Any other females on this journey with PCOS?



  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS last week, and started on metformin a few days ago. I'd love to have more friends in the same shoes, feel free to friend me. I had a helluva time last trying to lose even 2 pounds, it was very frustrating. Now, at least, I know there's a reason why. My doctor said the metformin would help balance hormones, hopefully making it easier to lose weight.
  • colemelanie
    colemelanie Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 15 months or so ago, but have likely had it for YEARS. I’ve experienced the random abdominal pains with no possible thing that causes it. I have fluctuated in weight from 145 to 205. I have hair growth on my chin and neck. I have had issues with cystic acne over the years as well. I ended up switching doctors from a general primary care to a more naturalistic/holistic doctor who is concerned with my overall health, not just prescribing medicines that have not worked. I have been on spironactolone with no success. Since the beginning of 2013, I have fluctuated 16 pounds! It makes me feel horrible, but I know I am trying to eat healthy (no more than 2100 cal/daily when I hit the gym for 60-120min) I have hovered around 203lbs for the past week or so. I started at 205 on 1 Jan 13. My desired weight is between 150-160lbs; I am 5'7".

    I am waiting to go back to my dr's after my last blood draw to see if she really wanted to put me on Metformin. My mom was on it and she had the worst side effects. I am not really sure I want to go on it. I did go to a fertility dr for awhile to see what was the main cause of missed period (7-9 months at a time ; only a week with a cycle in between). I had it more regularly when I dropped weight to below 180, but it was so heavy it made me pass out regularly. Not sure why on that one either; possibly anemic during my cycle. I’ve been diagnosed with various things over the years – abdominal migraines (I laughed), bursting cysts, etc. Not fun at all.

    There is another member on here (who I can't find now) that supplements with vitamins. I wish I would have "friended" her or saved it. I did manage to write the supplements down. What I am trying is as follows:

    Nature Made Multivitamin for Her with D3 - 1/capsule daily
    GNC Herbal Plus Cinnamon plus chromium - 2/capsules a day
    GNC Herbal Plus Chasteberry (Vitex) 500mg - 1/capsule a day
    GNC Herbal Plus Milk Thistle 200mg - 1/capsule a day
    GNC Brand Evening Primrose Oil 500 - 2/capsules a day
    CareOne Time Released B12 2000mcg - 1 tablet daily
    Spring Valley Fish, Flaxseed, Borage Oil, Omega 3-6-9 - 2 capsules daily
    Spring Valley Probiotic Acidophilus 1 billion active cultures - 1 pill daily (may be too much for some... they have smaller amounts)

    Origin Echinacea 400mg - 1-2 capsules a day during this nasty flu season
    Nature Made D3 2000IU - 1 tablet a day (only because I have extremely low levels from working night shift in a windowless building)

    This vitamin regime started on 3 FEB 13 as I just completed my research to justify getting the supplements. I prefer buying vitamins that are vegetable/more organic but I’m also using what I have at home as well. When those previously bought are gone, I’m switching all to that line.

    I am also working to cut dairy, soy, gluten, whey, and egg out of my diet. Cheese gets me the most since it is a food I absolutely love. I am also looking into recipes that would help with being insulin resistant, such as paleo, low sodium, diabetic friendly. I have to find a balance for myself so i do not get discouraged.

    Since I just started working out again, I’ve starting using an organic brown rice protein since it is whey, egg, dairy, gluten free. The others I was on seemed to make me gain more weight. I mix it with a banana, strawberries, and organic rice milk – not a bad taste honestly.

    For me, its been one day at a time. It has to be otherwise I feel so depressed I overeat and then fully regret it. Sorry for the ramble, but I was excited to share my findings!

    Feel free to friend me!
  • I was diagnosed September 2011. All these years I thought it was my "fault" that I couldn't lose weight quickly. I'd work out everyday, and see only ".2 or .3" of a pound lost. It was frustrating, but now I know why it's so hard to lose weight. However, since joining myfitnesspal I'm much more motivated, I've taken up swimming and I have the app on my phone to track my food.
    Hoping to lose in the month of February up to 5 pounds.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • Amlynnskie
    Amlynnskie Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! Wow, I think some of you might be my twins lol. I have hypothyroidism, arthritis of the spine, and my Dr. suspects probably pcos...
  • littlemisschunky
    littlemisschunky Posts: 14 Member
    Me !!! First diagnosed with PCOS at 17 twenty years ago. Have struggled with my weight my whole life. Best thing I find is vitamin b6 and reduction in carbs. I allow myself one meal a day with bread or potato. I usually have cereal for breakfast with fruit, a protein sandwich at lunch with more fruit and a salad with fish or chicken at night. If I have a week where I eat a lot of bread, pasta and potato I gain weight even if I am exercising. Good luck :)