm a nontraditional college student, I'm 23 & a junior, I should graduate in 2017. I go part time and I work a full time day job. This semester is by far the easiest on me because I'm only taking online courses, nothing on campus. I come home from work, eat dinner & hit the gym, then I watch my lectures online when I'm home from the gym. That's probably not too helpful...

    Last semester I quit going to the gym because it was too much with going to campus 5x/week and working full time.
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    also, it comes with being a commuter student (and a 40min drive to/from home) I don't work out on the campus gym. I'd like to have a gym to go to, but it's just not practical =/
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
    bump :)
  • I am a college student! Starting my third year in March (yay for southern hemispheres!)

    I actually plan my university schedule around my workouts, ahaha. If I can, that is. I always try to have classes starting at 10 so I can get in a morning run/workout. Or I'll try to have classes end by 3-4 so I can get an afternoon workout in. I take a rest day a week (usually the day where I have the most classes) and if I have time between class I will go to the university gym. I walk 30 minutes to university and 30 minutes from university every day so I get exercise like that as well. My university gym is really good and they have fitness classes so I tend to go to those between class.

    Food wise I am flatting so I just pack a sandwich or I'll even eat at home if I have late classes/early finishes.
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
    awesome!! thanks for sharing :)
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    i work out at home mostly, because the gym at school is rather snobb-ish and i feel judged every time i walk in there. wish that wasn't how it was though because its a beautiful gym :(


    oh girl, that's too bad! I say just put in some earbuds, listen to your tunes, and walk in there like you do it all the time. I seriously doubt anyone will judge you in there, besides they should all be too busy working out too judge! :P

    I'm a first year university student, while I didn't gain the 'freshman fifteen' or any weight for that matter the first term, I gained a bit in my senior year of high school (last year) and the summer afterwards (this past summer).
    This term I happen to have a 3 hour gap between classes twice a week, so I figured might as well make use of that time and go workout! There was no way I'd do homework for that long...
    So those 2 days and usually 1 other day during the week I go to the gym in my school (which is included in tuition - so no extra fee thank god)

    I don't live on campus, got a house a little ways away so I do all my own cooking thankfully and bring lunches with me on workout days.

    Working out has proven to be super fun I find! I really look forward to going. and it doesn't hurt that I go with a friend so we motivate each other :D
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
    ^^ yaaaay, that's awesome. my school is opening the new gym they've been revamping the past year so i'm really excited to not be stuck in the tiny gym we have now.

    it's my first year living off campus so i've been cooking for myself too :) i definitely do not miss eating on campus.
  • I'm a senior at Ghent University (Belgium); 21 years old, 5ft6 and 170pounds. I wish to lose 30 pounds, but I'm not looking at the number too much. I just want to work out and keep my food intake within boundaries.

    At the moment I'm on an exchange program in Japan and the school's restaurant is really nice. Lots of nice food, and the nutritional value provided is actually accurate! I mostly eat 2 times per week there and take some variation of ramen or salad. :-) It's such a big difference from my school's restaurant in Belgium... They call a spaghetti bolognaise a 250kcal dish there...

    At the moment I don't go to the university's gym because it's 1,5hrs by public transport and they don't have showers. Instead I do Shaun T's Insanity program. I can't stick to it every day though, since it's exam period at the moment I tend to not do it on exam days.

    I do think it's great to keep working out during exams, something which I've never done. During exams I suffer back pain quite easily from sitting in a chair too long, and the working out really helps with strenghtening my back! It's also a great break from studying and makes me feel less guilty when I'm procrastinating once again. =) (like I'm doing right now!)
  • Hey I'm a college student too :) and I'm 20.. I really wan to lose just 10 pounds but overall get some better healthy eating habits and set exercise plans.. I try to work out at the gym 3 times a week.
  • VintageFit
    VintageFit Posts: 90 Member
    I'm a college student too and I feel like it actually helps me with my weightloss - because I finally moved out of a very unhealthy-diet home and found two freinds who are constantly encouraging me to work out! ;) (I'm also lucky enough not to live in a dorm and have access to a really good kitchen to make meals)
    my only problem so far is how much food I buy on the go when I'm in class... a sweet bun here, a slice of pizza for lunch there and it made me realize that this month I spent more money on 'on the go' food than on proper groceries! Not very healthy.

    I'm planning to lose about 20-40lbs, depending on how I feel once I get to 20lbs first :)
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
    thanks everyone!!! we got this :)
  • StrawberryAqua
    StrawberryAqua Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a 22 year old freshman at BYU-I, and my freshman 15 how much I have to lose to reach my goal. I'm halfway there.
    My first week here i lost three pounds because I didn't bring much with me, went shopping for the first time on my fifth day, and otherwise ate what was free. I brought home three oatmeal raisin cookies from the freshman activity night (oatmeal cookies are always left) and ate them as mid-morning snacks between classes.
    I live in an apartment near campus, but have to walk uphill. Walking around campus is more of a hike.
    Most of what I eat is what I buy, and I buy pretty wholesome food. Cheap, basic stuff, but it's yummy and gets me through. At first I was most concerned with eating enough calories to not starve, but now I keep an eye on not going over the limit.
    My tips are:
    1. Make a shopping list of good food you like and need;
    2. Stick to your list, but you can buy more if it's on sale;
    3. Pack food to take with you.
    I only have one textbook, and it's small, so bringing food in containers is easy, but I also have a pocket on my backpack I only use for snacks.
  • thinagain2011
    thinagain2011 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a 23 y/o college student. I have a 40min commute to school and my program requires me to be in clinic from 8-430 most days. I've recently gotten back on the weight loss wagon. My clinic site has a subway restaurant so that's my lunch everyday. I feel I'm ab,e to eat healthy enough but I have a hard time finding time to workout like I should. I'm so tired at the end of the day :( I'm hoping to get into some routine soon. Would love some mfp friends to help keep me accountable so feel free to add me :)
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm a commuter student so I have two days a week where I'm on campus for 2 hours with nothing to do. Most of that time is spent sitting on the computer & drinking/eating something sugary from Starbucks. With that being said, hopefully I can avoid the temptation. I'll try to bring small meals to hold me over this semester.

    Out of college, but when I was in your situation I found I was the most fit I've every been in my life because I used the 2 hour break, three days a week to hit the gym on campus (for 45-60 minutes each). I spent most of the time on the weight machines, but also jogged some as well. I'd go to the gym and them grab lunch and head back to class. The gym was free (part of student health fees).

    Oh I would love for that schedule again in the "real world" now!
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm a 22 year college student now, I think I have enough credits to be called a super senior haha I commute to school and work a couple jobs. My school's gym is old and yucky so I work out at planet fitness. I try to go at least three times a week and I run on my bf's mom's treadmill sometimes too. I like hiking and backpacking but this winter weather is keeping me cranky and stuck inside too much! So far I've lost about 6 pounds which is enough for me but I want to focus on weight lifting and being tone. I really could use some friends who have experince with that!
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    Yesterday was the FIRST time I used the school gym!!

    ha I was pretty nervous, but I got through it =P

    I really wanted the elliptical but they were all full.. I didn't stay for long, I walked on the tredmill for like 15 minutes before I got bored & left. Next time I'll bring some music to listen to & come more prepared.
