Advice for evening over-eating

Hi everyone, I need some advice on evening-time overeating. I have this pattern of eating well/fairly well during the day, but come evening time it is much harder for me to control what I eat. Has anyone had this same issue and what have you found helps? I'm not looking to never eat at night...just to be in control and not negate an entire day of eating well and getting activity. All motivation seems to go out the window at approximately 8 pm :(


  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Hmmm, good question. Think about *why* you're eating in the evening. If you're genuinely hungry, find less calorie-dense foods to eat to fill you up. If you're bored, find something else to do. If it's because you're used to eating in front of the TV, go read a book instead, or take up knitting to keep your hands occupied.

    If you're like me, it's because at gaming night *everyone* is eating constantly and you get greedy. I find bringing healthier snacks works - popcorn has a huge volume for low cals if it's air-popped.
  • swweetpea
    I sometimes get daunted by the large expanse of time between finishing dinner and going to bed where I'm not meant to eat. I've recognised that it's boredom eating and not real hunger. Some things that have helped me:

    -having dinner a bit later
    -saving a few calories from my allowance for some sliced fruit later in the evening
    -going for an after-dinner stroll
    -doing something thought-consuming, not just watching TV
    -washing the dishes and mentally 'closing down' the kitchen straight after dinner

    Good luck! i hope you find something that works for you to keep the night snacking down :)
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi. I have this problem too so I'm going to watch this post with interest! I'm just starting out on 5:3 diet which means I have clear days where I do a vlcd for 2 days. I hoping this will help stablise my binge eating. I think the best advice is go to bed to honest!
  • enorth77
    This is my hard time as well and i have tried so many things, not all with success. one thing i did find is if i eat something sweet it seems to have a snowball effect and all i want is more. popcorn, eaten 1 kernal at a time is a good one , or string cheese , or even
    a few crackers with low fat cream cheese seem to work better at stopping the munchies for me. i also play an engrossing game on the computer or read to keep my mind off a friend or do a little exercise , dance or knit...hypnotize yourself lol. just don't give up!
  • shellbellnz
    shellbellnz Posts: 115 Member
    Perhaps plan ahead some better choices of food if you really need to eat after dinner. I used to be like that but avoid eating after dinner as much as possible. I usually have a weight watchers hot chocolate as my treat. And if I am hungry I will have a yoghurt or a piece of fruit. Often when I get the urge to eat its because I am relaxed and feeling bored so I find something else to do, ie read a book or find something on tv to watch.
  • ixplodestuf
    I've stopped spending so much time in the living room at night since it's so close to the kitchen. Now I go to my bedroom after dinner and chew LOTS of gum, drink water, and browse the Success Stories boards here on MFP. I factor in calories for a late snack so if I do get hungry I may have some yogurt or an english muffin with lemon curd. So far I haven't triggered a binge :)
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    I'm bad for this too. To really get out of the habit I remind myself of the hard work I am undoing but normally need action like doing all the food prep for the next day, washing up and putting away straight after dinner which means I don't have to go in the kitchen later and that can take my mind off it. If the temptation is really bad going for a walk or having a bath puts me out of the way of food for while. I drink lots of herbal tea too. If I have to have something then sliced tomato with balsamic vinegar or pickld onions have lots of flavour but few calories. If I am being disciplined I make myself put food on a plate and sit down to eat to prevent gorging at the open fridge.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    If you prefer night eating then why not just change your routine so that you can consume more of your calories at night? There is no scientific reason why you need to eat at certain times of the day, you don't have to have breakfast and you certainly don't need to stop eating by 8pm. Those are just bro-science myths that make life harder for people who naturally favour a different routine.
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    Don't know if this will help but complete your daily entries with your dinner(supper) meal. If you get a craving maybe get a glass of water. I used to be an after work snacker and it took a lot of will power to give that up. I just put it out of my mind and think how much better I am looking and feeling without that "extra meal". :smile: