GRRRRRRR help...

After nearly 7 weeks I am loosing motivation- I started so strong and now the scale is creeping upwards (3lbs) and I'm starting to shrink back to old habits of no breakfast etc. At first I was sure that it was just water gain from sodium and general retention due to being TOM but now I'm starting to get upset.

I REALLY don't want to go back to the one-meal a day bad habit, but I'm so close to doing that- please someone give me a good reality check so that I can make it through this week WITH food and know that I will start loosing again soon :)


  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Well, a reality check is if you don't eat enough calories within a day your metabolism is going to slow down...not what you want to happen! And I'm sure you've heard the old saying "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" well, it is!!! Think about it, while you were sleeping your body had no nutrition or hydration. When you wake up it is exactly what you need!
    Try to get back on track with your eating! You'll feel better!!
  • jdsouthernbelle
    You definitely want to eat your calories and boost your metabolism! Don't skip breakfast. Try a granola bar and fruit in the morning if nothing else.
  • MomBo
    MomBo Posts: 24 Member
    Keep this in was explained to me at one time...fat cells don't ever leave...the little buggers...they just shrink....before they do that they fill with water...hence a weight gain when you least expect it. One of the reasons drinking water is good...a flushing mechanize You may plateau for a week or so, but stay with of these days you will get on the scale and drop 4 pounds...just hang in isn't easy and motivation is hard to keep up but it is so worth it! It would be so nice if taking off weight would be a pure mathematical calculation of calories plus and minus but bodies are different. MFP has a program that is healthy and well thought out.. falling off the wagon is not unheard of...getting back on is what is important...good luck.