Breakfast Ideas Anyone

I need some ideas for breakfast...i love eggs! Do ya'll have any ideas for breakfast?


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I like hard boiled eggs.
  • emmygrems
    emmygrems Posts: 35 Member
    fruit salad? Or maybe some boiled eggs and a piece of toast! Banana sandwiches are good aswell :3
  • ajadumas
    ajadumas Posts: 85 Member
    I like to scramble some egg whites (some times I throw in some low sodium turkey), when they're almost done, I sprinkle on 2 spoons of salsa, and low fat cheese. Then I roll it up in a flour torilla. It's filling and delicious!

    During the week when I don't have time for such luxuries I eat apples & cinnamon oatmeal. I can almost fool myself into thinking it's warm apple crisp lol

    Smart ones have some pretty good breakfast items. And I've heard the new Special K sandwiches are pretty good.
  • vkmcewen
    vkmcewen Posts: 47 Member
    Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and a little dry oatmeal of some sort. My current favorite one to add is Back to Nature Apple & Blueberries. It's under 300cal total.
  • mariepar
    mariepar Posts: 13 Member
    I scramble two eggs w one egg white, a splash of milk, a generous tsp of green salsa and a sprinkling of shredded low fat cheese - eat with a cup of blueberries or a sliced banana

    If you want a high protein w/o the eggs - this one I take to work - 1/2 c plain greek yogurt/1/4c low fat ricotta/1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder/berries - mix and enjoy - if you want, add some walnuts or low fat granola to the mix - so good!
  • jenmsu83
    jenmsu83 Posts: 185 Member
    Egg muffins!

    They are amazing! And you can switch up the ingredients. I usually do ham, mushrooms and green peppers.

    A different I am making french toast for breakfast. 2 slices of bread dipped in an egg, an egg white, lowfat milk, and cinnamon. I will top it with sugar free syrup and strawberries.

    I also do oatmeal a lot and I have a TON of different ones I rotate between. Here are a few of them:

    -chocolate chip peanut butter oats (chocolate chips, PB, sweetener of choice, sometimes cocoa powder)
    -apple cinnamon oats (diced apple + raisins + cinnamon + sweetener of choice)
    -honey-pb-banana oats (pretty self explanatory, lol)
    -pumpkin pie oats (canned pure pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, brown sugar)
    -blueberry peach oats (fresh or frozen blueberries and peaches, sweetener of choice)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My favorite egg breakfast is breakfast burritos! A bit of bacon or sausage with scrambled eggs and shredded cheese, wrapped in a tortilla with some salsa!

    Scrambled is just about the only way I'll eat eggs.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    My go-to has been 2 slices of bread with 2 tbsp of light peanut butter.
    I love eggs, oatmeal mixed with a tbsp of peanut butter, turkey bacon and toast

    You could also make a smoothie with some weigh, fruit and yogurt?
  • mbambau1
    2 eggs scrambled, with sundried tomatoes, artichokes, make awarp out of it. Top it with feta cheese.
  • starrisonmclennon
    starrisonmclennon Posts: 64 Member
    i just eat grapes, low calorie, sweet..
  • Izabera
    2 poached every morning, never get bored :smile:
  • ohtobe140
    I cook one serving of frozen hash browns (70 cal) 1 scrambled egg with 3 egg whites (~80 cal), add the eggs once the hash browns are done. Then once everything is done, I turn the fire off and lay two slices of Velveeta cheese (90) over the top and let it melt. Once it melts, I eat the whole thing with a piece of fruit. Usually a grapefruit or other citrus. Filling, delicious and gets the brain cells firing.
  • pevansk47
    pevansk47 Posts: 20 Member
    Special K Red Berries with an orange or apple

    Vegetable omelette with fresh fruit
  • slingshotsparro
    slingshotsparro Posts: 34 Member
    Soft poached (runny as hell) over english muffin with a side of grilled tomatoes. DE-LISH
  • rachelchun18
    Thanks everyone for the ideas. All i ever do is either scramble or just fry the egg.
  • pinky_pinkster
    pinky_pinkster Posts: 56 Member
    When i'm really trying to eat healthy, for breakfast I have 2 boiled eggs and 2 large grilled tomato's :smile: Yummy!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    porridge with some fruit
    a smoothie made from yoghurt, fruit and oats.
    (greek) yoghurt with fruit and muesli
    green smoothie
    (crisp) bread with scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, veggies, chicken, cheese or ... with some fruit
    healthy pancakes or waffles with a dollop of greek yoghurt (instead of cream) and berries
    japanese breakfast (google it)
    a breakfast wrap with houmous and veggies or with a veggie omelet and some cheese
    an omelet with whatever veggies you have in your fridge
    soft boiled egg with sticks of toasted whole wheat bread (to dunk in the egg) and a piece of fruit
    leftovers from dinner the night before.
  • 6Petite
    6Petite Posts: 41 Member
    Cooking Light just posted a link to recipe for Banana Cinnamon Waffles on FB. Ooooohh they look good!
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    veggie omelete! or build your own sandwich with a fried egg (turkey sausage or turkey bacon on a thomas bagel thin)
  • 6Petite
    6Petite Posts: 41 Member
    Yesterday I had a frozen hash brown patty with an egg on top and a tablespoon of reduced fat sour cream. Really enjoyed it!