need some inspiration!!!

Ive started a new health regime and decided at the beginning of january to join mfp. ive been really motivated and started doing the 30 day shred and going to the gym 3 times a week and really enjoying the excercise. i wasnt sure about the calorie counting but generally having around 1300 - 1500 per day so assumed that by the end of the month when i step on the scales i would have lost weight. i was really upset when i found i have lost absolutely nothing and even measured myself and lost an inch around my bust but everything else is the same!! Not sure what im doing wrong, im eating healthily or so i think and do have some treats but within my calorie budget. Has anyone else had a similar experience??


  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I just started exercising (Insanity) about 3 weeks ago & I've just lost 2 lbs so far, when I was hoping to lose 2lbs/ week. But I can tell my body is changing for the better so I want to keep moving in that direction. I just have to try & be more patient - which isn't a virtue of mine.
  • Nexus100
    Nexus100 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys

    Firstly, exercise builds muscle generally. So if you are exercising hard (I have seen insanity on the TV and it's very high intensity) you will build and element of muscle.

    Secondly small consistent steps make for a constantly progressing journey. It is better to loose little often psychologically. Of course you want to get there fast but if you loose a little each week you are progressing. If you lost a lot and then for several weeks remained the same...those weeks will shatter your moral.

    Thirdly, building muscle (heavier than fat) is a good thing, more muscle (don't worry you won't get muscle bound) requires more energy so just being a slightly more muscular you will burn more calories.....get you long term faster results!

    Keep going, keep going. Consistency is the's a life style not a quick fix....the results will come.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    fisrt of all - i started excercising in December again after a tough 2012, i have an old back injury that has caused havoc with my life

    However all of December I lost 0 - January I lost 6kg, what changed you might ask - me is the answer. I took a long hard look at myself and realised I was not completely true to me, I'm not saying that this is the case with you so please dont think that, add me as a friend and you will see the change in my routine for January as well.

    What changes have I made, well in my case the following fundamentals are in place and seem to be working

    1 I drink 2-3 litres of water per day
    2 I excercise at the gym 6 days a week 1 or 2 hour workouts
    3 I have radically reduced my red meat intake
    4 I eat fresh fruit salad when i am hungry rather than a sandwich ( which i usually omitted from my diary)
    5 I have dropped my tea and coffee consumption, i used to drink 8-10 teas and 3-4 coffees a day, I bought a really good espresso machine and enjoy 3 or 4 caffeine drinks a day - tea and coffee. This was probably the hardest thing to do.
    6 I measured myself as well as weighed myself and the measurements dropped in 2 weeks i lost 5cm off my waist alone, so while i may not be dropping the kgs as fast as i want I know i am toning up and getting stronger.

    Its a faith and self belief point of view, if you talk to the big losers on here they all seem to have made radical steps to a new person, including changing their outlook
    Stick at it, I am I am just starting to get it and see some light down that dark tunnel, I couldn't and wouldn't have got here without some of the great people on this forum, If you are reading this thanks guys.

    look forward to reading of your successes.

  • tillybeth72
    tillybeth72 Posts: 12 Member
    thanks for your reply guys, it helps seeing how other people deal with this situation :)