Why is it bad to eat 1200cal?



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  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Dont listen to that BS, 1200 is just fine..counting calories works, its simple..1200 + exercise you will lose weight fast!

    It's really bothering me, I have been to where you are in that picture but can't remember if its Positano, Italy or the island of Capri?? Going to hunt through my Europe pictures now. Off topic and nothing to do with 1200 calories. Sorry OP.
  • lloga320
    lloga320 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't think it's necessarily bad... however, you need to listen to your body. I can do 1200 cal/d for several days but then have moments where I binge. I've increased my goal to 1600 and eat between 1300-1600 and haven't had those binge moments nearly as often! If you feel like you have enough energy, why not?
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Some can do fine on it, some can't. Basically it comes down to not giving your body enough fuel for it's basic functions as well as much of a workout routine. It depends largely upon fat reserves as well.

    For example, I've seen some pretty hardcore cases of people being put on strict 300-600 calorie diets. However, these were the extreme, and were done under nearly constant medical supervision.

    Give it a try, and if you feel like ****, up the calories. It's that simple.

    Yes. Don't forget that it is 1200 calories net, though. If you burn some through good exercise, add those to the 1200 ( MFP will do it for you). People call that "eating back your exercise calories."
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I actually think the low calorie limit can be really motivating in a good way, because it's so low that it forces you to learn how to eat more efficiently. Then, after you've learned how/what to eat, you can bump it up if you want to.

    Trying to eat just 1200 calories, I learned to eat lots of veggies and protein (esp eggs!), and MUCH less jun and carbs - to stay full, a good long-term thing to understand.

    I think the 1200 cal limit is bad in certain cases - like if you're eating mostly 1200 cals of carbs/junk, starving and grounchy/obsessing as a result, or getting headaches, like I did when I first started eating 1200 cals of the stuff I regularly ate (pasta, etc). But I found that when I changed my diet, it was actually doable, even feels good. Especially when I work out and eat those calories back, it's enough to keep me full and happy.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    But if one can lose the same amount at a higher kcal why would one want to eat the lower amount? Just a thought, of course.

  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Results vary. Live with your plan for awhile, see how you feel and what results you get.

    I did 1200 calories for 5 weeks without much exercise, and lost/regained 2-3 pounds from week to week.

    I recently upped my calories a little (to 1320, I think) and am trying to get more exercise into my life. I don't know if my results will be any better. I'm willing to hang in there and work with it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I started here over 2 years ago with similar stats to yours. 5'5 and 160 pounds. And like you probably did, I decided I wanted this weight gone as soon as possible, and selected the 2 pounds a week option.

    What I found over the course of the first month was that I didn't have enough excess body fat to safely lose 2 pounds a week. And the only time I did lose 2 pounds in a week was when I had a stomach flu with explosive diarrhea. For the amount of weight I had to lose, one pound a week was the right choice.

    I also ate back most or all of my exercise calories, and reached my goal weight in six months. It wasn't until after I'd lost the weight that I started looking into all this BMR and TDEE stuff, and now, it makes perfect sense.

    MFP assumes you'll exercise to add more calories, and gives a lower goal than another site would. The exercise you say your'e going to do doesn't have any affect on your calorie goal until you do it and log it.

    If I tell MFP I want to lose one pound a week, I would get about 1350 calories. Exercising, I typically burn between 200-600 calories. Let's round it to 400. That brings me to a total of 1750 calories a day.

    If I use another site to calculate my TDEE, I find that it's about 2300 calories. That includes my exercise. To lose one pound a week, I'd take 500 calories off that amount, and end up with 1800 calories. Pretty close to the MFP suggestion of 1750 after exercise calories are added.

    BUT... with my TDEE being 2300 calories, and I only ate the 1350 MFP suggests, that means my calorie deficit is 950 calories a day, not the 500 required to lose a pound a week. In theory, that means I should lose 2 pounds a week, but in reality, the math just doesn't work that way. When I have too large of a deficit, my body reacts like a car stuck in the snow... no matter how much I gun the engine, it doesn't go anywhere.

