Here I Am!

Just wanted to say "Hi!" :smile:

I'm new here, but I've been dieting and doing lots of exercise for the past 4 weeks in an effort to slim down for my upcoming wedding and beach honeymoon.

I know it's silly to weigh myself every day and that I shouldn't get wrapped up in the numbers on the scale; muscle weighs more than fat; measure by inches lost, etc. - and those are things I would be telling myself if I were someone else - but I can't help but feel a bit low when I look at the scale and it hasn't moved (or it's moved up)! It doesn't seem to matter how many times I hear those things - I still feel it. I guess the up side to this is that when it goes down even slightly, I feel accomplished! I'm sure I can't be the only one. But no matter what, I'm in this for the long haul. Even if I don't meet my goal before my wedding, it's one that I plan to meet anyway because I want to be healthier (and hotter!) :wink:.

I'm looking forward to exploring this site and, hopefully, getting to know some of you. Thanks for reading! :flowerforyou:


  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Welcome to MFP and well wishes to you on your weight loss journey :)

    Actually I weigh myself daily. You'll hear pros and cons to both sides, but it helps keep me in check with my progress and set backs so I can better assess my daily food intake. Sometimes I weigh in a few times a day. I don't feel obsessed about, but I quite enjoy seeing what my body is doing weight wise :)

    Congratuations on your upcoming wedding and honeymoon. What an exciting time in your life! Be patient with yourself, you're already doing such a wonderful job!

    It's a great site with so many wonderful people all sharing the same journey - to some degree. :flowerforyou:
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    Well, welcome and congrats on the 9 pound loss as well as your engagement. I know if you keep up with your dieting and exercise you will meet your goal. Weighing in everyday can be a bit much because your days may reflect your mood and thoughs on your efforts to lose weight. I would weigh in once a week the same time (morning) and place, each week. I weigh in twice a week Friday morning (to keep me in line for the weekend) then Monday morning (my actual day for weighing in).

    Either way you're doing great, keep it going and again, congrats!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    To loose twenty pounds by July 18, means you would have to loose 2 pounds per week........however the closer you get to your goal worth the less likely it may loose 1 pound per week, which is good none the less...and even better if you are loosing inches

    How much calories are you taking in per day? Ensure its atleast 1200...some people need to take in more than 1200 to loose weight, so you may need to up yours if its too low

    What type of excerice are you doing and how frequent?

    Are you drinking lots of water?

    There are alot of factors to consider.....however just stick to you said you want to be in it even after your wedding

    I know what its like to be a certain weight for your I deffiantely understand......

    Congrats on your 9lb lost so far
  • tlcclt
    tlcclt Posts: 4
    Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement!

    I'm trying to do everything by the book, and hoping it turns out the way I want it to, by the date I've set. But if it doesn't, I'll still rock my wedding dress happily. One major thing I need to change: after looking at my calorie intake, I think you're right, miqisha. I'm probably going to have to start eating more. I hadn't really thought about the fact that eating less (a LOT less) might actually make it more difficult to lose weight, but it makes sense.

    I'm doing cardio 5x/week and strength training 3x/week. I just met with my trainer yesterday, who gave me a new routine. It seems challenging, and I'm always up for a challenge :smile: People are telling me that I look thinner, which is very nice to hear.

    The water consumption is right on target. Around 8 glasses a day.

    Thanks for the welcome and for the pointers! I am around for anyone who needs support. It's great to have found this community where we are not alone. :happy: