


  • rdcphone572
    rdcphone572 Posts: 75 Member
    Holidays are tough for most of us so don't worry. I just loss the pounds from the holidays through January and now am down to two less than November weight. Focus on the calories (and carbs if you are like me). I didn't focus on exercise until I got 10 pounds off and started feeling better, less tired. Now, I just get up from my desk and go walking around the parking lot for 15 minutes. Sometimes I can only get one or two 10 minutes due to travel or meetings. Sometimes I get home and just do two quick trips up and down the stairs. Having a family and a demanding tech job can make you not work it in but grab the minutes wherever you can. Focus on your calories in first, then some walking, and it will work out. Working it in your normal life as you go will probably make it more sustainable. Good luck and blessings on your journey to a healthier you!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Focus on your diet instead. How many calories are you eating?
    This. Weight loss is about diet.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    This can mostly be done by eating right. There's time I've exercised a lot, but I've also done this through out a liver resection (3 months bed rest + lots of recovery), fybromyalgia flare ups and generally had bad luck with my immune system being down since liver surgery.

    I've had good times where iv exercised a lit, and lost well but my biggest success comes when I've got the food spot on! Keep the carbs moderate and get plenty of protein, water and fiber and the weight will come off...

    Exercise may speed it up a little, it will help with cravings and you'll feel better psychologically and more focused. This can be done without doing loads though.

    Park The car further away, take the stairs, short walks when you can. Get the family to help clean on a Saturday morning, so you can all do something active in the weekend. Last year I plated basket ball, went for bike rides and lots of walks with my family. They lived it and it did us all good!

    Get up 15 mins earlier. Hard at first, but energises you doing a work out in the morning and makes you feel happier all day. 15 mibs isn't too taxing. Give it a go! When all else fails just be strict with your numbers... They'll carry you through.

    I currently recovering from pneumonia but I know sticking to my carb limit ill keep things moving!

    Zara x
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    You need to make time for the things that are important to you.

    Get your husband/boyfriend and children to help out with the house work and I know this might not happen depending on your circumstances and children's ages.

    You can always find ways to get in some exercise even while watching the children. Play with them. Do some dumbell exercises and body weight exercises while watching them. Find 10 minute periods of time to go for walks. Take your children for walks with you.

    And you certainly have time on your two days off.

    I can come up with a lot of reasons not to eat right and exercise...
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Cleaning can be a good workout. Do it with vigor! Also, put more steps into your day anyway that you can. Park far from the entrance of wherever you are going. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Etc.

    You can do it!
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    Do you leave time to watch tv? If you do try exercising while you do so. I have a stationary bike in my living room and this is what I did, and if I want to know what happens next I have to keep going.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    I get up early before work and do one of the walking at home dvds. I do this in my bedroom on my laptop, so no one else in the house is disturbed by it. I also spend one of my breaks at work just walking up and down the stairs in my building. If the weather's nice, sometimes I'll just get up from my desk and go out and walk around the building a couple of times.
  • araes2102
    araes2102 Posts: 18 Member
    1. I have never taken 2 days to clean my house. 2 hours, yes. 2 days? No.
    2. 90% of losing weight is eating the right things and portion control- 2 things you can practice while working full time.
    3. When you have the food part down, try adding quick exercises to your daily routine. Acquire an accountabilibuddy to keep you honest.
    4. No more excuses. If you are awake enough to complain that you're too tired to do 10 crunches, then you're awake enough to do those crunches. If you work a full time job and have kids, then you have a reason to play catch with them after work. If your excuses start with the words "If only..." then you need to make it a reality. "If only I had a gym membership" can turn into "I don't need a gym membership; my yard and house are a gym." "If only I could afford Slim fast" turns into "Who needs Slim fast when you have real food?"
    I hope this helps.

  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Hi there I am 33 years old I have been struggling to lose my weight and Christmas didn't help. Now it's the new year I am working fulltime I have only 2 days off but i still have no time to exercise I am cleaning my house. Any suggestions

    Okay after you cleaned your place....Come and clean mine!
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    This is a great video, watch it and see if you can't maybe find 10 minutes here and there to take a walk or do a little bit extra.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    Although fitness is great and activity is great you can lose weight without excercise. That being said try to make time, studies show it does not need to be all at once at a long stretch, 10 minutes 3xday is 30 min a day, your body does not care. I try to look at it if I dont move, I wont have a life. Good luck start small..
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    This is a great video, watch it and see if you can't maybe find 10 minutes here and there to take a walk or do a little bit extra.

    This was great!
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump....I have the same issue! :-)
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    1. I have never taken 2 days to clean my house. 2 hours, yes. 2 days? No.
    2. 90% of losing weight is eating the right things and portion control- 2 things you can practice while working full time.
    3. When you have the food part down, try adding quick exercises to your daily routine. Acquire an accountabilibuddy to keep you honest.
    4. No more excuses. If you are awake enough to complain that you're too tired to do 10 crunches, then you're awake enough to do those crunches. If you work a full time job and have kids, then you have a reason to play catch with them after work. If your excuses start with the words "If only..." then you need to make it a reality. "If only I had a gym membership" can turn into "I don't need a gym membership; my yard and house are a gym." "If only I could afford Slim fast" turns into "Who needs Slim fast when you have real food?"
    I hope this helps.

  • tanya1981andrews
    I go to the YWCA on my lunch hour...not really how I want to spend my lunch hour...but with a 3.5 year old at home, it's the only free time I have :( You will find the time, just need to get back into the swing of things :)