    Now, I've been maintaining my weight easily for over a year and a half, and eat around that 2300 calories a day. I'm happy, strong, healthy and have plenty of room in my "diet" for all kinds of delicious foods.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Because your body is not getting what it needs... Im guessing you should eat at least 1800... You have to calculate you TDEE and something else i cant remember.... But with how many calories you need to maintain you should not eat more than 300 calories less then whatever it is... If that makes sense to you?? lol
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I am 5'4 and 160lb, hoping to lose 30. I was planning on eating 1200cal and exercising 300-400. Well after reading some threads on MFP, i learned tha some people say this slows our metabolism. So my question is, how many cals should i eat? and why do you need to eat back your exercise cals? doesn't that defeat the purpose of exercisin to create a calorie deficit?

    This will explain the exercise calories.


    As for the 1200, this is the minimum recommended by health professionals for adequate nutrition, so many people think it's ok for them to just do it without any research into their own daily requirements.

    If your daily calorie burn is 2400, why would you eat 1200, when you could lose at 2000, or 1800, or 1600.....
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    it's not bad to eat 1200 calories. it's bad to eat less then your BMR.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    Dont listen to that BS, 1200 is just fine..counting calories works, its simple..1200 + exercise you will lose weight fast!

    But if one can lose the same amount at a higher kcal why would one want to eat the lower amount? Just a thought, of course.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Okay... am going to make this even simplier for you lol...because all anyone is doing is bickering back and forth.

    Do what will work for you.

    I am following the TDEE method. Others have found that the 1200 calorie method works. And then there are some who happen to remain sane eating less than that. How? I have no idea, I will probably have better luck getting the answer to how many licks there are to the center of a tootsie pop.

    There is a reason why there are so many responses though, it is because not everyone responds to every diet or life syle. While one way might work for one, the same way might not work for you.

    Come up with a plan, stick to that plan. After a month if you arent' liking it then switch it up to something different. But in the end, do what works for you.
  • trammelgal
    My physical therapist told me to eat 6 small healthy meals a day. Instead of 3 big ones.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My physical therapist told me to eat 6 small healthy meals a day. Instead of 3 big ones.

    ^^ what is that going to do?

    If you eat under your BMR your going to lose weight but end up with loose skin and be skinny fat.
    Really my explanation is no worse than the other bs being thrown around here.
  • mrsricta
    it's not bad to eat 1200 calories. it's bad to eat less then your BMR.

  • mrsricta
    Based on the info you gave... 5'4", 160 lbs at 20 years old your BMR is 1557.8. That is an estimate of how many calories your body burns every day just surviving (if all you did was lay in bed all day).

    Harris Benedict Formula
    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    If you are sedentary, multiply your BMR by 1.2, This is the total number of calories you need in order to maintain your current weight.

    By figuring this out you can then decide how many calories (say 500) or percentage of calories (say 20%) you want to deduct in order to lose weight. It's not that 1200 is BAD it's that most people need to eat more than that.
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    :happy: I am eating 1200 a day and find I am actually quite full. I eat three healthy meals a day, exercise a few times a week just eating lower calorie food choices, a lot more chicken, fish and veggies. No more white bread, chocolate bars or potato chips. They have been changed to carrot sticks, yogurt and apple slices.

    I just thought 1200 was a minimum healthy number of calories to lose weight. If you're feeling energetic and satisfied with 1200 then stick with it. .
  • kbsd456
    kbsd456 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow ok, so far i have learned allot. If i would have stuck to my plan, i would have ended up "neting" 800cal which is way below my bmr, well atleast i know i don't have to starve myself to lose weight! Thank you guys for all your good information!
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Not if your my size im 4ft 10in so perfect for me. Im overwieght so Im looking to lose my baby wieght from to daughters 19 months apart need to lose 30 more to get to a good bmi for me.Ive lost 11 so far feeling great too.